~Help Me!~
Wells, today, I got to play with darkwolfgirl's kitty plushie. Wells, it's cursed. Here's how some of the stories go.
Me: Travis and the Cat!
darkwolfgirl: Like Beauty and the Beast?
Me: Yep! Let's be Beauty and the Beast together! Guess who you are.
(darkwolfgirl hits me.)
There was a Veteran's Day program at school. We had one from the Army, one from the Navy, and one from the Marines. (All of them were wearing uniforms, except Marines.) After the program, the principal left the speaker on. It kept going zap. Yesterday, the zap was really someone cutting grass with a fan. o_O How'd they do that? You know the A/C fan? That. Wells, one person said, "Someone turned on a chain saw and is killing the principal!" He's always silly. The kitty's cursed! CURSED! CURSED! CURSED! (I did that to darkwolfgirl today.) Let's see, Trangie took darkwolfgirl's kitty and stepped on it. Then she used it as a rollerblade. On a wooden, scratched floor. It broke both of the eyes. Poor darkwolfgirl... In Ceramics, Izumi_Yumi, darkwolfgirl, and I were drawing "stuff." I'll scan it once I'm home. Let's see, in Math, we ate heroin again. Then, we got hot. And we jumped around like...Well...Idiots. New York Girl, who was sitting near us, told the other people, "spongebob568, Trangie, GSamurai, and MiasmaMoon were smoking imaginary dope." It was because we looked high and laughed a lot. Then GSamurai and I got a divorce. You wouldn't understand. Wells, I scanned a picture I drew yesterday, (AT MIDNIGHT!!!) but I fell asleep on the computer. Wells, today's Tet/Xin Nan Dao (Chinese New Year.) practice. Trangie wants to buy me a dress. She wants me to get married to this guy. It's gay. It's part of the GSamurai divorce. She wants to get me a blue dress with flowers. She said, "OMG!" (Giggles.) She also said, "But it won't look right on you." And, "I hate you! Why are you talking about us?" Later, "I will talk no more." (She saw that I was typing everything.) She came back. She's saying my wedding ceremony is at five. (She giggled.) Ok, this is tiresome. Wells, I'm going to finish my picture. Have to shade it. Bye!
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
~The Great Heroin Dinner!~
(Trangie, GSamurai, and spongebob568 are at a dinner table. spongebob568 is our dog, and GSamurai is the father.)
GSamurai: Yum...This is good.
(Dog stares.)
Me: Yeah, this is good.
Trangie: Did you feed the dog yet?
(Dog dies.)
GSamurai: Oh, I didn't have any dog food left, so I fed it heroin.
Trangie: Oh, ok.
(Family continues eating.)
GSamurai: What's in it?
Me: Heroin.
GSamurai: Oh, ok.
(Dog coems back alive, only with a stupid face.)
Trangie: Ahh! It's alive!
(Dog drops dead.)
Me: We need to get rid of the dog. Let's go.
(Everyone gets into the family car, while GSamurai luggs Dog's body.)
(I drive to the supermarket.)
Me: We can drop it down here.
(Trangie stashes Dog's body in the meat aisle.)
Monster: Ooh! Dog! I haven't eaten Dog in a long time! (Takes Dog and heads out.)
Note: Yeah, this is true. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it's true. The monster is really a man.
~Ni Hao!~
Wells, nothing happened. There was a fight today. And New York Girl thought I was doing molesting a plush cat. She's dirty... They were darkwolfgirl's plushies. And the top thing happened today. And Dog is behind me using the computer. Wells, it's dark in here. I only have the computer light to see the monitor. Wells, I'm going to Cartoon Network!
~Eat More Heroin!~
Fact Of The Day: Did you know water can never be wasted? It is recyclable. The water you're using could be from a dinosaur that drank it millions of years ago! Also, when we drink water, we never waste it either! You drink it, you urinate it, it goes into the sewer, it gets purified, and it turns back into drinking water. Or it gets dumped somewhere. Remember, next time, if you drink water, it might've come from someone's urinate! (I'm just sickening you, eh? But it's true!)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
~Ni Hao!~
Yesterday, I pigged out. French fries, buffalo wings, chicken wings, and RICE! LOTS AND LOTS OF RICE! Hehe ^^;; I'm such a piggy. Wells, nothing much happened today. During math, Trangie and I were singing "F.U.N." from "Spongebob Squarepants." Plankton-style. I started to understand what we were learning in math.
~Here's a Uranium Bomb...Err...Problem!~
Let's see. I'm trying to think. I attacked darkwolfgirl in the hall today. Then she attacked me back. Life Of Detention (That's Kiah. And Life Of Detention is a MyOtaku account.) called Trangie a man. o_O Trangie is a little, adorable girl in seventh grade that looks like a first grader She's in her four foot something. Sigh...Wells, I have nothing to do. Let's talk.
~Here's a Quizzie!~
1. (Only For Peoples 13+.) If you could become younger at any age, what age would it be? And why?
2. Only For Peoples 13 and Under.) If you could become older at any age, what age would it be? And why?
3. This is a picture of a friend. Would you want him/her to be your friend?
4. Would you want to see a picture of me someday?
Fact Of The Day: Did you know that bubble gum has the same type of rubber that you would find on car tires? You know the taste when you run out of flavor in the gum? That's the taste of car tire rubber! Remember, next time, when you chew gum, it might be from an old car's tire!
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Monday, November 8, 2004
~No Party?~
~Wan An!~
Wells, there was no party. So I went to Tet practice. They were playing "Spin the Bottle." When the teacher was coming in, some guys shoved two girls (One of them was Izumi_Yumi's older sister.) into the janitor's closet. It was not until five minutes I opened the door. No! They did not kiss! I got home early today. Usually, I get home around eight, and right now, it's almost six. I was supposed to meet my friend Ann at the library, but I forgot. It's too late. Oh yeah! Go to PandaMoon's site. It's cool! Read the post "Weird Show Last Night." It's funny, but retarded. And so many pages of quizzes! Wells, I'm going to enjoy a plate of french fries.
~Wan An!~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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~The Life Of A Busy Boy!~
~Ni Hao!~
I know, I know. I didn't talk about my life yesterday. I didn't do much. I just went to TTNT and ate baking utensils. Yes, baking utensils. My brother is evil! I just found out that my brother looks at porn. Actually, he's been looking at it since fourth or fifth grade, but I just found out. He's a sicko. Also, he's anti-social. He never wants to leave the house. It's always video games for him. That's why he and I go to different schools. He's so embarrasing!!! You know the sound of a chimpanzee screeching? That's his laugh. And he runs around naked! And he's fat! And he stalks me! And girls! And girls don't like him! He's has a high-pitched voice! Once, he had a plan to put a hidden camera in darkwolfgirl's house! Good thing he doesn't know where she lives. Remember that, darkwolfgirl? There's a party after school and I'm going to attend. There's not much happening now. I broke up with darkwolfgirl, but she took it well. Wells, I got to finish my work. I'll be home around nine, so I won't update anymore!
~So Busy!~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
~A Panda's Memoirs...~
Hello. Many people out there know me as Taropanda. When I was young, I was an adventurer. Now, I just live on someone's dashboard.

I went everywhere! I loved to travel and I went to Beijing!

After that, I went to Shanghai, but it was night time. There were so many pretty lights!

After that, I had a craving for escargot.

Hey! I can see my house from here! Hi Mom! Those people thought I was a god and stared at me for hours. They also gave me fruit, but they were spoiled.
In my travels, I went with my wife. Ain't she a beaut?

Oh, what's that? Someone's cooking her? No, she's just tanning. But she does sure smell good! (Takes bite out of pig.)
Wells, I am about to die a horrible death. There's going to be a car accident.

Ow, my poor little head. What happened to me? I smell and taste good! Ahh!

What? Thanksgiving Dinner? Where? No! Don't eat me! Ahh!
We've known Taropanda for the last ten seconds, but let's remember his last words. Oh well! Funeral's over! Thanksgiving dinner time! Where's the turkey?
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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~No No Inuyasha?~
~Jou Sun!~
~This Is A Contest! "Jou Sun," "Ni Hao," and "Wan An." Do you know what they mean?
Many people are putting their pictures up. I'm afraid. I don't want to know what you look like! Secrecy! And a stalker might want to get you! Wells, last night, they did not show Inuyasha! Hate! But, they showed Full Metal Alchemist. I guess they moved back to Monday-Thursday. And Teen Titans was so funny! When Silkie had to choose if he wanted to be with Killer Moth (Boo.) or with Starfire, (Yay!) this is what happened. Or something like it.
Starfire: Come here, Silkie!
Killer Moth: Uhh...Come to Papa, M319.
Starfire: I have some more Zorka Berries!
Killer Moth: Who's the guy who created you? Yes I did, yes I did! (I guess he was trying to do baby talk, but it didn't come out right.)
Silkie: (Looks around, hesitating.)
Starfire: Come here!
Killer Moth: Come to Papa!
Silkie: (Explodes.)
Silly, eh? Want to know what happened next?
(Killer Moth flew away because he thought Silkie had died.)
Starfire: Silkie? Silkie? (Starts digging around the rotting flesh.)
(Silkie squirms.)
Starfire: Silkie! You are unharmed!
Beast Boy: He didn't explode, he was just molting.
Raven: Is that supposed to make it any better?
Starfire: (Holds Silkie up to Robin.)
Robin: Alright, alright, we'll keep him. Just don't feed him alien food.
Starfire: But I do not know any other food for Silkie.
Silkie: (Eats rotting flesh.)
Starfire: (Joins in.) This tastes just like Zorka Berries! (Eats all the flesh of the dead moth.)
Raven: Gross.
Yeah, yeah. You think I'm going to bore you for the next few hours about movie reviews. Yes I am! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! (Drops dead.)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
~The Feeling Of Autumn!~

Miroku: (To Himself.) Hmm...I wonder if she likes me.
Sango: (To Herself.) Hmm...I wonder if he likes me.
Kirara: (To Herself.) Hello? Hello? Echo! My name is Kirara!
Shippo: (To Himself.) I wonder if Miroku's staff is good to eat...
Moral: (I haven't done this in a long time. ^^) When a girl and a boy like each other, a fox gets hungry and a cat/fox demon turns stupid.
~Wan An!~
"~The Feeling Of Autumn!~" Yes, I know that autumn is ending. But, over here, it's starting. Our winter doesn't start until between January-February. And my new background. It's supposed to match the feeling. And the song is "Color of the Wind" from "Pocahontas." I chose it because it had the feeling of autumn in it. I didn't really do anything today. We had company sleep over at our house. I was on the computer for an hour or so, and all I did was play Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi Show! It's fun! That's really all I did today. Oh yeah, and I walked my dog. Somehow, I was talking to my dog. It felt like I was talking to myself. Oh yeah! Sorry, guys. I haven't been on your sites. School's been hectic! Wells, more sleepy time for me!
~Wan An!~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Friday, November 5, 2004
~More People...Good Or Bad?~
I know, I know, I put up too many posts. I started MyOtaku in August and now, it's the beginning of November. During August, there were only three people that used MyOtaku in my school. Here are the names:
Ok, not a lot, right? But look at how many people joined MyOtaku in about three months.
That's a lot more, eh? There are a lot more, but if I try to remember more, my brain would explode. Wells, I just wanted to say that. Why? I don't know. Wells, have fun making these people your friends. Talk to BlueKitsune. She needs help...I mean, friends. MUAHAHAHAH!!!
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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