Note: Sorry. I haven't been putting up "Story Time" for you. So now, I'm putting up five stories. These stories are true, no matter how hard to believe.
~The Druken Teacher!~
(One day, Girl went to the mall. While there, she saw a teacher at her school.)
Girl: Mrs. Blah! What are you doing here?! Are you drunk?!
Mrs. Blah: No! What makes you think that?
Girl: Well, don't you live at the school?
Mrs. Blah: Of course not! Yeah, like I was drunk, walked 45 miles drunkly to the mall. (It's based on a true story. And no, our mall is not that far away. It's another mall in a different city when this happened.)
The Deadline
(One day, there was a Writer that had a deadline for one month to write one story.)
(On the last day, he started a few minutes before it was due.)
Writer: Hmm...How should I start this? Once upon a time...
Deadliner: It's the deadline!
Writer: The End.
Drink Fluids!
Me: Hey, Friend.
Friend: Hi. Does my eye look red?
Me: Yeah. (Gasps.) You have red eye!
Friend: I do?
Me: Yeah, go drink some fluids!
(Friend grabs a bottle of mercury and tries to drink it.)
Me: No! I mean water!
Friend: Oh. (Takes water and mixes it with mercury and drinks it. Friend dies.)
Note: The "dying" thing didn't really happen, but the almost drinking mercury did. ^^
I Am Dope!
Note: Yes this is true.
(One day, I found a Smartie (The chalky candy.) and pounded it until it looked like dope.)
Me: Hey you guys, dope.
(Started sniffing it.)
Other: o_O
(Then licked it.)
Other: o_O
Me: Yum! That was so sugary!
Other 1: We've lost him! Are you ok? How many fingers am I holding up?
Me: Ooh, fingers.
Other 2: We've lost him! Noo! Wahh!
Monkey Girl!
Girl 1: Hey, I look like a monkey in this picture.
Girl 2: Monkey girl!
Girl 1: I am not a monkey!
Me: Lemme see.
Me: You do look like a monkey.
Girl 1: Wahh!
(Later in the class.)
Me: How do you do Number 8?
Girl 1: I am not a monkey!
Girl 2: This is the answer.
Girl 1: I am not a monkey.
Teacher: Girl 1,...
Girl 1: I AM NOT A MONEKY!!!
Note: Obsessing, eh?
~Hiya, Peoples!~
Hope you liked my "Story Times." You probably didn't read all of it. Or this. I know. So much to read. Wells, all my stories explained what happened today. Except that "Drunken Teacher" thing. That was yesterday. Also, there's an epidemic doing on. Pinkeye. My friends already got exposed to it. I'm afraid! The only victim left! Me and BabYxGurLxTranG were the only people in class! (BTW, "Girl 1," and "Friend" in the "Story Time" was BabYxGurLxTranG. She's so adorable! Anyways, there's a new fad in my school. Wear your shirt inside out. I think it looks weird. I don't like to follow fads. I just wear what I think is good. Or if today's boring, I wear something weird.
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
~Did You See The Eclipse Yesterday?~
Wells, yesterday was a lunar eclipse. But not just any lunar eclipse. The moon went through all its stages in four hours!
~Here's the List.~ (BTW, they are all P.M.)
7:00 - Full Moon
8:00 - Waning Gibbous
9:00 - Third Quarter
10:00 - Lunar Eclipse (Red Color)
~I hope you got to see this, because you won't see this for another two years! Or was it four...~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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~Tet Practice!~
Wells, I just came home from Tet practice. It's 6 P.M. right now.It's Chinese Happy New Year practice. The program. Wells, all we got to do today was the pairing of couples. Let's see, during Math, I did stupid things. And I started my manga story! I'm plotting it. I still haven't finished drawing the picture yet. Sorry. Wells, I have to get off.
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
~I'm Hiding In the Toilet, Don't Tell Anyone...~
Yay! I've gone back to "Story Time!" I'll only do "Contest" if I can't think of a story that day.
(Mom, Dad, and Child are at a dinner table. They have chicken for dinner.)
(Suddenly, the chicken comes to life.)
Child: Mom, the chicken came to life.
Mom: That's nice, honey.
Chicken: Wow! Nice place you got here! Can I have what you're eating?
Child: o_O
Where I come from, there's only four food groups: Chocolate, Chocolate Ice Cream, Chocolate Bars, and SYRUP. LOTS AND LOTS OF SYRUP!
Child: o_O
(Child tears leg off chicken.)
Chicken: Ahh! What do you think you're doing?!
(Chicken slaps Child.)
Child: Mom! The chicken's alive!
Mom: Now Child, stop playing with your food and eat it!
Child: u_u Yes, Mom.
Chicken: Where I come from, we are frozen. After a million years, we are unfrozen. It's like being chronically froz...(Dad eats wing of Chicken.) Ahh! You cannibal!
(Mom takes wing and two thighs of Chicken.)
Chicken: AHH!
(Child cuts off breast.)
(Chicken jumps out window.)
(Mom looks at place where Chicken last was.)
Mom: You have a big appetite. I am a lady. I don't eat like that. (Scarfs down wing, left thigh, and right thigh.)
Lesson of the Day: Chickens evolved from T-Rexes. Amazing, eh?
~'Ello, Tolieteers!~ (Tolieteers? @_@;;)
Wells, not much going. After I finish drawing my picture, I'll put it on Fan Art. I promise to do this. Unless my scanner messes up. During English, some girl said, "What's my last name?" The class looked at her weirdly. But she meant it! And guess what?! The last lunar eclipse will be today around 8 to 9 P.M.! This will be the last lunar eclipse you will see in the next 4 years! Don't miss out! And, I've gone crazy today. I was watching a sink pour out water and thought it was fun. o_O I've gone delusional. darkwolfgirl said, "That's sad..." Wells, I'm going to finish my picture. Laters!
~What's a toliet?~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
~I Have Found The Flower!~
I found the flower! And it only took about an hour! I didn't know what it was, so I asked my mom. I picked the flower off the tree and showed it to her. (At night. o_O) She said this in Vietnamese, "Hoa Khe." (hooa kay) When I looked in a Vietnamese to English dictionary, it said "Carambola Flower." I went to a search engine to look it up, and I found it! But they only showed me the "fruit." The shape is the same, but it's a pink flower. At least I tried. From now on, I'm calling it "Carambola Flower." Or "Hoa Khe." (That's easier to remember.)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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~The Beauty Of It All...~
~Ni Hao, Mei Yue...~
Wells, we had a pep rally today. BabYxGurLxTranG and I went to the other side of the gym. We kept saying, "EVIL!" and "MUAHAHAHA!" No one caught us. Then, I got my braces tightened. Now I got black and silver! After I got home, I went for a bicycle ride. I stopped for a while to take a break. Do you know the beauty of a full moon shining on a river/lake halfway sunset from night with ----- flowers (I don't know what they're called.) surrounding you? They look like cherry blossom trees from far away. So beautiful... You may not believe this is Texas, but many people confuse where I live with Old Western movies. Our climate is like that of Florida. We have swamps, beaches, and forests. Wells, I don't have a story. I'm still doing it sometimes. While I think of some stories, here's a contest.
~Here's the Contest!~
1. What's the most beautiful/peaceful place you've ever been to? And why?
2. What's your favorite flower?
~My Answers To My Questions!~
1. Wells, what I just described. Yeah, I guess. A river/lake with a full moon and ----- flower trees.
2. I guess the ----- flowers. Not only are they pretty, they are also fun to pop!
I don't know what they're called, though. I looked at balloon flower pictures, but it looks nothing like it. Hmm...Maybe I found a new species! You never know!
~Jai Jian!~ (Just in case, I'll look up plant sites.)
Ok, this is a "Modify Post." I found my flower. Yeah, I think it's a balloon flower. It will pop if you squeeze it. Except it grows on a LARGE fern tree. And its petals are all closed. And it's triangular. And it's pinkish-red. If anyone has an idea of what I'm typing, can you tell me what kind of flower this is? And send a picture, if you can. (I feel so obssessed about finding this plant species. At least I have something to do. ^^;;)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Monday, October 25, 2004
~Homecoming Parade!~
~Ni Hao!~
Wells, I didn't get home till seven. I was at the Homecoming Parade. The dance was Friday. (Shouldn't they be on the same day or something?) Wells, I was part of it. It was fun. (Note To Self: Wear comfortable shoes when walking three miles.) But, it was fun. And, I got to meet Izumi_Kashi's older sister. When I hugged her, all the football players pushed me. (They like her. They think she's hot, cute, etc. ^^ FYI, I thought that too.) They were behind us in the parade. I got home late, and I just got a new CD player! Yay! Today's my brother's birthday, and he wanted to buy me something...with my mom's money... T_T He's so greedy. He has like, $20,...a lot of money. And he doesn't uses it. When he wants to buy something, he asks my parents. Never uses money. Why? Nope, he's not saving up for college, that's for sure. Wells, my feet are the sizes of watermelons from walking. I'm going to take a shower.
~Byes!~ (And what's wrong with hugging a girl?)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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o_O... Wells, Math was weird... The teacher was talking about "X." And stripping the "X" until something "numbers." And something about "frame." Quoting Math teacher: "Strip the "X" of all the numbers until you only see its "frame!" This is Math! Perverts! And, sweetiepie saw me kissing my backpack. ^^;; I was chewing on it! Wells, that's really all that happening. And now you know "o_O"
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
~Read Or Die!~ (No, Not Killing, the Anime.)
~Ni Hao, Kang Si!~
Last night, around Inuyasha time, there was a cool show or movie called "Read or Die." Most people expecting Inuyasha got this instead. I thought the show was cool. Paper is such a cute name! And her power is cute! The power to control paper! I know, it sounds like a weird power, but she makes it look cool. She reminds me of someone at my school. Smart, bookish-type, quiet. You know who I'm talking 'bout guys. I cried at the end of the movie. (-_-;;) My friends call me oversentimental. They also call me crazy, but that's not the point. The only part I didn't understand was why they wanted the book. Something about Beethoven's last letter to his beloved. This is one of those movies you have to type REALLY, REALLY close attention to find out the WHOLE story. Anyways, if you didn't understand the story, I'll explain. Yes, I pay close attention to everything, even movies.
The People Who Tried To Take the Book
Understood: These people are clones from people in the past. They took DNA from a lab to make them. Except made them evil.
Not Understood: What was that machine heart for?
Who Paper Looks Like In My School
Understood: sad_reflectionz looks like Paper!
Not Understood: sad_reflectionz is more...strict...than bookish.
Real Names
Paper - Yamiko
Miss Deep - Nancy
When Nancy and Paper Went To India, Where Was The Librarian?
He was burnt to death. Didn't you see his corpse? But, both of them didn't see that.
Why Nancy Was In an "Hospital" (I don't know the word for it.)
During the float up, the high atmospheric pressure made her lose all her memory.
Why Paper Said She Read Saiyuki When She Was Four (I'm repeating what I explained to RenTao. ^^;;)
Saiyuki is a book written in the 7th century. Maybe it was 17th. It originally had no bad parts, but the manga creator, took Saiyuki, and made it his own. So, the manga you read is the new Saiyuki. Why I know this, I don't know.
I would name some more, but I'm tired...and forgetful. ^^;;
Here's another contest:
1. If you watched it, what did you think of the movie, "Read or Die?" Rate it from a scale from 1 to 10. If so, why did you rate it that way?
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
~So Bored...~

Nuriko: Wah! I want my mommy!
Miaka: Achoo!
Nuriko: Are you my mommy? (Miaka sneezes.)
Miaka: Why do you think that?
Nuriko: When someone sneezes, that means I'm talking about them.
Miaka: So?
Nuriko: When I said "Mommy," (Miaka sneezes.) you sneeze.
Miaka: (Sniffs.) Get to the point!
Nuriko: Mommy! (Hugs Miaka, and Miaka sneezes.)
Miaka: o_O;
Moral: People, I have no idea what the moral is. I'll think...Umm...Don't ever call your friend "Mommy." Or "Daddy."
Nuriko: "Daddy!" (Hugs Tamahome, and Tamahome sneezes.)
Tamahome: o_O;
Note: In Eikoden, Miaka and Tamahome have a child. After their child was born, they named him Nuriko. As he was growing up, he came "gay." Like a clone of Nuriko. (I made this up. ^^;;)
~Bored!~ (Weird way to start a post, but, oh well.)
Homework has been piling up on me. There's a Alamo project due next Monday, the 25th, and I haven't even started. I'm sorry, darkwolfgirl, that I didn't go to the Homecoming Dance with you or anything. (We are not boyfriend/girlfriend! ::Glares::) Wells, I just got the Inuyasha soundtrack. Toki O Koeru Omoi is so beautiful! Let's see, there's a school-painting program at our school. Whoever comes to the school at 8 in the morning to 11 and helps paint the school, they can bring their grades up. You see, our old colors were blue and white, but in 2003, it changed to red and black. Actually, every school in our city is red and black. And we all have the same mascots. So if we're playing against a school in our city, who are they cheering for? Yep, we have to paint the whole school. Also, the school's on a budget, so they save money by making kids do their work. That's what I think. The next thing you know, they'll kick us out of school and make us work in coal mines.
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