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Houston, Texas
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I saw the light, and I walked into it.
Anime Fan Since
December 21, 2001 (Yes, I remember the exact date!)
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yugi, Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fruits Basket, and Ayashi No Ceres
To actually get my manga published...
I draw manga...
I can speak Vietnamese fluently. I can also speak Mandarin and Cantonese... I'm just not fluent enough with those...
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Friday, October 22, 2004
~Homecoming Dance!~
~Ni Hao, Dancers!~
Wells, today's the Homecoming Dance. Unfortunatly, I'm probably not going. darkwolfgirl and prideof_thelions are going, but not me... I'm going to stay home and lick stamps. (Why, I have no idea.) Nothing special happened today, so there's not much. Not even a story. But I'll put up a contest, just for fun. During math, our teacher gave us checkers pieces. Some guy started playing "Tiddlywinks" with them. I haven't played with those since Third Grade. Good times, good times...
~Here's the Contest!~
1. What was your favorite childhood game? (Video games do not count.) And why did you like it?
Have fun with this! I'll just go lick some stamps.
~Jai Jian!~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Twin Day Was...Interesting...

~Agains, Ni Hao.~
Wells, I forgot to talk about Twin Day. Let's see, it wasn't really all that much fun. What good is having a twin if you're never near her?
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Homecoming Ballots!
(Famous Person wrote a letter to one of her fans.)
Dear Fan Girl,
Thank you for the delicious treat. I love it! Thank you! Thank you for being a dedicated fan!
Famous Person
(BTW, the letter, I do not know what was written in it. I guessed. ^^;;)
(Later, the girl got the letter.)
Fan Girl: (All giddy.) It's from Famous Person!!!
Dad: Who is Famous Person? Is this one of your boyfriends?
Fan Girl: No! It's a good manga creator!
Dad: And Yuu's a guy!
Fan Girl" (Angrily.) DAD!!!
Dad: That's it! You're grounded!
Fan Girl: Wahh! (Runs to room crying.)
(Dad sends letter to Famous Person.)
Dear Famous Person,
Get away from my daughter! I know my daughter likes you and your anime, but she won't be seeing you for a long, long time.
Fan Girl's Dad
(This is made up too.)
(Later, Famous Person recieves the letter.)
Famous Person: Huh?
Moral: Be careful when talking with famous people, parents.
~Ni Hao, Voters!~
In the morning, one girl tried to hook up the bus driver and her aunt. Hehe ^^ Well, last period, Math, we voted for our homecomers. There was only 3 boys. Hehe. We had to vote for all of them. This was merely a pre-elimination rounds. I didn't like the canidates. One was dorky, one was a jock, and one was a guy that promised all of us free candy. I calculated the math. If he gave us free candy for one whole year, it would cost him about $22,500,000. It depends on everone on the school population. A lot of money, eh? And he's not even rich!
~Jai Jian, Voters!~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
One of My Worst Days Ever!

Fast-Food Restaurant Takeout: $5
Chicken Wings: $3
Watching Your Fourteen-Year Old Brother Running Away In Fear While Your Mother Force-Feeds Him Fruit: Priceless.
~Wo Shi Ma?~ (No, Really.)
Wells, in the morning, our bus hit a curve, broke the brake wire, spun out of control, and got stuck on a street for a while. About 45 minutes. Uhh...Yeah. You're thinking. How'd this happen? Well, our bus driver was a little sloppy today. He hit every curve that he saw. Oh yeah, the accelerator broke too. While passing some nuclear power plants, I saw that they're trying to grow trees near power plants and refineries. Do you think this will work? Put your "Comment" in the "Comments" page. Sure, it will work. T_T Our English teacher snapped. Again. She said she only became a teacher so she can talk to people. She craves attention. ^^;; She gave us a lecture for 80 minutes. (English class is 90 mintues at our school. Also, math. Block schedules. I learned this in English.
Contraction= We would
Sounds like= Weed
Sentence: We'd help you.
Sounds like= Weed help you.
The sentence I used in class. I should watch what I say.
Wells, this is one of my worst days ever. Ever hear of a bus crashing? Now, you have.
~Bye, Bye,.~ (Takes Gun and Shoots Himself.)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Eh...Pep Rally...
Note: The story I am about to tell you is based on what happened today. Actually, all the stories I tell you are based on what happened today.

(Boy and Girl on Makeout Cliff.)
Boy: There's something I've always wanted to do to you.
Girl: (In a excited, suprised voice.) Yes?
(Boy takes out gun and shoots Girl in the eye.)
Girl: Ahh!
Boy: Haha!!!
Girl: Ahh!
Boy: Haha!!!
Girl: Ahh!
Boy: Haha!!!
(And this goes on for five hours.)
Girl: Why did you shoot me?
Boy: I thought it would be fun! There was no harm!
Girl: No harm?! I just lost an eye!
(Girl takes gun from Boy and shoots Boy's eye.)
Boy: Ahh!
Girl: Haha!!!
Boy: Ahh!
Girl: Haha!!!
(Ok, I'm not going through this again. Five hours later...)
Boy: Let me see that gun.
Girl: Ok!
(Boy shoots Girl with gun.)
Girl: Ahh!
Boy: Haha!!!
Girl: Ahh!
Boy: Haha!!!
(Nothing good on, so I'm going to keep doing this.)
(Before Girl dies, she takes gun from Boy and shoots him.)
(Girl and Boy jump off a cliff unto some sharp rocks with a pool in the middle with piranha-infested waters.)
Boy: Ahh!
Girl: Whee!!!
Boy: Ahh!
Girl: Whee!!! (Girl is crazy, ok? She wants to die.)
(This goes on for ten days and then, they die.)
~Ni Hao, Quan Miao!~
Wells, pep rally today. I scared a trombone player. ^^ I acted like a "squid" today during 1st Period, Ceramics. Then, I jumped out the window. You don't believe me? Ask Izumi_Kashi and darkwolfgirl! They'll say "Yes!" Let's see, they're still tearing down schools. The mayor has gone crazy and think education is stupid. In this past month, five schools have been demolished. Wow. In Math, the teacher was sniffing a Sharpie. (Permanent-ink pen.) Ehh? ^^;; We tricked some innocent guy and said that "dope" was "candy." After we told him that, he went to the store and asked for some "dope." (He doesn't know what "dope" means, or "grope.") We also told him that "grope" is "rabbit food." o_O;; He's an idiot. Well, that's all.
~Feed me!~ (Yeah, I'm hungry.)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Wahh! It's So Beautiful!

It seemed that the longer we knew each other,
The more we drifted apart.
I knew, always in my heart, that I loved you.
But, I never had the courage to say.
In the moon-glazed night,
Watching the moon fall,
I think about your happiness,
All that I've cared about.
Pondering in the rain,
Knowing I loved you.
I wish I could share my feelings to you,
But, that time has not come yet.
In the meantime,
I keep watching over you,
Like a blooming flower,
My love for you will soon appear.
~Ni Hao, Ren! ::Cries In The Background::~
Inuyasha last night was so beautiful! Sango and Miroku love each other! The funny part was at the end, but I cried when the part during the night with the full moon. Miroku said, "I wish only for your happiness." And Wolf's Rain! The whole series ended. It was so beautiful too! Anyways, I grow Lunar Flowers around my house. They've been in our house for nine years. Don't think, just because it was the ending for Wolf's Rain, I drove almost 100 miles just to get one. (Besides that, I can't drive. ^^;;) My family's been growing them before I was born. Hmm... Maybe I am destined to lead the wolves to Paradise! Wells, there's a poem at the top of this post. I hope you love it. It's based on the episode of last night's Inuyasha. Wahh! ::Continues Crying In The Background::
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Life is...Enjoyable/Evil!!!

Narrator: Once, there was an orphan that died, while shoplifting, got ran over 20 police cars over and over. He died and landed in Hell.)
Devil: Welcome to Hell!
Orphan: Am I dead?
Devil: Naw, you're in school and got a field trip to Hell. Of course your dead!
Orphan: Really? I'm not on Earth anymore?
Devil: Yeah, kid. Get over it.
(Orphan grabs Devil and starts to kiss him.)
Orphan: Oh, thank you! Thank you!
Devil: Uhh...Sure?
Orphan: Hold still for one moment.
(Orphan grabs knife and kills Devil.)
Devil: Why?! Why?! I am your father!
Orphan: No! Father!
(Devil dies.)
Orphan: I'm hungry.
(Eats Devil.)
Moral: Don't ask me. Wait...Uhh...Don't eat your father. But, you can eat your mother. Wait. It's too late. You ate your father. Yeah, go ahead. Go eat your mother. After that, become a orphan. Yep, it's the whole story all over again.
~Blah, Blah, Blah!~ (I can't think of any Chinese words to put up...)
Well peoples, I wouldn't say I had "fun" today. Let's see, in the morning, I got up. darkwolfgirl and prideof thelions were at a "Lockin" today. Go to their site and they'll tell you about it. I spent all day drawing anime. I'll send one in. Hopefully... Then, evening...I spent all of it washing my parents' van. I was going to ride my bicycle, but they yelled at me to go wash the van. I'm glad darkwolfgirl and prideof thelions are out today. I need some time away from them.
~Blah, Blah, Blah!~
In anything you do,you always try to make an impact,and the bigger,the better! You deserve to be a MAGE.The mage can unleash a deadly arsenal of magical attacks upon unwary enemies.A powerful mage spell can easily make a short work of an opponent in an instant.
Ragnarok Online Quiz of Destiny(for males) brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah, I'm a mage! I know Fire Bolt, Ice Bolt, Lightning Bolt, and Napalm Beat! And some Magic Revival. (Everybody stares at MiasmaMoon as if he were a freak.) o_O;; You guys have no idea what I'm talking about, eh?
If you want to, go check it out at
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Friday, October 15, 2004
~I'm Sorry, Dark Sepiroth...~

"Sigh, there's nothing better than the feeling of eating a crayon out of a new, fresh box. Yum. The waxy taste, the vivid colors. It makes me hungry just thinking about it."
~Ni Hao...~
I feel so sorry that dark sepiroth left MyOtaku because of me. I was grumpy that day. I feel sorry that she's depressed... Even if it's not me, I feel so guilty...
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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~The Word Game!~

(Shugo, Zefie, and Mierelle take a break from their long journey.)
Zefie: Let's play a game!
Shugo: Uhh... Sure.
Mierelle: I'll sit this one out.
Zefie: It's a "Word Game." You have to use the last syllable of a word as the first syllable of your word. Ex: Zefie: SixTEEN
Shugo: TEENage.
Shugo: Sure.
Zefie: Catfight!
Shugo: Fighter!
Zefie: Uranium!
Shugo: Umbrella!
Mierelle: Laces and Sequins!
Zefie and Shugo? o_O Huh?
Shugo: Let this one pass.
Zefie: Twenty-six!
Shugo: SEX, uhh... sixteen!
Zefie and Mierelle: o_O
Moral: Girls, never play word games with perverted boys. They like saying perverted things. MUAHAHAHAHA!
~Hi, Peoples!~
Well, during 3rd Period, English, my teacher asked the class for a "S" word. I raised my hand and said, "Six." The whole class laughed because they thought I said "Sex." They are so perverted... darkwolfgirl is in a "Lockin" right now. Remember that time I was talking about my camp? It's the same thing. You sleep in the church and have fun. Stuff like that.
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
~Viet Speak Contest!~

DDR Bunny: Taste my furry fury!
Opponent: Freak you!
DDR Bunny: What stage?
Opponent: Traffic and Police!
DDR Bunny: No! When the Saints Go Marching By!
Opponent: Hmm... New stage. When the Police Go Breaking Into the Girls' Room.
DDR Bunny: Sounds dirty...
Opponent: Just play it.
(Song is a combination of "Traffic and Police" and "When the Saints Go Marching In.")
Referree: Opponent wins!
DDR Bunny: Good game.
Opponent: Yeah.
(DDR Bunny takes off "skin."
Opponent: You're a girl!
Girl: Yeah.
(Girl farts.)
Opponent: (Sniffs) Nice perfume you got on.
Girl: o_O
Moral: Never go out with guys like this. I mean it.
~Chi Mat Dit!~
Former Trangilicious and I had a contest. For two periods, 90 minutes, we had to speak all Vietnamese. I had some trouble, though. When I wanted to say, "We only have three minutes left." I actually said, "We only have three "HOURS" left. LOL. We tried talking to the teacher and some of our friends, but all we got was, "What are you saying?" Let's see, yes, we replaced my friend with an apple "AGAIN". Except I used my jacket and crossed its arms. Again, Trangilicious and I did the "Viet Speak Contest." During our game, "New York Girl" offered us a wafer. The funny part is that we couldn't say "Yes," so we made an "Ugh..." sound. Like a caveman grunt. Hihi ^^ Funny. What do you think of the story, "DDR Bunny"?
~Jai Jian!~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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