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Houston, Texas
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I saw the light, and I walked into it.
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December 21, 2001 (Yes, I remember the exact date!)
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Fushigi Yugi, Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fruits Basket, and Ayashi No Ceres
To actually get my manga published...
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I can speak Vietnamese fluently. I can also speak Mandarin and Cantonese... I'm just not fluent enough with those...
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Monday, September 27, 2004
Look At All The Different Types of Moon Cakes!
~Wan An, Ren!~
I wanted to show you some pictures of Moon Cakes! Here ya go!
This one is a lotus seed Moon Cake. My family usually eats this kind.

This is a lotus paste Moon Cake. It's has lotus filling in it.
This is a Rainbow Moon Cake. Pretty, eh?

There's more! But, I couldn't find anymore! Look at them! Imagine eating one of them! Yum! Sorry, the pictures are too big! Ok, bye!
~Zhai Jian!~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Moon Cakes For All!
I just went to the store to pick up some moon cakes. Sigh... $18 a box... Oh well... And some sushi. Yum! I also bought some haggis. Haha I'm joking. Well, the REAL Moon Festival is suppossed to be tomorrow, but they couldn't put it on a school night. How caring. ^^ Well, here's some more words.
Vietnamese Words of the Day
Moon Festival: Tet Chung Thu (tet chung too)
Moon Cake: Banh Chung Thu (bun chung too)
Candy: Keo (keu)
Lantern: Long Den (long den)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Yawn... I'm So Tired...
~Ni Hao, Ren...~
Dong bian you shan,
Shi bian you he.
Jian bian you che.
Ho bian you zhe.
Jiu jing shi na shang you shan.
Hai shi shang you he.
Jiu jing ni shi kua lao che.
Zho di shi na tao zhe.
Sorry for all those Mandarin words. Yep yep... *yawns* Well, I started falling asleep in Math. I'm going to sleep during Tech. The evil Ms. Olayshegivesustoomuchwork gave us too much homework. Well, bye peoples. *yawns, then falls asleep*
~Zhai Jian, Wo Ton...~
Mandarin Word of the Day: Dumpling: Wo Ton (woe ton)
Vietnamese Word for the Day: Ghost: Ma (mah)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
A-Dick-Ted Bother...
Yes, I did the "Subject" weirdly on purpose. Man, he is so addicted to the Internet! On Thursday, he took six hours just to get off the computer. No, my computer's not broken, he's just addicted! And he's bothersome. He is so stupid! I'm sorry for ranting like this, but I need to let all the anger out! Ya guys know darkwolfgirl, right? She's a MyOtaku user. Look her up. He was being so perverted to her yesterday. Don't worry, Wolfie, I'll slap him... ^^ He crys when you ask him to spell a word. Today, we were learing Viet Ngu, (Vietnamese language) and my mom asked him to spell "dog" in Viet. He started crying and throwing a fit. Right now, he's knocking on the door to use the computer. Now, he's trying to break down the door. How barbaric. He weighs, like 200 pounds. He's in eighth grade. Wow. He can't spell "volcano." I hate being his brother. I'm usually referred to as "The Fat Boy's Brother," "Big Balloon's Brother," and yadda, yadda... That's why I started MyOtaku. I needed a little special place where my retarded brother couldn't find. He found out and made a MyOtaku account. Now, he's invading my privacy. If this was a world where I couldn't get into trouble for killing him, I'd kill him, chop him into a million pieces, blend him in a giant blender, and then... feed this "Drink A La Retardo Brother" to a pack of junkyard dogs. That's how much I hate him...
Mandarin Phrase of the Day: I Hate You, Older Brother: Wo Hun Ni, Ge Ge. (woe hun nee, ghe ghe)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
After the Moon Festival...
Yay! The moon festival was fun! Too bad the full moon wasn't out. It's due on Tuesday. My brother and sister didn't come! They're so embarrasing. Well, the lanterns was fun. Remember that $100 for the best lantern? Well, there were 3 fish, a boat, a ordinary one and a lotus. I liked the lotus. I think the koi/carp won. My older brother's Vietnamese teacher, wore a dress and pretended to be a girl during a play. It was so funny! Then when he/she (^^) jumped up into the air, his/her boxers shown. Then, a boy, right next to me, said, "I'm going to have nightmares today." Then during another play, a girl tried to say the Vietnamese alphabet. She said, "A, B, C CIGARETTE." I was laughing out loud. You may not get it. I'll explain it. (In the Vietnamese alphabet, "y" is pronounced "ikaret." (eek a ret) But she said "cigarette." I won $6 too! But, BabYxGurLxTranG won $30. I envy her. After that, we got candy. When I got home, my brother and sister took all my candy! Well, that's all. I got to go get a dissecting scapel to take all the candy out of my fat siblings' stomachs. Believe me, I've never done this before. ^^ (A stabbing sound echoes throughout the tri-city area...)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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For darkwolfgirl
Yeah, yeah, I put up too many posts in one day. Who cares? Well, this is for darkwolfgirl. I think she might like these words.
More Mandarin Words of the Day
Wolf: Lang (lahng)
Howl: Hu Hao (hoo how)
Fang: Feng Ku (fung koo)
Moon: Yue (ywe)
More Vietnamese Words of the Day
Wolf: Sop (sup) Note: Like you pronounce "Wassup?"
Howl: Tru Len (thru len)
Fang: Rang Nanh (reng nan)
Moon: Mat Trang (mut trahng) Note: Literally means "face of the sky."
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Whoopee! Tearing Down Schools!
I just heard the greatest news! They're tearing down some of the schools in our city! Yay! Yay! Yay! *Four hours later...* Yay! Yay! Yeah, you get the point... But it's true! They're tearing down schools! If they don't destroy ALL the schools, maybe Hurricane Ivan can "boomerang" to our city and JUST hit the schools, not the city. But that would be impossible... Sigh... why not our school? In our city, there's only one high school left. They combined the other high schools into one. Is that even possible?
More Vietnamese Words of the Day
(I don't know why, but I like doing this. ^^ I'm teaching people. Somehow.)
Study/Learn: Hoc (hock)
Office/Classroom: Hop (hup)
Pencil: But Chi/Viet Chi (boot chee) (vit chi) Note: Northern Vietnamese say "But Chi." Southern Vietnamese say "Viet Chi."
Eraser: Gum (gum) Note: I'm not sure.
Language: Tieng (tEng)
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Ooh... I'm a Silent Dreamer... True, True...
 You are a Gentle Dreamer...
Your a deep and kind person, and sometimes very quiet. Your ideas never cese to amaze the many people who seem to flock towards you, or perhaps it's the way you present your cool and calm demenor. But never the less, be careful. Being too calm could lead to many false ideas.
What kind of Dreamer are you? brought to you by Quizilla
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Yippie! Moon Festival!
~Jou Sun, Ren!~
Haha, my greeting rhymed! Well, today's the Moon Festival, or in Vietnamese, "Tet Chung Thu"! I wonder if they'll sell moon cakes... I promised I'd bring my friends some. ^^ Well, I couldn't find a lantern in short time's notice. I think I still have my Pikachu lantern from three years ago. XP No way that I'm bringing it. I'm not into it anymore. Well, I'll just go for fun.
Mandarin Words For the Day
Moon: Yue (ywe) Note: If you noticed, that's the same name for Yue, in Cardcaptor Sakura! ^^
Sun: Ri (err) Not pronounced "ree", if that's what you're thinking.
Vietnamese Words For the Day:
Fun: Vui (vooy)
Play: Choi (chuhE) That word is kinda hard to pronounce... It's a one syllable word, OK?
Beautiful: Dep (deb) It sorta sounds like "debt", I guess... without the "t" sound.
Remember, ask me if you want to know words in Mandarin or Vietnamese! I'll be a human dictionary!
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Attack Of the prideof thelions!
Well, after school, prideof thelions attacked me. I accidentally kicked dust into her face. Then she tried to kill me. Girls like her scare me. First, they seem nice, then they go all crazy over you. At least "Korean Girl" tried to stop her...
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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