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Houston, Texas
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I saw the light, and I walked into it.
Anime Fan Since
December 21, 2001 (Yes, I remember the exact date!)
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yugi, Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fruits Basket, and Ayashi No Ceres
To actually get my manga published...
I draw manga...
I can speak Vietnamese fluently. I can also speak Mandarin and Cantonese... I'm just not fluent enough with those...
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
Hi! Back From TNTT!
Hi, I'm back from TNTT. And for your information, it's not Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I've been getting that a lot lately. It stands for Thieu Nhi Thanh The. It's like a Sunday school. Anyways, you know what? My brother cursed in church! He said, "Hey, brother f#@%er!" and over and over. How barbaric. (Sorry, couldn't think of another word.) Also, the Moon Festival is next week! You know, sometimes in Japanese anime, where they put on kimonos during a full moon, carry lanterns, watch lotus flowers and fireflies. It's exactly like that, except without the kimonos. There's a lantern contest. Whoever makes the best homemade lantern wins $100! Haha, wish I could join, but I don't know how to make a lantern... ...*chuckles evilly ... I'll buy one from a store and call it my own... Nah. Anyways, that's all. This picture is the probably the closest one I have that looks like a "Moon Festival." Believe me, it looks MUCH BETTER than this.

© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
Hi! I'm Back!
~Ni Hao, Ren!~
Well, I'm back from camping. Yeah yeah, you thought I was going to be away for the whole weekend, huh? It's just for one night! (It's ok, I thought it was a weekend, too.) Speaking 'bout night, I had a horrible night. The ground was hard. Oh well. It was fun. We were doing costumes, when this guy took a girl's blouse and put it on. He took two shirts and stuck it into his shirt to look like... you know. One guy said, "I liked him better when he looked like a girl." o_O Anyways, my friends started laughing. During a "play", we were going to pretend to be sick, but they took a staff and stabbed us. We all died. Somehow, we still won the best "play." (One guy literally stepped on me, and jumped over and over on me!) We were summoning the spirits of the dead with a fire. For "dinner", we had a BBQ with squirrel pie. *barfs* Of course not! Although I live in Texas, we do not eat that kind of stuff. We had pizza. That's hard to believe too. We threw water balloons. WTF am I explaining it to you? Ok ok, I'm leaving.
~Zhai Jian, Sagwa!~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Today's the Day!
Hello, %n. I've been waiting for you. Today's the day for camping. darkwolfgirl, prideof thelions, and Izumi_Kashi tried to take a $20 bill from my wallet. They're money hungry. Yep, yep, money hungry. Anyways, I'm not going to be here on Saturday and Sunday. Camping. When a hurricane's coming? You think I'm crazy? No, no, I'm not. It's going to hit Louisiana, not Texas. Wait, that's close! I only live an hour drive away from Louisiana! Ahh! Ok, bye bye.
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
What? I'm Going To Jail?
Hello again. I just made a weird discovery. I have learned, that, in Vietnamese, "camp" and "jail" are the same words. o_O So, when I say, "I'm going camping!", it also means, "I'm going to jail!"? I just said that a few minutes ago!
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Yay! Going Camping!
Tommorrow's the day! Camping! I hope the hurricane(s) don't come... I'LL KILL YOU HURRICANE, IF YOU COME!!! Hmm... this seems oddly familiar... Ok, my brother came back from the store. I asked him, "How have you been?" He replied, "How have you been, my ass?" o_O I didn't understand that. Now he just called me a "boy-boy-blah-bloo, yadda, yadda, boy." o_O Didn't understand that either. He's got problems. Ok, sister wants to hog computer! She's gonna kill me!!! I locked the door! She's gonna tear down the door! Bye, bye! Ahh! (btw, my lil' sis's MyOtaku is PandaMoon) Give my hatred/love to her.
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Do You Still Like Me, Izumi_Kashi?
Izumi_Kashi was angry at me today. I don't know why. I just told darkwolfgirl that she was spreading that I like darkwolfgirl. I'm sorry... for whatever I did... And also, darkwolfgirl didn't really mean it when she said, quote: "I'M GONNA KILL YOU ON THE BUS TODAY!!!" Don't worry. ^^;; Now, I know I can't trust you with secrets. If you want my trust back, buy me "Mot cham banh bao." Hehe ^^ (Only Vietnamese people can understand that.) I'm kidding. (about the banh bao, that is...) Well, I hope we can still be friends. If you consider us friends...
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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What Do You Mean I Like darkwolfgirl?!?!
Hi, I'm in computer class again. People are accusing me of liking darkwolfgirl... What makes you think that, crazy people? And I think Izumi_Kashi hates me. She started spreading it! That evil... person! 8/10 of my friends believe I like her! We're just good friends! I'll kill anyone that says that, OK?!?!?! *takes a knife and stabs the nearest person*
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
What Chinese Element Are You?
 You are the chinese element of Water. People who are under the element of Water are creative, independent and intelligent. Water you are a dreamer, but are quite vulnerable, and have hidden agendas. The color of water is black, and your symbol is the tortoise. Winter is the season in which Water shines and it's months are October/November. Your weather condition is cold. Water is the direction of north, and your day is Wednesday, while your planet is Mercury. Animals under your element are usually shelled. People under you are Turks. Your sense is hearing, your taste is salty, your sound is moaning and your virtue is knowledge. Your organs are the kidneys. You were created by Metal and control Fire.
Which of the 5 Chinese Elements Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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Too Many Posts!
Yeah, yeah, this is my third post today. I just got home. Don't be a critic! I just got home from the orthodontist. New colors! ^^ I also got to miss 7th and 8th period! ^^ I'm listening to BoA. I like ID Peace B, in Chinese. Every Heart is good too. Oh yeah, for people that don't know, "zhai jian" means "Good-bye!" in Chinese. Yes, I'm Chinese.
~Zhai Jian!~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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The Story of the Eaten darkwolfgirl
This is in my dream, so it didn't really happen. darkwolfgil's right next to me. Now, for the story...
Me, prideof thelions, and *friend*, went to KFC. *I don't know why, it was a dream!) darkwolfgirl was supposed to come with us, but I guess she didn't. I asked my friends. They sad she ordered 100 buckets of chicken, that was spoiled, old, and moldy, and went into the restroom to eat it. (Eat in the restroom? LOL) I didn't really care. So, I ordered something. After I had finished, I went into the restroom, to wash my hands and other... stuff. When I went into the restroom, I had found darkwolfgirl eaten. But guess who ate her? Us!!! It seems like the KFC restaurant didn't get their shipment of chicken, so they substituted for human meat. And they gave her 100 FREE buckets of chicken to fatten her up. (I told you, it's old chicken!) Her bones were dumped into the mens' restroom.
And there you have it, a weird dream story. I told her during 2nd period, Ceramics. She said that story was "lovely." Well, not during Ceramics, but just now. Ok that's all folks!
~Zhai Jian!~
© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.
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