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myOtaku.com: MiasmaMoon

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

   One of My Worst Days Ever!
<bgsound src="http://prophecymoon.tripod.com/cab.mp3" volume=100 loop=1 autostart=false>
Caribbean Blue

Fast-Food Restaurant Takeout: $5
Chicken Wings: $3
Watching Your Fourteen-Year Old Brother Running Away In Fear While Your Mother Force-Feeds Him Fruit: Priceless.

~Wo Shi Ma?~ (No, Really.)
Wells, in the morning, our bus hit a curve, broke the brake wire, spun out of control, and got stuck on a street for a while. About 45 minutes. Uhh...Yeah. You're thinking. How'd this happen? Well, our bus driver was a little sloppy today. He hit every curve that he saw. Oh yeah, the accelerator broke too. While passing some nuclear power plants, I saw that they're trying to grow trees near power plants and refineries. Do you think this will work? Put your "Comment" in the "Comments" page. Sure, it will work. T_T Our English teacher snapped. Again. She said she only became a teacher so she can talk to people. She craves attention. ^^;; She gave us a lecture for 80 minutes. (English class is 90 mintues at our school. Also, math. Block schedules. I learned this in English.

Contraction= We would
Sounds like= Weed
Sentence: We'd help you.
Sounds like= Weed help you.

The sentence I used in class. I should watch what I say.

Wells, this is one of my worst days ever. Ever hear of a bus crashing? Now, you have.
~Bye, Bye,.~ (Takes Gun and Shoots Himself.)

� 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.

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