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Houston, Texas
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I saw the light, and I walked into it.
Anime Fan Since
December 21, 2001 (Yes, I remember the exact date!)
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yugi, Inuyasha, Alice 19th, Fruits Basket, and Ayashi No Ceres
To actually get my manga published...
I draw manga...
I can speak Vietnamese fluently. I can also speak Mandarin and Cantonese... I'm just not fluent enough with those...
Sunday, March 19, 2006
I Would've Posted Since Friday, But I Got Lazy! And on Saturday, I Got REALLY Sick!!!
Start: 6:53 PM CST
Hey guys. I should've posted sooner, I know. But I've been sick...and lazy. Oh, just read, and you'll understand.
Well, I got to Janice's house around 3 PM. (Actually, a little bit earlier.)
I was early, and Janice yelled "You early people!" XP (Chi and I were early...) It was quiet when I first came in... Janice was eating a sandwich, and Chi and I were having some chips and soda... Janice's mom and Janice didn't know how to turn on the stereo system, so they were kinda fiddling around with that...
I also met Janice's pets... But anyways, it was REALLY awkward. Like, we were all staring somewhere else, and none of us were talking... ^^;;
Well, the others came one by one. Kathy, Sobia, Nadi, Alex, Nickkie (and niece), and etc.
Well, Janice's mom had a schedule taped close by the front door timing which time we were gonna do things... *laughs* It even named the foods that we were gonna eat at each time. XP
Well, basically at the beginning, everyone was reading manga and listening to music at the beginning... I turned on some music on Janice's computer, and Kathy, Janice, and I were the ONLY people singing along to the music!!!
Oh yeah. When Sue first came, and we were in the living room, Sue said that I sound like the guy that sings the opening song of "DNAngel", called "True Light", except I was more younger...and more annoying. XP (She brought candy... XP And she keeps hitting me. And Alex too. XP)
Well, while I was singing along with Kathy (I also kept playing with her Pikachu, which she thought I was trying to steal) everyone (including Chi) was reading manga... While we were in the computer room, they kept talking about yaoi stuff... -_-;; Oy. But I don't mind listening to it. Actually, I was doing karaoke more than listening to them. XP We kept jumping back and forth from the computer room to the living room, and I'm wondering if Nida's bringing up girl stuff to make me uncomfortable on purpose... XP (It's not really uncomfortable since I hear my sister and my friends at school that are girls talk about it, but it's just funny that they're trying to mess with me. XP)
There was a point where we ate puff pastries, and I didn't want to break it in half so hard because it would break... Kathy said I should be more of a man... XP (Um, so I'm not a guy because I don't want to break a pastry? XP)
Well, we decided to go outside for some exercise, but we didn't go at first, since we were waiting for Vy to come. Well, Nida started to ask me, "What do guys act like when girls aren't around?" I didn't really know how to answer that, since I don't actually hang out with that many boys. Nida's guess was boys, but I just told her that they mostly act stupid around each other... ^^;; (I don't really consider myself the stereotypical average boy. XP) Also, sometimes sports. And Kathy even tried to classify what they think of in percentages... XP
When we did finally decide to go, Alex kept attacking metal street sign poles... o_O;;
There was one time where she kicked a sprinkler off and she took that piece and threw it across someone's yard... o_O;; (She's kinda violent...and even to the point where she'll attack trees...and even me. o_O;;)
Well, we circled the neighborhood, and I kept trying to tell Sue how much I loved her, and she kept going on about how I was lying to her, and that I'm only saying that because I'm her maid. XP (I also found out Sobia bought Sue from Nickkie for only $5... XP)
There also reached a point where I started chasing Sue, and she starting running away from me... XP
I saw some girls laughing at us while we were running, and I couldn't help but laugh at us chasing each other. XP
Well, when I finally did reach Sue, she said "HA! I BEAT YOU!" (We weren't even racing each other!!! XP But she said that to everyone. XP)
Well, we came inside and listened to music, but later went to the T.V. and watched "Onmyoji", a Japanese horror ghost film about the past and shikigami, ghosts, spirits, exorcism, etc.
It was nice, but I got bored, so I wanted to go help Janice and Sobia in the kitchen with cooking, but when I started to start, my parents called me and told me they were outside and to go home... -_-;; Janice's mom asked if I could stay a little longer, but they wouldn't let me. (My parents think it's rude if I stay at someone's house past night... -_-;;)
Well, I just went home and ate... XP (They were gonna have dinner at their house, so I missed it. XP)
Well, I was sick that day! Wanna know why?! Well, early that night, I stayed up to 4 PM and bathed around 2 AM!!! I woke up around 2 PM with fever, headaches, and my body was stiff, and light hurt my eyes!!! @_@
Oh, I felt SO SICK THAT DAY!!! I was in so much pain... I was woken up by my brother to be FORCED ONTO THE COMPUTER. (WHO FORCES SOMEONE ONTO THE COMPUTER?!)
Well, we were planning on going shopping today, but we couldn't go since I was sick today... -_-;; My mom had to stay home and take care of me...
OH MY GOSH. THIS WAS CREEPY. Around 8 PM, I started feeling REALLY BAD, so I took some medicine to make it feel better. Guess what? IT DIDN'T MAKE IT BETTER AT ALL!!! My WHOLE BODY WENT NUMB!!! YES, NUMB! You know that feeling when you sit on your leg for a while and it goes numb??? Imagine that...ALL OVER YOUR BODY!!! OH MY GOSH! IT HURT!!! Especially my flesh!!! IT HURT!!! And my joints...THEY ACHED SO MUCH!!! IS THIS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO HAVE ARTHRITIS?!
It also felt like all the blood in my body was drained!!! @_@ (Is this normal in some kind of flu, because I don't think it is...)
My parents even YELLED AT ME FOR GETTING SICK!!! (That doesn't help!!! @_@)
I had to stand up and keep my hands crossed together. Oh. I couldn't move my hands, and they were ice-cold... o_O;; I mean, I LITERALLY COULDN'T MOVE THEM.
Then I remembered that the ghost that kept following me knew paralysis curses... (I'm gonna try to stay away from her from now.) So I even put on a rosary, did prayers, and my mom splashed holy water on me. ^^;; (Eventually, the pain did go away. It was just my hands that were still paralyzed. o_O;;)
I eventually went to sleep, and my mom wanted to me to sleep in her room so that I would get better and she would watch me... The pain went away after I woke up...around 3 AM in the morning. -_-;;
I guess I felt a little bit better in the morning... I still had a headachey-like feeling, but I was okay...
I ate a bit, and played MS on the computer...and the pain kinda stopped after a while...
But I had to get ready for church school...
When I got into church, John was selling chocolates (chocolate-covered raisins, pecans, and almonds) for the Science Olympiad. But they were so expensive! $2 for a small box of chocolates. But I bought two, since I didn't have any change. I gave him $5, and he promised to give me back $1 later.
Well, later, I went into my sister's classroom and talked to her for a bit since her class didn't start yet, and we ate some of the chocolates together. (The guys around in the classroom said I wasted money, buying expensive candy. But hey, since it was for a good cause, I guess that was all right, eh?)
Well, after class began to start, I went outside. There, I was greeted by Khang, who wanted me to take him to Wal-Mart. Well, I did take him, and we walked across. We went into the store because he wanted to buy chocolate candy, but he only had a dollar... ^^;; Poor guy... XP Well, he decided to just get a soda, and we went to the soda machines outside. But one of the machines wouldn't take his dollar! Do you know how aggravating that is?! Putting your dollar into a soda machine, and it keeps coming out, then putting it back in, and it keeps coming out? Oh my gosh... That probably took up 5-10 minutes... -_-;; Well, there was a time when that dollar got JAMMED into the machine, and he tried to use my pencil to get it out, but it broke. XP (So I just pressed "Cash Return", and it went out. XP)
Oh yeah. San Nhi lost her money in the soda machines... ^^;; Oh, and Khang was so nice to me that he bought me a soda. XP (Also, it was weird, but he got 10 cents back after buying two 50 cents soda with a dollar. o_O;;)
Well, when I came back, I drank soda with him, and I helped Anna sell some pastries with her. But Anna wouldn't let Khang help because he was "too young"... XP Well, he still hung around us, and we still made a lot of money... ^^ (Except someone kept stealing my chair!!!)
Also, my brother was playing cards with Kim, and he's so mean to her! I mean, what kind of guy would call a girl "woman"? Like "Hurry it up woman!" That is so sexist... -_-;; (Jocelyn, one of my psychic cousins, said that when he grows up, he's gonna be abusive and beat his wife... I KNOW that's for sure. He's also one of those ghetto-wannabes...kinda, and he TRIES to act intimidating, but he's really not... DUMBO.)
Well, I later came into the church, and saw Lac-Hong and John talking with each other. Lac-Hong's birthday is next week, and she's making a birthday party, and inviting us! ^^ We just chatted about a few random things...
Viet Ngu class was all right. Except at the beginning of class, when Khang and Lac-Hong were right next to each other, and Khang asked Lac-Hong, "Are you a lass?" (He was trying to say "les", I guess, but he couldn't pronounce it. XP) Well, Cynthia and Tiffany were sitting in the middle of them, just laughing at each other, asking if each other were g@y and les... (WEIRD, eh?)
Well, all throughout class, Son kept throwing paper balls at Khang, calling Khang "annoying" even though he was doing nothing to Son. Maybe it's the fact that Khang's smart in Vietnamese language...?
Oh yeah. John also tried to sell chocolates to the teacher, but the teacher's wife bought it. You see, I didn't eat my second box of chocolate pecans, and I wanted to trade with him for chocolate raisins, but he didn't do it since he needed to sell more pecans. Well, the teacher's son bought the LAST BOX OF CHOCOLATE RAISINS!!! (NOO!!!) Well, I ate my pecans in class, and I shared with Son and Khang, except Khang stole ALMOST MY WHOLE BOX OF CHOCOLATES... -_-;;)
Well, in Confirmation, Chi was early today!!! ^^ Hooray! We studied saints today, and in one chat, Kieu Thu said that the Bible was like "an action-packed movie...except in book-form"... XP Well, in the beginning of the world, there was a war between the angels and the fallen angels, and the fallen angels were banished into Hell.
Well, did you know Lucifer is considered a saint??? YEAH! HE IS!!! WEIRD?
Well, we had to describe what a saint was like on a little picture of an angel, and accidentally, Kieu Thu tore off an angel's head... ^^;; Everyone just cracked up...
Well, when we go through Confirmation next year, we have to choose a new saint for our saint... They gave us a list to choose from, and there were some interesting ones... But we're NOT ALLOWED TO CHOOSE ST. LUCIFER AS OUR SAINT!!! (Kieu Thu said that, but WHO WOULD?! XP)
As you know, Lucifer is...evil. XP With a "D". XP
Well, after church, Chi headed home to finish some homework, and I stayed at church so I could attend mass. Natalie decided to attend mass today since she needed to get some of her points in. Well, Diana called Natalie "Natasha"!!! XP Oh my gosh... ^^;;
Well, when mass started, it was fun, but it seemed kinda...quiet today. XP
During mass, Jennifer asked if anyone wanted to drink detergent... Some in the mass actually raised up their hands and said "yes", but it was just kidding. She was talking about how even though there are good things, those good things aren't always good. Like, soap! Soap, you can use it to wash clothes, but you can't drink it. XP Well, when Jennifer said something during the Homily, something about "Do not place (detergent) around children", a baby in the audience cried. XP Diana and Natalie heard it... Was it a coincidence...? XP
After that, Natalie went to go sign in with Kieu Thu, but Diana and I left her...
GAH. My parents were asking about the girl (Natalie) that was with me during church and asked where Chi was, and for my brother, he asked why he was with two girls. (GAH! He took my friends away from me!!! *cries*)
Well, when I got home, I IMMEDIATELY started to type my post, but my brother is FORCING ME OFF THE COMPUTER!!!! MAN!!! I HATE HIM!!! JUST LEMME FINISH MY POST!!! (He says I type slow, but look at my post!!! I type over 160 words a minute, and it still takes me ALMOST AN HOUR TO TYPE THIS!!!)
Actually, I think I can type over 160 now... o_O
I'll get off now. He's probably gonna bite me head off.
End: 7:51 PM CST
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