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Friday, August 11, 2006

   Gwendolyn Came Back, and Rebecca Reading!
<bgsound src="http://prophecymoon.tripod.com/cab.mp3" volume=100 loop=1 autostart=false>
Caribbean Blue

Start: 5:32 PM CST

OH MY GOSH. SOO many things have been happening since the last time I posted...which was...Tuesday, right? Oh rights, rights... I'm gonna make this short. I'm SOO BORED. Also, Gwendolyn's here right now. -_-;;/^^;; (Read "Today" to see why I put both -_-;; and ^^;;...)

Tuesday Night

Ah yes. I asked Ricky (around 11 PM?) to leave the computer on so I could finish my summer reading, Rebecca. ACTUALLY. He locked the room... (But my unlocking skills have gotten GREAT! *evil smirk*) So, on the computer, although I got SOO BORED, I went on to Gaia Online and chatted in the forums until...4:30 AM? When I went out, sleepy, with the books in my hand, I saw Diana. She was up at 4:30 AM! I waved "hi", but she was too sleepy, and she headed into the bathroom. XPXP


If only I could remember... What the heck did I do that day? Oh yeah. Gunbound.

We were supposed to go to Sam's Club today (because on Tuesday, my mom wanted me to set up the printer, but it was missing TONS of parts!!!), but we didn't...

Ricky and I hung out in my room for a while. (Later, I wanted him OUT.) We played War, and in my head, I kept thinking, "OH WHEN WILL THIS GAME END?!" (Yes, I didn't want to play. -_-;;)

Oh, and after I got off the computer, I watched T.V. My mom, Diana, and I were eating dinner (fish! XP) and were watching "So You Think You Can Dance". Haha, I loved that little nerd dance. XP (My mom found the show kinda wrong though... o_O?)

Then when Ricky got off, I asked him to leave on the computer so I could study for Rebecca. I chatted with the group (Chi, Melinda, Vy, Alex, and I talked to Michael, Chi's friend from Cali!), but then they started to get all happy about Neopets and they all started playing it... I got distracted... @_@;; I went to sleep...can't remember.


I woke up around...something. And I went on Gunbound. (Gosh, I'm such an addict now!) Oh, 11 PM, now I remember!

Well, my sister was on the computer (although no one was), and I kinda ratted her out. -_-;; My mom punished her by making her kneel for a long time... Also, she found out her timer was wrong (you know when you flip the timer the wrong way, it can break??? Yeah...) and Diana was also punished for that... My mom also made us pay for hats we borrowed her money with a few days ago. (My mom: If you break anything, even if you're her own child, she'll make you pay for it.)

So Diana was angry with me for ratting her out... She didn't get off until...2 PM, I think...

OH YEAH! Diana was cooking some spicy chicken, and I started eating it (Diana was on the computer at this time--noon?), and I only ate a bit, but then I went up into the computer room to talk to Diana, and when I came downstairs, my brother ate ALL OF THE CHICKEN. (My sister made THREE separate chickens, and he ate them ALL. That pig... You know what the size of a chicken is, right? Yeah, about three of those... @_@;;) All he left was grilled eggplant. And those had a very UNPLEASANT aftertaste. -_-;; (I found cookie and cream ice cream in the freezer... Me fatty. XP)

Umm...I was on Gaia Online, and I remember talking on it last night, and this girl showed me a new game! Trickster Online! That's what it was called... It looked SO COOL so I downloaded it...but it took SO LONG. (THAT'S when I started playing Gunbound.) Oh, but before that, I was trying to help ShadowHimura13 play Fishing with me... (But her Internet won't allow her... Grr, if only I knew how to work Firefox. -_-;;)

So yeah...playing Gunbound. Huh.

Then when I got off, I found out Kevin was at our house! (Yes, his grandma left him here. ACTUALLY, my mom thought he looked so bored, that he should come over and play with us! P.S. Kevin's only 3-5 years old.) So we gave him stuffed animals, let him watched TV, have peanut butter and jelly.

But my mom's so strict on him. She yelled at him for jumping on the couch (I can understand that), but when we started cutting the crusts off the sandwich, my mom yelled at us and told him that he needs to eat it. o_O;;

And where was I when all this happened? Washing the dishes. (It became REALLY rainy that day...so yah. @_@) We were gonna go upstairs to play video games, but his grandpa came to pick him up, and he left.

So yeah...after that, my sister and I had some ice cream. (Neopolitan!!!--why is it called that?) And we watched TV... ("So You Think You Can Dance" wasn't on... WEIRD. It was...football on, I think.) And we watched "So You Think You Can Be A Superhero?" XPXP

Umm...yeah...after Ricky got off, I used the time to get on and study for Rebecca. Ricky kept sneezing all over the computer! (EW!!! And I could FEEL me being sick because my nose started running after an hour or so... @_@!)

So I didn't go on AIM (they distract me!) and I read two chapters... Diana wanted to play Trickster Online, so I let her. But she got off at midnight... More studying for me...and then I went on Gunbound. AHH, IT WAS SO FUN!!! I met two Asian girls (one was a girl in a guy's body--at first I thought he was gay because she--in a guy's body--kept talking about how hot boys were... @_@?)

It was nice talking to them. So funny, sometimes perverted and whatnot... XP

Then I went to sleep at 4:30 AM in the morning...


I can't remember when I woke up... I actually moved my alarm clock to the other side of the rom, so when it blares, I get OUT of my bed, turn it off, and by that time, I'd be too awake to get back in bed. XP But guess what? THE ALARM WAS OFF... NOO!!!

So...yeah. I woke up at 1 PM. Diana was playing Trickster Online (she's getting addicted!), and she wouldn't let me on until 2 PM. So I played Gunbound and etc. Diana wanted me to go eat (at 3-4 PM?), but I didn't want so, since my mom had company over. (She still does--it's Bac Minh.)

But yeah, we did go eat. Stir-fry carrots, brocolli, and chicken. XP I ate fast, and went back upstairs...

In the middle of nowhere, I hear the computer door open, and in comes Gwendolyn! (Gwendolyn's a 2-4 grader who lives in San Jose, California, but she comes down to Houston to visit in the summer, winter, and sometimes Spring Break. Oh yeah. Her brothers own a house here to go to college, so that's also another reason.)

So yeah. She saw me playing Gunbound! She said that one of her friends played it, and she wanted to play, so I let her.

Oh...Ricky's locking her out of the computer room. Okay, now she's in.

So basically, she killed her (my) own teammates and made me lose GPs and lose money... But it was still nice. XP

Diana came in, and she started playing with us too.

But Gwen was being a bit snobby...not exactly. She kept telling us to call the other players "losers" or to "shut up". (Yes, Diana typed it all, and they were PISSED.)

Ah...she started playing with clothes, and got bored...

Ah, I got SO BORED watching her play, but I endured. XP (That is, I didn't say anything. XP)

I kept telling the other players that my "cousin" was playing, but they wouldn't listen. They said "Sure..." or "Yeah right..." (Because in GB, if you suck, you oftenly get yelled at...)

Now she's here talking about getting seashells... She wants to make a necklace, and we're talking about once, we went to the beach, and found shells, but they broke easily. She wants us to find shells, if she wants to, but we don't live by the ocean anymore... (If you knew me a year ago, yes, I lived ACROSS THE STREET from the beach, but I moved, and I'm more inland now, and it's sad... I miss the water...the moon, the flowers... The giant boats passing by... *sniffs*) Hehe, the funny thing about those boats, if you weren't used to it, and you looked outside, it was like looking at a giant warship (yes, they were sometimes that big) "driving" on the streets. XP

Oh, she has to go back home to San Jose in a few days/weeks... School's probably starting for her soon. She'll be back in the winter. ^^ I found out her brother is in college, but he works as a doughnut delivery person? (Or something like that. Makes doughnuts... @_@?)

Well, then she started looking through my Digimon (and Yu-Gi-Oh! too!) cards and asking if she could have some... She picked them out, and we sorted out the ones we wanted, and gave them to her. ^^

There was this blank Yu-Gi-Oh! card that was from a sticker, but she wanted it because she thought it was rare. XP (Have you seen that episode where Yugi has this blank card, and it becomes the Black Chaos Magician? Yeah... XP)

Well, Ricky and Gwen played together with SMBM, and I have to get off soon. I think Bac Minh left already, and Gwen's mom is here to pick her up. My mom and her are chatting right now.

Aww...I'm gonna miss Gwen. I WON'T SEE HER UNTIL CHRISTMAS! (I love little kids... It may be just me, because other people find this weird... XP)

Funny quotes in Gunbound:

Tanj: You know what they say. Live life to the fullest.
Me: And if you can't live life to the fullest, live it like a crazy madman!!! =D

Itachi: I'm gay. I rape little boys.
Me: That's a pedophile.
Itachi: ...and chop off their nuts and eat them.
Me: That's a cannibalist.
Itachi: NO, I'm KOREAN!

There's also this one guy that f*cks every piece of furniture he sees... o_O;;
Babey: OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!

Cito is the guy that "does it" to furniture, so ya know.

Cito: I f*ck stuffed animals!!!
Me: *hides all stuffed animals*
(P.S. Herbert is her favorite stuffed teddy bear.)
Babey: Well, if Hebert wants a psycho deranged furniture fucker, then let him.
Me: o_O;;
Tanj: HERBERT KNOWS BETTER THAN THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries*

Yeah...weird. o_O;;

I gotta go now! Bye!

End: 6:15 PM CST

Gwen's gone now... *cries*


*walks out of the room crying* GWENDOLYN!!!! *cries harder*

*sees Gwen downstairs, watching cartoons*

Oh. o_O;;

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