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Monday, August 14, 2006

<bgsound src="http://prophecymoon.tripod.com/cab.mp3" volume=100 loop=1 autostart=false>
Caribbean Blue

Start: 5:27 PM CST

Hiya everyones! I've been trying to post all week long, but I couldn't... School starts for me in a week... BAH. And if you don't wanna read 3-4 days worth of posts, just read this. It's one short paragraph.


(I'm gonna start using this for people who don't wanna read a lot.)

Oh, and my next theme will be Howl's Moving Castle. I've thought of the PERFECT thing to do! *smiles*

Friday/After Posting

Well, Gwendolyn was still at our house...with our mom, Bac Minh, and her mom, watching...I think it was Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Can't remember. Well, I just sat in my sister's room, reading some of her mangas while Diana was taking a bath. Gwendolyn came into Diana's room, seeing me inside a PINK ROOM. (Now, imagine me, a 14-year old boy, lying on a pink lotus bed, and the lights are surrounded by glass crystals, and there are stuffed animals all around, reading a manga. *bursts out laughing*)

The first thing she asked was, "THIS IS YOUR ROOM?!" *bursts out laughing* I told her it was my sister's. Well, Gwen agrees with my mom. Gwen says Diana's room is messy. (It is!) And that's she's too girly. (My sister's TASTES are girly, but inside, she's a tomboy. ^^;;)

So I started making Diana's bed. Diana came into the room, seeing us in here, and Gwen yelled at Diana saying, "YOU MAKE YOUR BROTHER CLEAN YOUR ROOM!" (But truthfully, I WANT to clean it. XP)

After that, we all went into the game room and set up Super Smash Bros. Melee... While DIANA was setting the games up, Gwen and I were hitting Diana over and over with pillows. (We had a pillow fight before playing GameCube. XP) Gwen took Ricky's giant bean bag chair and started beating Diana with it over and over! XP (I'd say this bean bag chair was about 3/4s of Gwen's size...which is about 1/2 my size...) Diana kept saying, "OW." in a monotonous voice...until she said, "I think you hurt my back." XPXP

We played and Gwen kept losing... She didn't work how to work the controls... Huh... After that, we all went downstairs. (By then, my mom, Gwen's mom, and Bac Minh headed over to Bac Minh's house.) Diana, Gwen, and I ate rice with chicken, carrots, and broccoli, except Gwen thought it looked gross, so she just ate rice flavored with soy sauce. (Who does that...? o_O?)

Oh, when Diana was heating up the food on the stove, Diana said, "If you beat up Travis, I'll give you ice cream." (LIES! I ATE THE LAST OF THE ICE CREAM A FEW HOURS AGO!!!) But still, Gwen kept trying to kick me while I was eating... @_@;; (Imagine me running around the kitchen and living room, eating chicken, while a little girl is using her kung fu on me. XP)

Diana said we were like a little family. Ya know, all three of us setting up the bowls and chopsticks. And eating at the table together. (Heck, I don't even do this with my OWN family! XP) But Diana and Gwen finished... (I was too busy making lemonade.)

So while drinking lemonade, we watched Kids Next Door: Operation Zero. I was doing this dishes around this time. After that, we watched Finding Nemo.

A little bit later, Gwen's mom and my mom came back from Bac Minh's house, and Gwen had to go home. So we said our good-byes and left. OH! Gwen's mom asks if Diana could teach Gwen piano (since Gwen is FAR away from home--she lives in San Jose), but Diana kept running off. My mom kept calling her "shy"... Or was it "stupid"??? o_O???

Vietnamese speakers, when your parents call you "kho" (pronounced "khuh") does it mean "shy" or "stupid"?

Well, my mom found Gwen's Digimon cards on the deck. (Actually, they were my old ones and I let her have them.) Gwen was gonna come over later, so we just decided to give them to her when she comes back another time. ^^

After this, I cannot remember what I did..except eating a rice cake with peanuts in it... @_@;;


I woke up...around 7-9 AM, wanting to get on the computer. Oh, yesterday, I promised I would give Diana my time because I was heading off to Chi's house. But now I realized I could go on in the morning, but Diana kept saying "no" and "You're annoying, you whiny b!tch." o_O;;

Well, she only let me on every now and then, but kicked me off.

OH YEAH! ANN CALLED ME IN THE MORNING! Along with Hang! They said they were at home, and they wanted money from me. They said "If we were at the Galleria and Hong Kong Mall, would you buy us food and clothes?" I kept saying "I'm poor!", but Ann kept saying "Ask your mommy and daddy." or "You live in Houston! You're rich!" (NOT EVERYONE IN HOUSTON IS RICH, DURR.) Or "Open up a loan." (Problem is, I have to pay back a loan...with money I don't have right now. And why would I open up a loan just to buy clothes for them???) Well, my mom wanted me off her cell phone, so I hung up.

We had to go to the orthodontist today, so yah. When we got there...around 1-2 PM, all I had to do was change my lower brace's wire. (WOW, so many people work here now! When I first started going here, at least only 5 people work here. Now there's 15???? I think some of them were interns.)

But Diana had to take long... I watched the carp and lotus swim around, and I read a Vietnamese newspaper, saying that Jackie Chan and Jet Li were going to star in a new Hollywood movie, "Journey to the West". (OH, that idea has been used WAY too many times!)

My mom kept talking about how I broke Ricky's retainer to the other workers... Wah. *sniffs* (Yeah, they all wondered why Ricky was there--Ricky had already finished his orthodontic things.)

So after that, my mom wanted to go to Hong Kong Mall to buy stuff.

Try saying this over and over: Sense Skills Card
(It's a group of items/special abilities in a game my sister and I play: Trickster Online.)

So when were there, my mom said that we could go around and play... The moment I passed by the video store by Little Surprises, I saw ANN! Ann and I ran up to each other and started hugging! (GAH! I HAVEN'T SEEN HER SINCE LAST SEPTEMBER! Also...on the phone, she said she was at home... Then again, she also said she moved to Africa to get a better education. o_O;;) So she was looking around movies and then I saw Hang and her boyfriend (who I shall explain about later!--his name is John.)!

Hang's hair is shorter, and I'm taller than her now... o_O;; She asks if she looked older. (I told her yes, but not in the "old woman" way... She took that as an insult. XP) So Ann and I were walking out, and John started hugging Hang from the back. Ann said, "Let's leave them here to get horny on each other." (o_O;; What the...?!)

So Ann wanted a tapioca drink, but I told her I have no money... I just followed Ann around (she kept ignoring Diana...and asking me for money...), but I stopped following her after a while, and Diana, Ricky, and I headed into the market area.

OH! FORGOT TO TELL YOU! Hong Kong Mall has a directory now. MAN, are they late.

I saw Ann's mom, and told my mom that Ann was here... My mom picked up this little utensil thing (it was a lemon/orange juicer), and she dropped three of them on the floor. This old woman who passed by us (70?) whispered under her voice in Vietnamese, "You troublemaker..." (She called my mom, 40-something, a troublemaker because she tried to get something off a shelf and it knocked other things over??? o_O;;)

I don't know why, but the older Vietnamese women (50-90?) that I know like to gossip about each other. Not saying it applies to all of them, but just most of the ones I know.

So Diana and I headed west down, and I heard a girl whisper to one of her friends while pointing to me, "He's a hottie." (It just feels WEIRD when people TALK ABOUT YOU, good things or bad... Well, to me, yah.)

Diana went into the restrooms, and I went to go wash my hands. After that, we headed over to a pageant and watched little kids perform! I also saw Hang, John, and Ann! Ann started tasting her drinks (she called me and Diana weird because we got "weird" flavors--she called them mango and watermelon? NO, it's passion fruit and strawberry!!! @_@!!!) So Hang, John, and Ann left us to go get drinks.

I don't know, but I had that feeling they wanted to ignore us. Like, every time I came to hang out with them, they made an excuse to leave... o_O;; (One of my best friends from my old town HATES ME NOW! *cries*)

Diana and I headed into a beef jerky store called "Kho Bo", which basically means "dried beef". You know those candy stores you find at malls that have all these different flavors of jellybeans and you get to buy them, and they sell them by weight? YAHH... This store did the same, only with beef jerky! (They made jerky out of fruit too! Mangoes, plums, etc.) They even put fruit in their beef jerky. (They actually let you sample the jerky before you buy it.) I wanted to buy some, but they were all $20 a pound. (I wanted to go to my mom and ask for $20 later, but I forgot. @_@) They also sold dried strawberries and candies ($5 a pound?! Candy Crazy in Central Mall was more cheaper than that!!! No wait. Candy Craze is $8 a pound... ^^;;)

So Diana and I went over to the arcade, but she decided to go outside and watch the fountains. (There was a tournament there--old men were playing Chinese checkers--the real kind--and I think one of them was playing Go... Hmm.)

So, we just watched the fountain, finished our drinks, talked with turtles (yes! XP), and headed to Cali Fashion. That's where we saw Ricky. He'd been looking for us, and so had our mom. XP

So we met at the central part, and my mom asked us if we wanted to eat or go home. I couldn't choose... Diana wanted to go home because she was playing an online game and selling stuff in her cart... XP

So we all headed home... Oh yeah. Mom had to go pick up gasoline to power up the mower...

So when we headed to Highway 6, I told my mom to head towards Chi's house. My mom got ANGRY (for what reason?!) and started yelling at me about how I care for my friends more... Then she started cursing about Chi's parents... (o_O;; My mom's like this. Once she decides she doesn't like you, she starts saying bad things about you behind your back... HYPOCRITE!!! She said NEVER to do that, but she's doing it herself!) So my mom bought some chicken at Church's and we went home, ate, and I went on the computer. (After having a fight with my sister about getting on the computer. We threw things at each other. Feather dusters, kicking, and metal folding chairs... @_@;;)

Well, my dad came home that day too! Umm, my mom wanted us to eat all together...and we did...

Um, showering...and then I went on the computer to study a bit for Rebecca.


I woke up around 10 AM, got ready for church, and we all left. After church, we headed to Bogard Bistro, tucked RIGHT in the middle of a Chinese shopping center. (I didn't even notice there were things there! @_@!) I had pho (guess what? I GOT A VERY LARGE BOWL!!!) and a blueberry slushie. I had to order for my sister again... @_@;;

There was two American people (one woman, one man, in their late 50s?) who kept staring at me. My dad said that they said, "WOW, that kid's eating a lot."

YES, I DID ORDER A LOT. Every pho store has a different size. This pho restaurant's Medium is usually other people's Large. So when I ordered LARGE here, it was other people's EXTRA-LARGE.

You know that feeling of cramming food in your mouth, even though your mouth's too tired from chewing, but you KNOW that you can't waste food. OH MY GOSH, I was like that for a LONG TIME.

After my mom and Ricky went grocery shopping, Diana, my dad, and I stayed in the restaurant eating. We washed up (who puts a plasma TV in the restroom?!?!) and headed to the grocery store. Um, I told my mom that we would be at Moshi-Moshi, and left off.

Moshi-Moshi, T & P Gifts, and something else sold all these Hello Kitty stuffs. I don't remember, but I think I went into Moshi-Moshi, and we looked around. I wanted to buy Gwen something because she'll be heading back to San Jose on the 27th, but I had no money. (I know she wouldn't like anything pink--she doesn't like girly things... I was gonna buy her a glass-shaped star-origami holder, but that would break... ^^;;)

Apple Panda... Is that a new animal in Sanrio?
Mamemo...something. It's a seal. New?
And some...yellow whale with dinosaur legs and a plant inside its blowhole. (That wasn't Sanrio, but it was odd. XP)

So we headed back to the market, finished our slushies, and went in. OH MY GOSH! THERE WAS A SALE ON DIM SUM AND PEOPLE WERE ALL CROWDING! (You know those samples? Everyone was running up for samples!!! @_@!) Also, it was "buy dim sum, get a dim sum cooker free"???

Well, after my parents finished paying, they kept telling us about how people were talking about us behind our back. (WHY DO PEOPLE DO THAT?! They called me handsome, and called Ricky fat. o_O;;)

And so...as we were heading home, I filled up with Marukawa gum. (It's this Japanese gum shaped in balls and flavored with artificial fruit flavoring...) GAH. Once you have 16 balls of gum in your mouth, your jaw gets tired EASILY. (And all the Japanese gum I've ever had--their flavor goes away fast.)

So I went on the computer...and then in the afternoon, I went exercising. People in this city don't even say hi to each other... Or is it always like that? Like, when you pass by a person on their sidewalk, they just lower their eyes and pretend you're not there... o_O;; (They only wave when I wave at them...) And I saw that guy...um, Kevin's friend with his dog and little sister! (He had this monotonous tone to him. I told him I liked his dog--it was a caramel/white little husky, I think? He just replied, "Uh.")

So after getting home, eating dinner, I showered, and got on the computer again. I studied a bit of Rebecca, and went on Gunbound until 4:30 PM. XP


MY DAD WOKE ME UP AT 9:30 AM IN THE MORNING TO MAKE ME PRINT DRIVING DIRECTIONS FOR HIM! (OH MY GOSH! Diana was on the computer, but he didn't ask HER?!) He dragged me out while I was still trying to sleep... Also, the computer was lagging because Diana was on Trickster Online... So all you want to do is print directions for your dad and head back to sleep...but your computer is lagging REAL BAD. Sucks, huh?

Hmm, I headed back to bed...and Diana woke me up around 2 PM to get on the computer...and I've been here since.

Interesting Things I Have Found Out This Week:

1. MapleStory, an online MMORPG was sued because of credit card fraud. I'm kidding!--actually, I'm partly right. But you see, in MapleStory, there are some special items (in the Cash Shop) which you can only buy on MapleStory. And then there are the HACKERS which take this information from the people and steal money from their account.

So these people are running around, crying, screaming, because they're losing TONS of money for things they didn't buy.

MapleStory had to return this money FROM THEIR OWN WALLET, PLUS they were charged by credit card companies for fraud. (Even though the HACKERS DID IT.)

2. Did you know Mario is based on a drug trip? Yup, a friend from Gaia told me this. At first, I thought he was joking, but let's look.

a. You eat a mushroom and get big.
Connection: When you eat a psychodelic mushroom, you get high.

b. Stars give you power.
Connection: Stars = crystal meth

c. Flowers that shoot fire.
Connection: It's a psychotropic plant.

So what's the original story? A fat Italian man from Brooklyn getting high on drugs, going around town and beating up random people.



The original story of Mario Bros. was a man on a drug trip... @_@;;

This is funny too, but might not be true:
Me: If he's on a drug trip, I wonder what Toad is on real life.
Person: He's probably just an orphan on the streets, and Mario's hallucinating him as a toadstool head.


3. Alice in Wonderland on an acid trip. This little girl needed help (on Gaia) on rewriting fantasy stories. This guy told her to write about Alice on an acid trip. (That's the reason how she got there in the first place! XP) I told him, "Sorry, but that's alreay been done. Petshop of Horrors, Volume 1."

4. On Gaia, this girl said when she was little, and when she was at church, she heard the priest reading the Gospel about Jesus saying "eat my flesh and blood". She ran out of the church screaming. o_O;; (She was seven then. XP) That was FUNNY. XP Then we started making fun about it, and one guy called Jesus's disciples "cannibals," and when Jesus died, they couldn't find him in the tomb because PAUL ATE HIM.

Person 1: And when Jesus comes back from the dead, he is JESUS ZOMBIE, who comes to eat the body of Paul.
Person 3: I always thought he wanted to eat a man named Paul...

XP I know it's not in my mind to make fun of my own religion, but it's just funny, now that you think about it like that. XP

Gotta go now! Ricky wants to get on!

End: 6:31 PM CST

© 2004-2007 MiasmaMoon. All rights reserved.

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