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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Hello, my friends.
Well, today was a drag. I was so freaking bored. Sorry that I don't have much of post, but as you all know, meh life is dull. Hee hee. My school counselour came up to me during lunch today, and she wanted to talk to me in her office about meh issues. GAWD. I hate talking to her. She says it'll help me, since I can't get therapy, but all she ever does is remind me of how much of a wreck I am. Sheesh. Lol, well I'm out. I'll try to visit sites. See yah.

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Monday, May 22, 2006
Hello. You all having a nice day?
I've been having a pretty good one, surpirsingly enough. I felt as if everyone at my new school was being extra nice to meh, probably because they found out that I'm a bit emo. O_O;; Oh boy. lol. Oh well, at least it's better than being ignored. I also got mid-terms. Okay, accomplishment, people! X] I did not fail a single class! wOOt! Well, that's all from me. I'll be on AIM if anyone who like to chat with meh. SEE YAH.

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Sunday, May 21, 2006
Hello. How are all of you?
Thank you for your comments, I luff you guys. I talked to my boyfriend on AIM yesturday, he made me feel so much better. Sometimes, I feel like he's the only one who understands, since my parents don't even bother to try. They just expect me to be what they want. I might mess around with my layout a bit if I feel like it, I guess it depends on my mood. Did anyone watch Naruto last night? X] Gaara scares me. lol. Well, I hope you all have a good day.

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Friday, May 19, 2006
Hello minna-san, how are all of you?
Well, I'm going to try and be on here a lot more, and try to keep in touch. I've felt really...depressed lataley, ever since I moved to my new town. I guess it's just a "teen" thing, but I even used to go to therapy, since my Mom found out I cut once just to relieve my stress. But I can't take it anymore because it costs way too much, and as we all now, poor little Frankie is poor, or as my mom likes to call it, "middle class". lol. Well, I have to go, but I'll try to be back tomorrow.
See yaz.

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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Hello everyone! Sorry...for well...not being here at all. ;_; I'm so sorry. I'm not really in the mood to tell you about my life right now...but I was wondering if anyone would like to talk to me on AIM? my screenname is jovifan466...
Thanks! ^^ I love you all!
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Valentines - [late] - Day!
GOMENASAI! T-T I was so busy these last few days - I just couldn't get online! But anyway - I hope you all had a loving day yesturday. So how have you been? I changed my layout for a Valentines theme - but I don't think it came out so well. ;_; I've temporarily lost my creative nature - I think. So sad. I have to go now - but I'll probably be back later. I promise to visit sites, okay? See you - Take care.
Quote of the Week:
" Revenge is like a forest - it never has a straight path."
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Hello my precious companions. How are you?
Sorry I didn't talk with you yesturday. I went to visit my Otou-san(*Father) - so I didn't have time to go online. Well - I can't say that today was great. My friends are all really sad that I'm moving still - and it's been leaving me in a depressed mood. I also just recieved an E-mail from one of them - telling me that although they never really expressed it, they really do want me to stay with them and that it won't be the same without me. [Cries] I will miss them so much. It pains me greatly to leave them - just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. It also reminds me of how lonely I will be once I enter my new hometown. I will have new friends - and it's hard for me to trust people automatically. [It works different talking to people on the internet.] I hate it when I feel depressed - because then I think back on my life - and all the scars and regrets I have, though it may not look like I may feel that way. Sorry I'm talking about this - but it truly is always healthy when you express your feelings with someone else. Anyway - I hope I will manage and get through this. Have a good night everyone - Take care.
P.S. - I just finished up on my MySpace.com account. Go Here to visit - please.
Quote of the Week
" Just be yourself - and people will accept you."
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Sunday, February 5, 2006

Hello everyone. How are you?
My Mom + Mike went to the new house to finish up some of the cleaning today - while I stayed home with my sister. She didn't feel well - so I had to watch her while I packed up some of my stuff for the move. Anyhoo - I got to watch FMA last ngiht - since I didn't see it for a while. x] I'm not a major fan of Ed (Elric) - but I think he looked really good with black hair. I didn't get to see Naruto though. I sort of wanted to - oh well. I wrote a new fan fiction in Fruits Basket too - so please go read! Well - I guess that's all for now. I promise to visit sites. See you - Take care.
Quote of the Week:
" I try to be a better person by simply looking at my life through heaven's eyes."
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Saturday, February 4, 2006

Hello everyone - doing well, I hope?
Well - it seems I have slightly changed my layout again. ^^; It's actually a funny story - I went to Dunkin' Donuts today with my Mom - and the smell of the coffee just overtook me - so I had to make my page...brown. o_O;; Yeah - I'm weird. I realize that. In other news - I just got back from my big, new - yet still sort of messy house. Ugh - I hate working on it - it's so tiring but I know it will pay off in the end. When I went to tear the wallpaper off of the wall that would soon be my new bedroom - I saw a few spider webs on the ceiling along with tiny Daddy-Long-Legs. I totally freaked. I have major arachnophobia - I'm just a sissy - but I can't help it. Spiders are such alien-like creepy-crawlers. Well - that's all from me. I'm off to take a nap and shower - etc. Have a good night guys! Enjoy the anime on Cartoon Network/ Adult Swim! =] See you - Take care.
Quote of the Week:
" I try to be a better person by simply looking at my life through heaven's eyes."
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Friday, February 3, 2006

Hello friends - How are you?
My throat is feeling a lot better today - I just hope this keeps up. It's still really early where I live - but I just can't seem to get to sleep - so right now I'm trying to finish a chapter for one of my fan fictions. Oh - and while I'm doing it - I'm listening to the intrumental version of " Crimson Tide Deep Blue Sea" by Nightwish. The band is freaking great for getting you into the mood to write something dramatic - trust me! *wink wink* I guess that's all I have to say for now. If something comes up - I'll tell you about it later.
See you - Take care.
[EDIT]: Well - I have to go to my big new house tomorrow and give it a complete make-over! Yes...it's very messy and the walls need sanding for new paint. Heh - wish me luck!
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