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myOtaku.com: Miburou

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I got my History Test back today, and I royally failed it. (56% ;_;) My Mom's gonna be so mad because she has to sign it. I don't think I'll show it to her today, but I might consider fordging it. TT-TT I know it's wrong but what would you do if the consiquences were no internet for 3 weeks??! Yeah...anyway, nothing else has really happened. I want to get the Volume 6 Naruto DVD Boxset because it has eps. 130-148. ^^ Thos eps have Chibi Sasuke it it! XD So kawaii. Why didn't he just stay 8 years old through the whole series??? XDD;; I'm weird. Yeah, I changed my theme again. For some damn reason, whenever I try to make something happy or at least semi-cheery, I always make something dark or depressing--or both. T-T I'm such an emo sometimes, honestly.

Q: What's your anime name?
A: Temari Kitamura (Yes, in my little anime world I am married to Suzu Kitamura. =^____^=)

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