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myOtaku.com: Miburou

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

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Hello friends. How are you?
Right now it's close to 3:30am and I can't get a second of sleep - why you ask? Because I have a bad feeling that I might be loosing my voice, and it hurts like hell. (T-T) Besides - if my Mom doesn't let me stay home today because of my sore throat - I might have to go to school and recieve my report card. NUUU~! I know for a fact that I failed math this year. (o_O;;) Um - yeah. I'm not all that logic to be truthful. I pretty much just fail everyday test/quiz I do, no matter how hard I study, so I just gave up a long time ago. Anyway - I guess that's all I have to say for now. I'll try and go back to sleep, maybe my throat will be better by morning. (^^;;)
See you - Take care.

[EDIT]: T-T Well - I didn't do so bad on my report card. [Okay - here are the results: Reading: B - Literature: B+ - Science: C - Math: D - History: B-] Well - for the Math grade, I might not be able to come on here for a while, so please don't be upset. Well - later! (;_;)

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