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myOtaku.com: MichikoTsunaga

Monday, January 9, 2006

Another survey
Random, But Fun Survey - All About You
What is your name?:Michiko
How about your birthday?:December 11
So that would make you how old?:13
What school do you go to?:Cashton Middle School (CMS)
And what grade are you in there?:7th
Where do you live?:Cashton
Is it all right there?:It's awesome!
Do you enjoy school?:Yep
Do you smoke weed?:HELL NO!
Do you smoke cigarettes?:HELL NO!
Do you drink alcohol?:HELL NO!
Do you do other drugs?:HELL NO!
Have you ever had sex?:Not until I'm married and ready.
If not, do you want to?:Not until I'm married and ready.
If so, why did you do it?:I DIDN'T DO IT
Do you like boys are girls?:Boys are girls...? You mean boys OR girls! Boys, duh
Wait, are you a boy or girl?:Girl
So does that make you straight?:Yes
Or maybe homo/bisexual?:EW no!
Do you get along with your parents?:Sometimes
What are their names?:Teresa and Richard
And how old are they?:My mom is 49 and my dad is 61
How about your siblings, got any?:3
If so, how old are they & what are their names?:Ricky[13], Chris[28], and Tessa[30]
If not, do you enjoy being an only child?:I wish I didn't have Ricky as a sibling
What is your favorite color?:Silver and all blues
Do you have a lot of clothes?:Somewhat
Where do you buy them at?:My mom buys them, I jsut tell her what I want
Do you have a lot of accessories?:not really, just scrunchies
Any designer items?:Nope
Maximum amount for one piece of clothing/accessory?:Huh?
What's the most money you've had with you at one time?:$150
How much money have you spent in one shopping trip?:$48
So do you enjoy shopping?:If it's for me, yes. If not, I'm bored out of my mind
Where do you shop at for everything you need?:Ranges
Who is your favorite celebrity?:Don't got one
And singer?:Nope
What about rapper?:That guy from Linkin Park is cool
If you drink, what is your favorite alcoholic drink?:Don't got one
How often do you drink?:I have never had achohol
How often do you smoke?:Never in my life
Do these questions make you uncomfortable?:Nope
What did you do this past weekend?:All my money, and.....something that is none of your business til I post
Who did you hang out with?:My friends
Did you have fun?:Yes
Out of all your friends, who do you spend the most time with?:Sara and Emily(b)
Are you currently eating? If so, what?:Ramen
What about drinking?:Milk
What are you listening to?:Limp Bizkit
Do you download music?:Nope
Do you have an mp3 player?:nope
What did you get for Christmas?:To much stuff to list
What did you do on New Year's?:Sleep through it
Have you made out with anyone recently?:I haven't even had my first kiss
Who was the last person you kissed?:Again, haven't even had my first kiss
Who was the last person you hugged?:My dad
Whose house were you at last?:My home
When was the last time you smoked?:never
Smoked weed?:never
Drank alcohol?:never
Kissed someone?:never
Went out on a lake?:A few times
Ate fast food?:Tons of times
Ate at a real restaurant?:A good many times
Got Starbucks?:Never
Are you on the computer often?:Yep
Do you talk to a lot of people online?:Yep
What is your least favorite phrase?:None
When is the last time you touched a soda can?:A few hours ago
Do you have any pets?:No
If so, what kind?:A dog
If not, how come?:My only pet died last year
Are you currently on the phone?:No
If so, to who?:I'm not on the phone
Are you talking to anyone online?:No
If so, who?:No one
Have you ever seen anyone's private parts?:Ew, no!
Who's the last person's you saw?:I didn't see someone's private parts!
When is the last time you yelled at someone?:Don't remember.....
Who's the last person's number you got?:God, I never even looked at them.
Are you happy that this survey is almost done with?:Yep, I want to take the 1,000 question one
Are you downloading something currently?:nope
Who is the hottest guy/girl at your school?:Ernesto Valente, a complete asshole. But a good-looking one.
Do you like someone currently?:Nope
If so, who is it?:No one
If not, why not?:Boys are distractions
What kind of computer do you have?:Laptop and desktop
Is your room cool?:Yep
Do you have posters up in your room?:yeah
If so, mostly of who?:Some cool symbol things
If not, why not?:I'm more into symbols then people
When's the last time you watched porn?:OMG! NEVER! It's disgusting!
Who is next to you?:>.>, <.<, no one.
What time is it?:10:25
We're done, are you glad?:Yep
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