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• 1990-10-18
• well... actually in Asia. (wanna guess?)
Member Since
• 2006-10-07
• I'm a senior high student!
Real Name
• Maora S.
• ara??
Anime Fan Since
• Well~ maybe since I was in elementary school... when I started liking drawing...
Favorite Anime
• Tenipuri, Naruto, Death Note, Full Metal.Alchemist, One Piece, Mytichal Detective Loki, Ragnarok, Hikaru no Go, Someday's Dreamer, Eye Shield21, Meitantei Conan, Detective School Kyu, Bomberman B-daman Bakushoden, Avatar, Bleach, etc.
• I wanna be a profesional fashion designer in the future................................. that's my goal!! My brilliant GOAL!
• playing music especially piano and cello, drawing, internet browsing (on-line almost every day), watching scary movie, diving, basket ball, tennis, bungee jumping, reading, listen to the classical music n_n
• I'm not over-confident... but I think fashion design, interior design, mathematic, and... all art.
| midgardsormr
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Guestbook Entries:
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younggrasshopper (10/14/06)
Thanks for signing my GB! ^.^ And thanks! NANA is super awesome! You should definitely check it out! ^-^ I like the colors of your site!
Let's see. Well...I like science (but not chem...because of our teacher), mathematics, and music. ^-^
Of course! I'll definitely add you too!
Ja Ne,
sasukeisMINE (10/13/06)
hey thanks for signing my gb, i love your site ^^ im gonna add you as well
ja ne
Angelusvampire (10/13/06)
Thanks for signing my guestbook! I appreciate it! And thanks, I like my bg too. lol Kraven may be a back-stabbing vampire, but he's still an entertaining character. Are you a fan of Underworld?
Let's see what animes you like...FullMetal Alchemist rocks, and SWEET! You like Bleach!!! Bleach rules with an iron fist. I've never seen the anime, but I LOVE the Manga.
Anyway, I'll add you as a friend, thanks for adding me. If you get the chance, feel free to visit my other site, "GirlCrazedFreak". As you can probably guess from the title, it has to do with my obsession with love. (:
See you around Otaku!
~Angelus (aka Josh)
Bloodyswordest (10/13/06)
sure =]
athrunsgurl (10/12/06)
Oh, I love ur avi, thanks for signing my GB!! I'll add u, too, okies? sry to cut this signing short though, but i g2g, i'll ttyl, okies? Take care, byeness ^-^
RaineDrops (10/11/06)
Er, I have no idea what koohai means, but I'll add ya. ^^;~RaineDrops
blackwolfsaga (10/11/06)
itachislildevil (10/10/06)
Hey I like your site and your avy sorry if I didn't get to you I had homework from GT Pre-AP English(which is gifted and talented advance class)yeah I love playing the flute I'm also practicing on the guitar. I'll add you on my friends list as well you can pm me all you want it's fine with me. See Ya! ^^
darkzero (10/10/06)
hi. thanx for stoppin by. i�ll add you as a friend too. later
Dark4893 (10/10/06)
hey thanks for signing my gb. ur really funny!!! XP i just change my site's background cuz the other one was getting dull and beauty and the beast is my favorite disney movie! hehe! XP
i'll add u as a friend as well. and i'll ttyl and see ya around!
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