Birthday • 1990-10-18 Gender •
Female Location • well... actually in Asia. (wanna guess?) Member Since • 2006-10-07 Occupation • I'm a senior high student! Real Name • Maora S.
Achievements • ara?? Anime Fan Since • Well~ maybe since I was in elementary school... when I started liking drawing... Favorite Anime • Tenipuri, Naruto, Death Note, Full Metal.Alchemist, One Piece, Mytichal Detective Loki, Ragnarok, Hikaru no Go, Someday's Dreamer, Eye Shield21, Meitantei Conan, Detective School Kyu, Bomberman B-daman Bakushoden, Avatar, Bleach, etc. Goals • I wanna be a profesional fashion designer in the future................................. that's my goal!! My brilliant GOAL! Hobbies • playing music especially piano and cello, drawing, internet browsing (on-line almost every day), watching scary movie, diving, basket ball, tennis, bungee jumping, reading, listen to the classical music n_n Talents • I'm not over-confident... but I think fashion design, interior design, mathematic, and... all art. midgardsormr
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
New bg
twinkle twinkle little star... ^^
hehehe... my bg is actually is a really big stars lol
My friend... I'll tell u her name's EdotenseiHime ^^ hehehe
I ask her to make the cute stary one... well~ just a challange maybe..
but I don't really understand why she deem my word that serious ^^; *sorry*
But I do really thanks for it ^^ Comments (6) |
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Can u follow their role here??? They're just playing... hehehehehe...
I love this one: "Kiku Shot! Ikuzo... 1, 2, 3, 4... kutandero pongi!!?"
... long time no post...
well~ still, like usual.
when i have finished one thing, another job come.
always like that.
but it can't make me bored, I'm busy, for sure.
And... u knowmy twin-bro Vincent???
till now, he don't give me any HI or Hello or call home...
I admit that I miss him.
u know, still I send him 5pm... though I know he'll not know it.
finished or not?
YAY!! some of them are finished! ^^;
The economic and mathematics competition finished! I've done my newspaper design! but the other~ not finished yet.
Now I'm getting a bit stress bcoz of my scholarly work.
anyone... help me pweeeeaaaseeee!!! Comments (3) |
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Agony of Busy...
I'm back... time to refreshing.
Gomen ne, minna-san... I do not know anything about the Bestfriend day... T_T
I'm so sorry~ it feels like~ I didn't care about everyone who deem midgardsormr as their bestfriend~ or jusr friend?
am I that annoying?
*ooh.. how traumatized maora, right?* actually it's all bout my past~ no, don't even think about it.
I'm so busy and must do so many things.
I must prepare the Economic Competition in my country (ooh.. I'll do the best. support me!); and designing a new uniform for my basketball team; for the newspaper design i've join the competition; and becoz I'm a secretary of the Student council, I'm so busy to prepare the mathematic competiton that my school in my school... when I must do some research for my scholarly work.
omg, I must be patient *sigh*.
I may can ask Vincent to help me~ but he was already back to his *damn* dormitory again.
btw~ did Vincent tell y all?
but I don't think so~ he didn't post anything yet, though.
I was so in hurry... that's why my english is so messy when reply your pm. I've got 17 unread messages... n_n Comments (8) |