General |
Name: | natilya |
Age: | 11 |
Height: | 5' 2" |
School: | St. Pauls |
Grade: | 5th no I didn't flunk, I just had my birthday. |
Siblings: | 1 sister. |
Names and Ages: | Samantha, age 15 |
This or That: | Jello. |
Coke or Pepsi?: | Pepsi |
7-UP or DnL: | 7-up |
LiveWire or Code Red: | Code red |
Coke with lemon or coke with Lime: | Coke with lime |
Good Charlotte or Mest: | Good Charlotte |
Brintney Spears or Christina Aguilera: | NEITHER. |
Jessica Simpson or Mandy Moore?: | NEITHER. |
Benji and Joel, or Paul and Billy?: | Paul and Billy. |
Have You Ever.... |
Cried to get attention: | No. |
Fell in front of alot of people: | All the time. |
Said something really stupid?: | Every day, all the time. |
what was it?: | To many to count. |
Wished you were someone else?: | Kinda. |
Wished you were SOMEWHERE else?: | Yes. |
Curiosity |
Have you ever been to a concert?: | Yes. |
How Many?: | 3. |
Who?: | Nysink and Def leapor/s |
What was your favorite?: | Neither. |
Your life |
Is there ONE CD that describes your life, or that you identify with well?: | Yuki kajura's Fiction. |
If you could make the sountrack to your life, what 6 songs would you pick?: | Fake wings,Obsession,The world,Your legacy,Cynical world,Vanity. |
Ever wonder what life would be like if you made different decisions?: | Yes. |
What was your favorite age?: | 11. |
Why?: | I have no Idea. |
Would you travel back if you could?: | Yes. |
Is there anyone from your past that you miss?: | Yes. |
What happened to that person?: | Diabetis.Spelled it wrong. |
If you could see them tomorrow, would you?: | No. |
First Word to come to mind when you hear.... |
banana: | Boat. |
tree: | Weaping willow. |
coconut: | Island. |
monkey: | Monkey. |
foot: | Feet. |
nose: | Tissue |
booger: | Nasty. |
tissue: | Box. |
leg: | Stubby. |
G Unit: | Ummm....? |
Salsa: | Dip. |
fuck: | Monkeys. |
dog: | Scooter,Maggie,Baby,Mira,Stoney,Abby. |
Firsts |
Who was your first crush after the age of 10: | Matt. |
What did you like about that person: | Smart, Funny,String,talented. |
Was that person famous: | No. |
What for: | I said no. |
Do you STILL like that person today: | Yes. |
Do you normally admit to liking that person?: | Yep. |
Who was your first best friend: | Catrina. |
Still friends?: | Yes. |
If no, why?: | I said yes though. |
Kindergarten teacher: | Mrs.Glende. |
Did you like that teacher?: | No. |
Final Questions |
Did you like this survey?: | It was ok. |
How long did it take you to do?: | I didn't count. |
What could of been added to make it better?: | I don't know? |
Would you reccomend it to friends?: | Yes. |
Would you lick a TV?: | I have, but not when it was pluged in. |
What if a hot guy was on it?: | Then no. |