IluvTrevor (12/17/05)
Hi!! i really like ur site!!!!!! i hope we can b really good friends!!!!!\(*O_o*)/
crazykitkat (12/17/05)
i like your site. iam going tp ypu as a friend. have good day
BNCF Shadow star (12/17/05)
Hello! Just a friendly member!
kittykatangel (12/05/05)
Hello! Thank you for coming to my site and signing my guestbook! I like your avi ^.^ Well, I'll add you as my friend too. Bye bye!
moonofdarkness (11/23/05)
hey, thanks for stopping by my site and signing my guestbook ^.^ i like your avatar, its true
anyways, i'll add you as a friend too, 'kay?
Cynd33 (11/23/05)
I think the avi is true, though with my friends i can`t help but smile =) i love the images that you have! they are so pretty!
msyugioh123 (11/22/05)
hi there come visit my site
metal-inuyasha (11/19/05)
At this time I am going to a lot of sites and signing the same thing over and over again in the guest book,
as it turns out
I came to your site
so I must now sign the guestbook
and thats what I am doing
if you stop by this ones site
don't forget to comment on some-thing
you don't need to comment if you don't want to
but if you do comment,
thats cool^_^
~may Peace be with you in a world of Zombies
Inu228822 (11/15/05)
Its Kyra(Homie k!Inside joke lol amanda!)
Luv your site!
I think the avi is cute!
Hope we can talk later at prettykitty's house!
~Kyra AKA Homie K AKA Inu228822
juvenileOrion010 (11/14/05)
Luv your site it's awesome!!
I'm looking for friends and I was wondering if you'd like to come visit my site!!!
I also kind of need help since I'm just starting...hehe
Well guess I'll be seeing ya then ~JuvenileOrion010~