Birthday 1991-11-11 Gender
Female Member Since 2005-07-13 Real Name mandie midnight shadow
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Time: 11:24 AM
Heyy everyone. Sorry its been a while guess im not very good at stayin on
but at least i visit ppl when i can and update once and a while..right?...^^;
SOO...i should be at school right now..but im sick =( my throat is really killing me right now and im all like..really weak and kinda dizzy when i walk..
i almost went home from school yesterday cause of it..bleh i hate being sick..and missing school...when yu go back it seems like a bunch of things have screwed up just while yu were gone one day so yu gotta catch up so much.
soo...uh...i dunno what else to say so i guess ill just go