Birthday 1991-11-11 Gender
Female Member Since 2005-07-13 Real Name mandie midnight shadow
Sunday, January 15, 2006
hii everyone!^-^
im uber bored here yet somehow happy^0^....wierd...oh at my uncle's right now.he's getting me to do work on the computer for him.well getting rid of amazed cause i find it so simple when he's had trouble with it for months.
it took me 2 minutes^^oh well at least it didnt take much work^0^now im back here talking to ppl and seeing sites^^
im still bored though.srry ill stop complaining about me now.yu must be sick of it.srry^-^;;
well hope yu guys are having a great day! i still got an essay to do when i get home.oh well wont take long though^^well ttyl!byez^-^