Birthday 1991-11-11 Gender
Female Member Since 2005-07-13 Real Name mandie midnight shadow
Monday, April 24, 2006
Time: 7:01 AM
Music: Dani California
By: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Ello!!^^ how is everyone today?
just getting ready for school here^^ eating..well breakfast thingy...chocolate milk favour^.^
so my computer last night went completely crazy, i never did open that microsoft word..>.>....i couldnt get it open even at like 8:00 at night so i decided to restart my comp cause i was running out of time and when that computer came bak on...Nothing!! really!! it was on but there was just a blank screen! i was like O.O..uh oh.....
so it was like that the whole night -_- and also at the time i had my ipod in so i had to take it out and when i did it wouldnt shut off! so i went to bed for 2 hrs listening to the remenents of my ipod before the battery finally ran out on me and i would be at loss of all technology in this house. but then my mom was forcing me to go to bed so i decided to try my comp and turn it off one more time. and it worked! =^.^= i held the off button down for like 2 mins and then it finally responded ^-^ so i got to turn it bak on and it worked properly this time, apologized -really>.> it was...wierd.o.O- and then fixed my ipod!=^.^=
ok well ima go now so that im not late for school XD gotta tell 3 teachers that i have no hmk though XXD least my excuse is true...>.> comp broke and everything was on it! what could i do...
okie ill visit sites when i get home from school ^-^ have a great day! ttyl =)