Time: 12:50 AM
Music: C'mon C'Mon
By: The Von Bodies
Hello! guess what! =D i got 200 gb signings just now!!!^o^ WOOOO HOOOO
thnx to....BlazeFire!!!^O^ yay!!!
ok well...for some reason im not tired..my mom told me to go to bed but i dont feel like it....and im scared that i might get freaked out o_o
i learned a very valuable lesson today...well like....20 mins ago...
i was on habbo cause i randomly joined today when i saw an add for it while watching tv/going on comp and it seemed a little boring cause yea..i dont know anyone really...
but someone asked me for my msn and im like, whats the harm? i added ppl from here too so why not? but then they ask my age so yea i say that cause i didnt say my name and then they said the webcam thing and im like o.O why? and so i clicked the accept thing and WOW....i think i died there. i just deleted him and blocked him right away.
i have been officially mentally scarred for life...T.T really...im only 14!!! im not meant to see things like that!!! thats like...X Rated!!! AHHH
so i freaked out...blocked them...deleted them...and freaked..i was like...shaking and everything...that was just wrong!!! AHHH T.T i wouldnt be surprised if i had nightmares tonight..even though i barely ever remember my dream ive been remembering them lately so i probably could tonight....
NEVER ADD PPL FROM HABBO!!!! T.T theyre perverts......evil....AHHHHH that was scary....
srry if this is totally like not making sense...im not making sense....im like....out of it here....T.T im too....unstable...right now...or something...>.>....
ima...just go now......and die...>.>..ok not die..i dont wanna die....but i never going on habbo again o_o
k well....i guess...ttyl...yea....i have another exam on tuesday...woo.....yea....uh....bye
oh...and i made a button for myself, ill keep it at the end of every post or something so ppl can take it...