Shishou (01/10/08)
Hello there!
I happened to see your avatar of Haji and Saya, I couldn't help myself from coming over and signing your guest-book and telling you about how I love them! I lurves the wallpaper of the two as well. I just started watching Blood+ recently and I luffs it so much. heehee.
Well even though it has been September since you've posted I hope to see you around! ^__^
Take care,
Team Plasma N (07/28/07)
*jumping from roof to roof* Hey there! *lands before you* Its nice to meet you...I do wish to apoligize but I haven't been assigned any missions for awhile so I got bored and decided to see if the otaku is okay and investgate. Well that is what we ninja do and then I stumbled across your clan and decided to leave my mark..*looks around*...every thing seems safe so we are good. Sorry about a random marking lol...oh well either way when you have a chance can you come to my village and make your mark as well? I would appreciate it. Thanks and Cya!!! *does ninjitsu and disappears*
~Not only shall I protect Naruto I shall protect all those on the Otaku~
15385bic (07/20/07)
hi! nice site ^^ - yeah tenten is one of the more likeable female characters. me prefer hinata more tho ^^
yay for nejitenten - a nice decent couple compared to most other fan couples (yaoi *cough* ;P - cant complain cause i find narusasu hilarious)
well should stop my ramblings ^^
Inuyashawolf (03/01/06)
Cool site! Midnightblackfox, like the name to! well, that's preety much all I have to say. Oh and I'm adding you to m friends list!
*Disappears into the moonlight*
msyugioh123 (01/21/06)
i like the Kakashie avitar and cloro
Red Hot Roy (11/30/05)
Hey, thanks for leaving me a comment on my g-booky! Love yer icon btw, it's adorable. I'm adding you as a friend. If ya ever wanna have one of those discussions on Kenshin or whatever, lol, just PM me!
WeAreVenom (11/30/05)
Hi there. Just want to thank you for signing my gb, so I'm returning the favor.^^Also, I noticed that your art style looks a WHOLE lot like ours used to. We expect great things from you. No preasure...We'll add you as a friend. We are Venom!
Kuroneko-sama 4 (11/29/05)
Hey! Nice site! Love the background. I'll add you as a friend!
cya l8er!
Kuroneko-sama 4
WitchHunterfan (11/23/05)
Hey there ^_^
Nice site you got here... coolness... lol.... sorry for not saying much... I'm bored...
If you may need any help with your site or just wanna talk... I'm here all the time ^_^
And please come by my site if you want... I'll add you as a friend... And You may PM me any time you want ^_^
Well, I'll see ya later ^_^
Lady Subaru101 (11/20/05)
hey nice site. i love the bg and your avatar. i'll add you as one of my friends. if you ever need anything just pm me.
~Lady Subaru101