Midnighter Des8
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Monday, November 20, 2006
Raining Eyes!
Yeah I figured out how to make eyes rain! Watch them watch you.
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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Prairie Fest!
OK i've been at camp for 1 2/3 days! They call it Prairie Fest. I got to go and stay in Ren's cabin, our brother cabin had Blenden Man in it, and my new friend Osacer. No Homsar and Kitai you don't know him he's a sevie.Me and Blennden Mann climed the giant's latter we only got part way up.I had tons of fun Heether, and Mitzy were there. We had fun at the dance too. Acording to Oscar and other cabin mates Blenden got sick just befor they steped out to go to the dance, he whent home that night. Me, Heeter,Mizty and Ren felt bad for Blenden.
I will atempte once againg to put up my art. *sigh* It hasn't gon up yet, I've drawn 3 new sketches this week weekend, I might post them if I get to it.
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Thursday, November 16, 2006
At school today Choir was fun! Homsarr88, Heether, and me tried out for solos. I don't know when we find out who gets the solo/small group. But I can perdiced that one preep Sahara F. will get it, she is a great singer. She is always deying her hair, this weeks bleach white and ink black *Curella Deville song starts playing* It looks sooo real *rolls eyes*!
In choir Arisa was sitting next to Lizzy Clawfred, and they talked. At one point Mrs.Barney said "Alto you need to be louder. Maybe your all silent because.... Arissa is siting in the wrong spot!" Arissa looked up and knew she was geting in troble agian.
In math Arissa sits in fornt of me. today she took off her big sweetshirt and had a short sleave t-shirt, she had about 7 or 8 long, fresh, clean cuts on her arm. It looked like she put a razor to her arm sevral times, I heraed she cut but I didn't belive it till now. zi'm worried for her. She always acts happy but it never looks totaly real, more like she's wearing a mask. I hope she is ok.
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New fan art!
Yah i just submited a manip of Jean Grey I did. I put my friend Kagoma's face on Jean so no I don't look like the pict! Any way I hope it works, Itried to put it on about 3 weeks ago so PLEASE PLEASE WORK!!!!!
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
)@^ the piano!!!!!!
this smily does not do justes for how I feel! It should be a Hitler smily because I feel very mad right now!
My boilogicle mom (not that i have any other mom she just isn't a mom at the present) has decided that even though I'm in choir, and exstar choir has desided I'm a worthless fool who needs to learn how to play the piano to apersiate music! HELLo does she even know me? I've been in choir for 5 years, and rearly turn off my radio. As if I'm not already killing myself doing as she pleases, seriously I'm only surving off of sugaer highs to keep my awake. I haven't slepted well in 4 months. and she wants me too do this all school year long.
Of coures my doppy little stister is so happy she's learning how to play the dam key bord she got for her birth day. That only helps me so much more NOT. My dad doesn't even see eye to eye with me this time. They both think I'm not smart enoff for them and perhaps there right. After manga club today I was outside wating for mom to pick me up, I talked to Heether about our !@(%ed up lifes. Her's is bad in a poler oppiste way then meine, her parnets seem to not stop yelling at her. My parnets just push me into neglect, emptyness, nothingness. Well they still buy me clothes, and food, they still make me go to school and take me to church. But they can't tell that I can't even speak in the morning I'm that tired. they just go about there lifes ingnoring the signghs that I might be slipping back into depression, not that they saw it last time untill I wrote it out for them (literaly). *Sigh* I should get to bed. Good night. I might see you tomarow.
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1) Loud sound possibly sounding like a boom. 2) A small scale expolsion like a cruddy fire work(your welcom Livvy). 3) An asome distrtion form choir class.
This is a new word my asome Choire teacher Mrs.Barny made up today! She is 1 of my favortie teachers. She is crazy in a good way! Any way she made it up and we got delayed about 30 secounds.
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another quize (i don't really thing people read these posts)
Um the on;y thing that seemed totaly off was the pink thing. I HATE PINK!
Your Birthdate: July 21

You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature.
Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas.
People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life.
You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone.
Your strength: Your thirst for adventure
Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures
Your power color: Hot pink
Your power symbol: Figure eight
Your power month: March
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Sunday, November 12, 2006
Looky I took a Quiz (aging...).
I love quizes, and apantly I'm perinoyed! yah!
Are You Paranoid?
You are paranoid. Well that is what can be determined from your answer. It is likely that you do not like and/or trust other people and so avoid their company. You thus find it hard to speak openly to people and commit as you are always looking for their next attack on you or are waiting for betrayal. Welcome to my world you are not alone my friend 3% of the world suffers from this (though if you are like me you don't see it as suffering right?)Thanx for taking the quiz! Take this quiz!
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gossip 'bout me (gasp i never here gossip)!
Ok i havn't been on forever. Alrigh i confesse it was like 2 days but that dosn't matter. Any way on thursday I whent to Ren's B-day party. My friend Sadie from engilsh, told me 5 yes 5 guys like me in our school! I repeat 5 guys in our school like ME!
Sadie only told me one name, well she told Tora, who shouted it out loud. His name is Clouse. He's in my engilsh class, spanish, sience, and his locker is nexst to my locker.
Any way I'll wait for comments to flood in.
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Friday, November 10, 2006
WWEE Battles!
I love evil sometimes! Love my battle crie or eles!
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