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| Midnighter Des8
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
Wonderful hall clearing monuver!!
Me,Homsar88,and Kitai are so happy. We have a 3 day weekend, it's the end of first quarter!!! I have no homework!
I no longer have gym class this year, so me and Livvy skiped down the halls singing Were Off To See The Wisared The wonderful Wisared of OZ at the top of our lungs! Now I want to make Livvy Elfy on photo shop, if I get around to it I'll post it!
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Monday, November 6, 2006
*snort* Ha !
I'm teeling you these quizess LIE!! I just cant stop taking them! Late night must sleep!
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Sunday, November 5, 2006
I think i can stop posting aging!
Look i found thison someone site! I think its wrong againg, darn internet quizes!
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Trigger happy vampires!
I love vampires ther so cool! I just came back from a sleep over/B-day party! we watch Van Hellsing aging, we use any excusse to watch it it may be our officale movie!
Then we watched Underworld, Yeah everone is trigger-happy in that movie! The morle of the movie is DON"T BE RACEST! We then watched Underworld Evolution, althoug it was like 5:50 am and I fell asleep, I think it just gose to show how affule sequels are. that movies morle is DON"T MAKE BAD SEQUELS OR YOU LOSE FANS!
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M'k if your in the contuation club, loop, whatever you'll skip this parargh! If your not in the culb lisen carfuly. the format is set up like a talk show kind of thing! todady i will only inclued myself and the slave boys(if at this point your offenedsorry most of them are mean boy who dislike me (not to supprisingly))!
Midnighter Des8: The play was great!D funny, filled with wooden swords and Livvy! I loved the Gilligan's Island joke at the end.but they put Jrome edrd in the play, i don't like him. He isn't nice at all. But then aging I knew lots of kids on the crew, like my self so that made up forit.
SB:AA: blah blah blah I didn't even see the play it was bad.DP: what play there was a play,.....oh yeah i rip down 1 of those posters. Zeek: my my jolly good. and a cup of tea!
Well that is it folks.....maby i should have warned you. I FEEL NO REMORSE....yet!
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Friday, November 3, 2006
Ijust can't stop posting! I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Chibi's Name Here
Likes: Choclate, svering Midnighter Des8, Fire/fire works, and being evil!
Dislikes: Water fountins, drool, Midnighter Des8's siblings and school!
Owner: Midnighter Des8 aka: Turrner, aka: Ichega-chan!Here
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
Yah Garra! he's so like me! Thanks UzumakiKitai or as i call her UK!
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A nother goob day *sighs*
Usally i use goob for good but now at present i'm useing it for Good/bad! Me, Homsar88, and Livvy won a game of badmitten today! then lost the rest of ours. I'm going to the school play tonight! and it's Firday so this should be a ggod day. But if yopu read Waterfoutain on Homsar88's site you can see that public schools are not always (or ever) fun. I can not think of more to say, but after the play i will review it on here. (Hommsar88, UK,yes it will be like the contiuons reviews!)*Winks and smiles siniclely*
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My new craze!
Yah pepole read my posts Bothe Homsar88 and UK have been making random noise in school! So i gusse that makes me an Innovator!
Hey Homsar88 did you know our home room teacher Mr.Hacker looks a smuge like Scott Westerfeld! I just relised thet!
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
Wika wiga woom!
Hmmmm, this post isinspired by Homsar88 and fatige(please don't ask how 'cause i barly know how)! I showed my little sitter she's under the age of 11, the eps.38 and nothing happened. She only blikned twice! I am so dissapointed!
Anyway I like to make weird noises when i get bord and i stumble apoun a sound that sort of like "wika wiga woom! Hooray for Weird Nosies!
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Hooray for Scott Westerfield, if not 4 his book So Yesterday I wouldn't know the falowing. AND FOR THE RECORD IF NOT FOR ME BOTH Homsar88 and UzumakiKitai would NOT know this too!
Pokeymon #38(origanle)This is the most famous of the banned episodes. It is banned everywhere in the world including Japan. During the episode when Ash and co. are with Porygon in Cyber Space, missiles get fired at them from Team Rocket. Pikachu blasts the missiles with Thunderbolt causing a flashing of red and blue which put 800 Japanese children into hospital with epileptic seizures. After this the show was put on a 4 month hiatus and was almost totally banned with Nintendo to be blamed for it! To watch the seizure tirgering sean copy and past link
In conclusion, YAEH LITTLE KID HAVING epileptic seizures, in short good TV!!!JK that was bad! PS if you watch cilp with sunglasses you should be fine!
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