Midnighter Des8
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
I was grounded last night, I couldn't go to Heathers b-day party. I got really pissed at my parnets . . . I'm planning on calling heather to explian. I'm dreading that call.
I really really like Nirvana! that band was sooooooo great. Then Kurt got really depressed and killed himself in 1994. I was soo sad to hear about that. They had some really good music!

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Thursday, February 22, 2007
I got bord of my music so I changed it. If you stop by Homsar88's site she ranted at every one! And we mean everyone!
I'm very bord so I might photoshop a goth/emo/anti-christ Paul.
1 r u bord too?
2 Do u have to get up eraly for a meeting tomarow?
3 do you think I have wayyyyyyyyyyyy to much time on my hands?
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
For Cassie
Smile, Paul is an alien!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nothing to say right now.
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Pyro / John Allerdyceand MidnighterDes8were married on February 21, 2007Marry Your Favorite Character
Don't Kill me for the last one Cassie
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Monday, February 19, 2007
I think the world hates me . . .
Every time i try to came back something stops me, first homework, then I got grouned. But I'm determend to stay on. I will I tell you! I will, for now.
*sighs* I really realy wnat to see the movie the number 23 but it's rated R. I hate ratings . . .
here is a short stry I wrote please coment.
Not my face
Waking up, it’s always hard. I mean come on, who can honestly say they want to wake up to the agony that sunlight brings? Today it seemed much harder, like trying to out run a wounded horse. Usually it only takes a minute of my blinding bright alarm clock, and defying alarm to get me out of bed. After I get up I make an attempt to satanically beat the alarm, but I only end up taping the off button. This bloody morning I felt totally drained of energy, as if last night I used it all up not restored it. I also felt oddly thirsty.
Today I fell just getting to the bathroom. I hauled myself up and stumbled into the bathroom. It was a white bathroom; the wall with the sink was one giant mirror. I rubbed my eyes that still stung for the light. I then saw something beyond traumatizing; NO, no it couldn’t be. I was sleeping, or had too much caffeine; it could be those horror books I read like most people breath, or all the movies . . . It could have been anything but I knew, I knew right away my dreams we’re finally real. My face wasn’t my face, the plain one with my fading tan, my freckles, and my dull eyes. Even my dried out red-brown hair wasn’t mien any more. My skin was too pale, my eyes chillingly deep blue almost black, my face now was thinner, and my hair now shown a red clay color. Not my face it’s not my face! It can’t be it’s not me. But what really gave it away were the sharp long fangs I now had.
Finally like all my other nightmares I was dead, only I was still living unlike all the other victims. I should have seen this coming; I had always felt connected to the darker things in life, depression, abuse, misery, death, suicide they had raised me for some unknown reason. Plagued everyone around me anyone I felt close to; they’d get hurt beyond repair, or abused, killed, depressed until they’d be found killed by themselves. You name it someone was hurt that way; I even had to kill my best friend whose step father sexually abused her. Poor child she couldn’t press the knife down so she made me do it. I should have seen this coming when I decided to date a vampire named Chris. I was always told I’d be the coming of something. Grandma told me I was undeniably special, but she never told me how.
Now that what ever was coming begun I felt it was bad, apocalypse bad. This can’t be my fate. It can’t happen I won’t let billions suffer because of me. I wanted no part of what I had started. I have made mistakes yes we all do, I have more regrets then most, after all most people don’t kill their best friend. This was one thing I could not do; I had to stop it, like I should have stopped my friend. I ran to the kitchen were I kept my good knifes. I went for a sharp longer one. With tears of blood streaming down my face I went into the bathroom and lay down in the white tub. “I’m so sorry.” the last words had left my lips, there was noting left to say. Only action would end every one else’s suffering. I one quick motion the knife broke my heart. Heaven welcomed me very glad I made one right choice.
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I'm back!!!!!!!
Yes I am back *loud gasp* I was gone forever. Ok so it was about a week but still I'm sorry. Ok nothing happening ing my life. nothing new
i'm bord. So i fixed my profile and posted . . .
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Sunday, February 4, 2007
THe return . . . . (of what we wonder?)
I have readded my chatt box! Oh yeah, it's on the bottem now. I feel lazy bordm has over atken me once aging. BUT NOW MY LITTLE SIS'S B-Day PARTY IS OVER! Hulyloya! I can't spell . . .
I'm changing my avi aging! I love it so much.
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Friday, February 2, 2007
lets see I'm changing my site *dramatic pauseing* aging lol. HOORAY ROME! I just need constaint change.
Um in wood shop yesterday there was s;ome really funny things.
1) Our teacher were talking about crackes in wood, when your glueing our bords together. Cheyana started lughing really hard. Our teacher asked what was going on and she said "everything is so dobble meaning" and Pirrtegara was all WTF?
2) Pirrategarar and I where partners and we put the glue on her bord to soon, so we had to get help From Justin. Gara was slightly offended but I didin't care.
3) I was watching VH1's 40 most unhip-hop moments. Some highlights are Elmo rapping bout the number 5, the Canadian raper Snow; one person said "you know theres a funny thing about Canada rap. If you go to Canada there is no black people . . . Black people are a fundmentle of Hip-hop!", and they talked about how only white people need a book to rime, and another funny thing was how Germans and raping don't mix.
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Monday, January 29, 2007
I hate most things in life!
I'm tired, so yeah. I will now post some of my picts I've promised!
1 my firend photoshop to be Kitty in X-3

2 My other friend as Jean Grey in x-3 . . . don't hurt me!

3 My cuddly Jackalope Creeden! HE is soooo cute!

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Saturday, January 27, 2007
Blood & Chocate
Yep, I organized the going to see that movie, It was tons of fun. Although the movie plot is the exact oppiste of the book it was good. I wonder if the writer of the movie even read the book? I give it a 9/10.
I can hear my family aguing aging, I hate the sound of it.
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