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myOtaku.com: Midnighter Des8

Thursday, October 18, 2007

   Well, why I seemed to have stopped in mid seantance
Yesterday I was stopped in the middle of my post because Mom came BACK FROM HER SOUTHERN LIVVING PARTY, and suddanly became pissed off. Luck for me dad had left before she returned AGAIN! Meaning only I was left to try to calm her down,at best I just made her wrose. Yay it sucked.

So as I was saying Goth Guy was sitting next to me in manga club! God he's hot, I should get a picture of him. We joked some and he told us about the time his friends went to a carebears movie while on acid. This left everyone silent and freaked out, like seirously we do people bost about drugg use? Morons one day someone will nark and you will all be forced through rehab!*slams head* Why do they even start anyway?

So yay, today we only hald a halfday and it when by really quick. I missed the bus and got to class about ten minutes late I snuck in and my teacher asked "Middy where did you sneak in from?"
"uhhhhhhh, Mars." I grinned sheepishly but no one heard me *eye roll* they never do.

It's like 3 am as Dane Cook would say "the hour of the Jackle!" XD now off to kick lego-clone butt!

ps:I have a devaint art heres some of my newest stuff.
Walking with a fish by ~Midnighterdes8 on deviantART

Tragic death of my bestfriend by ~Midnighterdes8 on deviantART There is a Jackalope too!

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