myOtaku.com: midnightgirl
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Happy Belated Halloweenie ^_^
hope you guys all had a happy halloweenie! cuz well...mine wasn't so great T-T actually it sucked ass. i didn't get to go trick or treating cuz my science teacher packed us with homework that was due the next day. usually i'd be like 'screw it, i can do it later' but it was actually alot and it was pretty hard (at least for me, physics is confusing me...i hate science period)
today was also a total bust. my bus didn't come for half an hour and i was so frickin' cold! my toes actually went numb...i was late for school as well.
my first period was comm tech and it's SUCH A BORING CLASS! we work on computers and stuff and use photoshop so you'd think it'd be fun but NO, it's actually quite boring. gym wasn't too bad since i got to play badtminton and i had a really fun game cuz we made it super hard and played with 4 birdies. lunch was okay, a friend of mine got hurt so we took care of her all through lunch. science was blah! i hate science and i dread it every single day plau my teacher is a bitch and is also really scary ~_~ english was the worst part of my day, we're doing a novel study and you choose between 2 books. one teacher teaches the novel study for one book and another teacher teaches the other. i got the teacher who picks on one kid every class, today that kid was me. i hated it, i made a total fool out of myself. so now i feel stupid.
also this (ex?)friend just stopped speaking ot me. what am i not cool enough now? he's kinda? popular and i'm not. he used to give me hugs and kisses everyday now he just passes by me like i'm nothing. what the hell? do you guys care if someone is cool or not? i mean, it shouldn't matter. if you are friends with someone, you are friends with them because they make you happy or laugh and stuff. not cuz they're cool or not. it's just stupid.
man i am really making myself depressed. guess i should try to do something happy? maybe...
OTAKU LOVES YOU (but mostly me ^-^)
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