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Florida sucks monkey butts!
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Mystical muffin magician
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Won a bunch of art contests, found the best friends anyone could ask for.
Anime Fan Since
DBZ got me started in my toddler years. :[
Favorite Anime
YuYu Hakusho, Fruits Basket, Excel Saga, Land of the Blindfolded.
Get a job, move out of my parents' house, graduate from high school, go to college, write and finish a story/book, survive.
Drawing, Surfing the net, writing, horse-back riding, watching anime, hanging with friends, reading, listening to music, skating, etc :o
Drawing, RPing, writing, procrastinating, being different.
| MidnightKitsune
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Yay ^^ I just got 5 new mangas, really wierd.. They look like American Animation, but it's not. *shrugs* Anyways, I got 2 Posters of Azumanga Daioh, they're awesome! Going to accompany my Tiger poster in my room.. Ah, and 2 tapes of Urusei Yatsura! The first two epi's, Takahashi ROCKS! ^__^
We only got to watch Battle Royale, No time for Suicide Club.. Though we watched 10 minutes of it, I'm still recovering from those.. disturbing images... o.O
Haha.. something a *cough*gay*cough* guy who was watching it with us said.. "There's your proof.. Don't try to molest 6-year-olds in front of the stairs..." ...*cough* Suppose he would know, mm?
No school tomorrow.. 'Nother doctor's appointment..
Has anyone actually seen Battle Royale or Suicide Club?
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Turns out, I didn't go with Carissa to the mall today.. She wasn't expecting anyone to be able to come, so she re-scheduled to this weekend.. Ah, well ^^ At least I'll have something to do this weekend!
Tomorrow's the Anime Club.. I think my bro is coming. I hope so, for some reason, I think he'd get along with all the guys I annoy there... ^^;; Heheheh...
Drama was so fun today! We presented our commercial/interview thingy.. it was so funny, and in our opinions, everyone else's sucked ^^;;
Just for the hell of it, I'm going to type up how it went. B=Brittney, the news reporter, A=Ashley, a psycho, and K=Me, another psycho. Me and Ashley were improvising for most of it ^^:
B: We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you this interview, with two of the *cough*psycho*coughcough* people at the local Asylum! As soon as we're done, we'll return you to channel Llama--
A&K: *walk up and heads over her shoulders* LLAMA! *high-pitched squeaky voice through the whole thing*
B: Ahh! What.. Hey! Don't do that! Bad! Ahem.. anyway. My name is Koo Koo Madoo, and I..
K: *walks in front of her staring at her, starts dancing singing "Koo Koo Madoo- doo doo doo doo doo"*
B: o.O Uh.. Bad! BAD! *slaps me*
K: NOT NICE! >< *sob cry*
A: *tries to comfort her* There, there.. Koo Koo Madoo.. Hehehehe....
B: -_- Anyway. Let us now interview the these two from room 000.
A: *sings* I'm a super-heroooo! I get to save the dayyyayyyay! I can FLYYY! I can climb up walls!-- *walks into a wall* Climb up walls! *walks into wall again* Climb up walls! *again, etc.*
K: o.o I tink the Record Player's broked..
B: *sigh* Is it true you two are monkeys?
A&K: Monkeys? Noooo...
B: -_- Is that a yes, or a no?
A&K: OR! OR! OR!
B: NO! Not or, yes or no?!
K: ....Hug?
B: No hug! NO!
K: *advances slowly*
B: Stop being a dork! NO HUG! No, you buffoon!
K: o.o ...*teary eyed* Waaahhh! *sits on the floor* hmph.
A: Hah hah, she called you a doooork...
B: I called you one, too.
A: HEY! NOT NICE! *pushes her as she falls to the ground* Hey, Katie... Hug...
K: O.O *scrambles over crawling to B* HUG!! *grabs her feet and hugs them* ^__^
B: O.O Uhh.. cut to commercials! Err, back to the Llama-whatever! NOW!
A: Kkkkkk... *that kkkk sound a tv makes sometimes*
Hehehe... That was so wierd ^^;; Not much of a commercial, huh?
The hell..?! They described me perfectly, except.. I am NOT a girly-girl! How does being sad, mature, and low self-esteem make you a girly-girl?
![GIRLY GIRL - Clever Kitty]( A GIRLY-GIRL. You dont have a lot of self-esteem and people are always bringing you down for being sad. What do they know, anyway? You feel like youre too mature for your age and are frustrated by the trend-followers who refuse to accept you because youre not like them.
Your virtues: Intelligence, understanding nature, modesty.
Your flaws: Lack of social life, inferiority complex, timidity..
You might like this game, but maybe it's not your thing. Take a look anyway if you are curious:
What kind of girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, September 20, 2004
Just Finished Ma Homework..
Yay ^^ My mom is actually letting me walk home with Carissa tomorrow ^^ I was really expecting her to say no, the whole, "No, it's a school night" thing. But anyways, Carissa's mom is taking me, her, and Kitty to the mall to get a video game and some other stuff.. (No real reason ^^;;) Well, I gotta do my homework for today AND tomorrow, tonight.. Block schedule sucks ><
Anyways.. After tomorrow, we're going to the Anime Club, and I finally think I convinced my brother to come! (The older one) We're gonna watch Battle Royale again, and I told him about it yesterday.. the whole "Students killing each other for survival with trash can lids" thing, and he's like "That sounds like my kinda movie." I started laughing.. He's such a moron ^^;; I don't think he has any idea what it's about, even after I told him..
Nothing special about school today, except this one thing at lunch.. I was bored and decided to make a heart symbol repeatedly with my hands... Then turned around and said, "I want to scare people with my love!" My friends were just staring at me, I had my eyes closed (for some reason) when I said it, and when I opened them there was this boy 2 inches from my fingers.. Hahaha... that was so funny... He was looking as if I'd just given him some deadly disease.. ^^;;
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
That was an interesting way to wake up...
Someone pounds on my door at 8 in the morning on a Sunday (Not to mention I didn't sleep till 3 last night..) really loud.. and I wake up to them screaming "We're going out for breakfast! If you don't come, we're not bringing anything home for you." -_- Like I care about breakfast when I'm really tired and just woke up.. So I told 'em I wasn't going, and fell back asleep. 'Bout half an hour later, they come home, pounding on my door again, yelling "Come on, come eat breakfast!" I THOUGHT they said they weren't bringing any home.. Anyway, they forced me out of bed to eat, and it'd be impossible to fall back asleep now.. -_- I'm so tired...
Gah.. my sister is watching The Bearenstein Bears, (or however you spell that) and my brothers are yelling about some game at each other from across the room.. Guess it never occurred to them that I MAY be tired... *sigh*
I swear, I'll kill those stupid kiddy show directors some day...
Anyway. Before I kill anyone, (^^;;) I submitted quite a few greetings and 1 wallpaper.. (The wallpaper sucks, in my opinion) So now I have 15 Greetings ^^ I love some of them.. I was just really bored yesterday.
Some wierd Away messages I liked, and I have nowhere else to put em ^^;;
Silence keeps them all wondering...
Go wonder, you fool.
Home is good, work is bad. Who the hell decided to put the two together?!
Remember my name, remember my face, but there ain't no one who can take my place.
Squirrely wrath! You'll all dieeeeeee!
Ok, lets talk about left and right. You're Right..I left.
Hi, I'm Out of my mind as of now, I'll be back as soon as I find the way back in... (Hahaha so true ^^)
*Don't wander through this Glassy surface expecting to find more then me. 'Cauz what I am without a purpose is but a lone mirage to see.*
Confusing! Can't talk on the computer now... Well, actually, I can talk on the computer now... I mean, like, I'm at the computer now, writing this message, but I'm doing this NOW, while you're reading it LATER, except that for you, I guess this is NOW.
Hehe.. *hugs*
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
Haha, that was fun.. Just went biking with my bros.. rode down to McDonalds and Publix.. (Which are about 2 miles away from my house) Because we were bored.. It was funny though, on the way back, I got annoyed by how slow my older bro was going, since he was in front and my little bro in back, I went ahead.. and about a minute later, he was coming after me at top speed, leaving my lil bro in the dust.. ^^;; We ended up having a race home, (I won! HA!) And my lil bro comes home 5 min after.. haha, he's so slow ^^
I know that seems mean.. But I've had to live with him all my life, and he deserved it.. ^^;;
I think he's mad at me now ^_^
PS: Has anyone seen the new version of Windows Media Player? It ROCKS!
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200 Visits, 51 GB Enties ^^
Skip-diddee doo-dah skip-diddee doo.. ski-- skrrrk.. skrrrk *destroys broken tape recorder* -_-
o.o *shifts eyes* *whispers* Does.. Anyone.. want.. a.. cow?
I do! ^_^ ...ph34r m3h! Ph34r m3h! PH34R M3H 1 S41D!! >< No one ph34r5 m3h..
^^ Yeps.. bored again! Just woke up about an hour ago because my dad wouldn't let me sleep in.. >< And it's Saturday! CURSE YOU!!!
Ew... for some reason, I ended up looking at the pic on my ID... Ew... It don't look like me ^^;; It's better than last year's pic, but it's still... ew...
o.o .... *stares blankly at crowd* .....
I have nothing to say. ^^
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Yay! I remember! RRGH! *smacks self repeatedly* -_- Ow... I forgot again.. -_-Damn my short-term memory! *waits to remember... but doesn't* -_-
And my fav. forum is back up.. *yay* Still, no one on it.. Well, barely.
Anyways.. As you can see, I'm remodeling! ^^ I spent a good.. oh, what was it.. 20 minutes? on the background.. Yeah, it was sooo hard.. *uses more random sarcasm* Tell me what ya think of da colors.. I think it looks horrible.. But it probably wouldn't if I had any clue how to make it so there's a clear inner background color.. Hey, does anyone know how? Or, how to do the html boxes for the posts? Please PM me! I don't know how.. ><
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Hahaha Drama Class Rocks!
First day of Drama I had, I knew no one in it.. now, since people switched to it, 4 of my friends are in it ^_^ Yay! Hehe, anyway, today, we had to make a commercial for class... 3 of us did it, Ashley and I were Psychos, and Brittney was the news reporter.. It was so funny! We were rehearsing in the hall, and all the teachers were like o.O While I was yelling "HUG! ^__^" They wouldn't give me a hug tho... *sob*.. I managed to force them, though >:) Mwahahahaha..ha.. *cough* Erm..
Anyways ^^ ...Hell, I just forgot what I was going to say.. Grr...
It's Friday. Yep. *Celebrate!* Oh, I finally figured out the name of a song.. Vindicated, I think. 5 seconds after I figured it out, I forgot. *smacks self*
Where's everyone been lately..? Nearly everyone I know hasn't been online lately.. So lonely.. :(
Oh, and my dad said "Maybe" about the scanner.. Maybe = Yes or No? >< Part of me wants to know, yet another part already knows.. ^^;;
Haha, I thought this was funny.. We were freewriting in English, and this one girl wanted to read hers.. the last sentence was "Sometimes I'm so bored with writing or with whatever that I start to have little conversations with myself in my head.. And I swear to god they talk back." Hehe..
Anyways, gonna go.. Cyas!
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
Split Post.. First Half- Episode 3 ^_^
(Sorry I didn't post this yesterday.. didn't exactly feel like it ^^;;)
FLASHBACK: *Creepy shadow of a teddy bear with a mallet spreads across the hallway*
W-wh.. what the.. *teddy bear walks out with a purple mohawk, earrings, and a mallet 3 times its size* O.O ...Mr. Huggums?! MR. HUGGUMS!! *runs up to hug* Oh, how I've missed you soooo.... *gets poked in the back* EEP! o.o Fuzzy Wuzzy.. you're alive? *sees dead corpse of Fuzzy Wuzzy* *tear* ...Mr. Huggums.. your brother died... I'm sorry... EEK!! *mallet is right above head* O.O .... *hugs Mr. Huggums* But.. how could you do this to me.. I thought we were frieeeeeendssss... *sob* *mallet is raised again* ...Squeak..? >< *grabs Mallet* THAT'S NOT NICE!! Why are all the Bad Little Teddy Bears conspiring against me? >< *Mr. Huggums picks up Fuzzy Wuzzy's chainsaw* O.O That's REALLY not nice! *Battles a teddy bear for an hour, mallet against chainsaw* Okay, this is just stupid. -_- *grabs chainsaw* Bad Mr. Huggums! BAD! *thrashes like an idiot and accidentally chops his head off* O.O ..M.. Mr.. Huggums? Rrgh.. Not again... *shakes head and drops him on top of Fuzzy Wuzzy* *tear* I mourn thee.. *drops running chainsaw on 'em* o.o Uhh... *in pieces* ...*shifts eyes* It wasn't me! *runs away screaming* *runs into tall person* o.o Ow... *looks up* O.O Woah.. Hello up there... ^Tall, really really muscular guy^ ...*scrambles away* *Creepy Voice: Show Me The Teddies...* O.O Err.. Um.. They're.. that way! *points in a random Direction* *Creepy Voice Again: Thank you ^Walks off^* o.o ...Ya know, I think my house has gone nuts... *shakes head and falls unconcious for no reason* *Yet ANOTHER creepy shadow of a stuffed Bunny(Hehehe) with a doctor's needle spreads across my face*
I'm not like that.. Though I'm using myself as a character, I really don't act like that.. Really! ><
Hehehe, it's a BUNNY this time! Doesn't match the title, but I'll go back to teddies.. Eventually.. Just wait and see... Hehehehe... Anyways.. ^^;;
Not much to say today.. Still haven't read One Pound Gospel.. I'll read it tonight, probably. Oh, and I'll be putting up the new look this weekend.. I'm thinking about Evil Rebeling Teddy Bears(Heheheh.. I'm helping them kill me... lol) as a background.. No happy colors, though. Don't think I could stand having hapy colors on my site.. that's why they're EVIL Teddy Bears... Hehehe ^^ Anyways.. I'm messing with the music on my site. I found these awesome pics of teddies.. gonna look for more, and make a creepy background of em.. >:3 Gonna be awesome.. Lol. Cyas.
PS: I'll kill my computer if I have to re-type this...
![Pluto]( You are Pluto...
Abuse of Power, Darker side, Spiritual Outlook.
What planet do you represent? (Chobits based, Anime Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Hehehe... I was bored...
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Strange... I've grown to like my brother.. well, like a brother. It's wierd, I couldn't stand being around him before.. Now, we're arguing over who was going to kill my little bro in the future.. that is getting along, whether you know it or not ^^
ANYWAYS... Anime Club: Fun ^^ Watched Mermaid Forest and Gunslinger Girl, got 2 issues of One Pound Gospel, and a book about manga. Also made more people believe in WAVRP (try pronouncing that.. lol) which means We Are Very Retarded People. Hehe, well, it's true! ^_^
I'll post the next episode of WBLTBBC (hehe... that was hard to abbreviate ^^;; or maybe I'm just stupid... lol) later. (maybe.) Maybe. Yes, maybe. *shifts eyes* Mweheheheheh....
I'M BORED! (I know, I know... "What's knew?") But seriously. I'M BOOOOOREDDDD... *HUGS TO ALL* ^___^
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