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myOtaku.com: MidnightKitsune

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 08/06/04:

What would your Anime life be like? by hearthlight
Your looks:Short silver hair.
Your best friend:Friend? You're the Dark Loner.
Your powers:Control of shadows.
Your beloved:A villain.
Your occupation:Magical girl.
Your ending:Tragic...everyone dies.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 08/02/04:
Ohh yeah.

Result Posted on 07/29/04:
This is me the other day... and every once in a while.

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.

Result Posted on 07/28/04:
Yeah...another survey if you care to learn about me.

DOB:May 7, 1991
Height:5'1 I think
Weight:I actually haven't a clue
Hair color:Dirty Blonde
Eye color:Brown
Any sisters?:1
Any brothers?:2
Rents' Divored?:No
If so who do you live with?:They're not
How many friends do you have:Not many
Who is the stupidest:Jenesca
Who is the smartest:Me
Who is the loudest:Cheyanne
Who is the smelliest:o.0 Like I would know
Who is the weirdest:Cheyanne
Who makes you laugh:Kitty
Who makes you cry:None
Who can you trust:Carissa
Who would you kill:Hmm...none
Who would you fuck:None of them
~Love Life~
Are you gay/straight/bi:Straight
Do you have a b/f or g/f:No
Do you have a crush:No
Have you ever had sex:No
If not would you now if you could:No
Ever like someone and not tell them:Yes
Ever kiss someone:No
Ever makeout with someone:No
Ever love someone:Not really
Drink:Orange Soda
Cartoon:InuYasha, Yuyu Hakusho
Hobby:Drawing Anime/Manga
SouthPark character:Cartmen

Bored..then take this quiz brought to you by BZOINK!

Result Posted on 07/25/04:
Looong Survey, does it count as a quiz?

Eye Color::Brown
Hair Color::Dirty Blonde
Hair Style::Usually down, sometimes in a ponytail
Birthday(month and day)::May 7th
Heritage::No Clue
Religion::None, mom's Christian
Skin Color::White
.::Currently You're::.
Seeing::Ugly moniter
Feeling::Bored; Annoyed
Hearing::Annoying background music
Talking To::My nose, Bob
Eating::Macaroni and Cheese
Drinking::...Cheese juice
Wearing::A humongous black t-shirt and shorts
.::Relation Ships::.
Single or Taken::Single
Crush/gf or bf::Don't like anyone
Their Name::...
What do you like best about them::...
Why are you attracted to them::...
.::Last Person That::.
IMed you::Best friend
Yelled At You::Older brother
Hugged You::Don't remember
Kissed You::No one
Said Your Name::Me
Stared At You::Younger brother
Laughed At/With You::Best friend
Band(s)::Evanescence, Good Charlotte
Game(s)::Resident Evil, Everquest, Diablo II
Movie(s)::The Ring, Sixth Sense, InuYasha
Book(s)::The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife
Friend(s)::Kitty, Carissa, Katie, Cheyanne
Song(s)::Four Seasons, I Am, Don't know the name of others
Tv/Cartoon/Anime Show(s)::InuYasha, Yuyu Hakusho
Food(s)::Ramen, pudding
Color(s)::Black, Blood Red, Twilight Blue
Website(s)::Anime Oblivion, Quizilla, Myotaku.com
Drink(s)::Orange Soda
Obesity::It's their problem, not mine
Fidelity::Whatever this is
Anirexic::Whatever this is
Politics::Too confusing for people's own good
Racism::See MLK's speech
Homosexuals::Don't care- It's their life
Bisexuals::Don't care- It's their life
George W. Bush::Get a life; don't mess with ours
Abortion::No comment
.::Opinion on the band/singer::.
Good Charlotte::Pretty good
Britney Spears::Wannabe
Lostprophets::Never heard of em
Black Sabbath::Never heard of em
Blink 182::A little excessive, pretty good
Something Corporate::o.0 eh?
Evanescence::Easy to relate to
Usher::Don't like
Hoobastank::Okay, pretty good
Chevelle::Never heard of her
Are you a guy or girl::Girl
5 things on your desk::CD cases, paper towl, cup of mac & cheese, moniter, keyboard
5 cherished things in your room::My sketchbook, my journal, my photo album, my CDs, and umm...my clothes?
Best::Can't choose
Most Smartest::Me
Most Prettiest::Kitty
Most Funniest::Cheyanne
Most Sweetest::...None?
Most Generous::Kitty
Most Annoying::Cheyanne
Most Creative::Carissa
Most Boring::Me
Most Saddest::Me
Most Talkative::Jennesca
.::This or That::.
Dorritos or Cheetohs::Doritos
Cat or Dog::Dog
Jolly Ranchers or Starburst::Jolly Ranchers
Orange Juice or Apple Juice::Orange Juice
Blonde or Brunette::Blonde
Black or White::Black
Red or Blue::Red
Japan or China::Japan
Winter or Summer::Winter
Halloween or Christmas::Halloween
X-Box or PS2::PS2
MP3 or CDs::CDs
Pants or Shorts::Pants
Real Life or Webcam::Real life
.::End of Quiz Questions::.
Did you like the survey::It was okay
(Rand.) Scariest thing in the world::A smile
Which question was the best::::Currently You're:: Talking to?

Survey For Yourself brought to you by BZOINK!

Result Posted on 07/22/04:
Eh *shrug*

Result Posted on 07/22/04:
*twitch*...Still growing up...

Result Posted on 07/22/04:
...I guess

Result Posted on 07/22/04:

You become a lonely Angel!
The lonely Angel! Isolated in the past.

What kind of Angel are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 07/22/04:
Tch...I guess

Natural Beauty!
Natural Beauty! You impress with your narural
charme and your simple beauty. You only want to
be the person you are and be accepted as that.
Go you!

What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

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