YOU ARE THE MORBID IMP!It is 2034. You are sitting
in a dark room, a VERY dark room. There are 2-3
persons around you waiting for instructions.
The air is muggy the room hasnt seen daylight
for maybe 5 years. No, its not a room its a
cellar. And you are the leader of this small
group of people. This people and you have all
the same chill gaze in their eyes, the gaze of
anger, the gaze of abandon, the gaze of
menace. You still couldnt make peace with the
world and you will never. Ours is the fury, you
roar. For two months you have been planning the
world destruction and tomorrow you will take
revenge, you think. Sure you and your buddies
will stay alive Will you manage it?-We will
see. You have nothing to rely on anymore. Once
you had but these times are over. And you want
them to be over for anybody. You tried out
nearly everything but couldnt find peace. But
you dont like peace anyway!
this can only happen if the world still remains in
Do you like your future life? If not, think about
it. If yes, stay how you are
Do not forget to rate!!!!
Think once about the future: how will you end up in 30 years? Will you like what you see?PICS, 9 LONG RESULTS!!! brought to you by Quizilla