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Thursday, December 20, 2007
I should be sleeping right now... XD
"There are some who say that sitting at home reading is the equivalent of travel, because the experiences described in the book are more or less the same as the experiences one might have on a voyage, and there are those who say that there is no substitute for venturing out into the world. My own opinion is that it is best to travel extensively but to read the entire time, hardly glancing up to look out of the window of the airplane, trian, or hired camel."
Yay for books!!!! 8D
We're about halfway through that Horseradish book. (The book I'm getting these quotes from, for those of you who don't know.) ^_^
Hello peoples. ^_^ I should be sleeping right now... It's 10:38 and I gots school in the morning... And tomorrow we get to dress up for Christmas!!! X3 I'm wearing red and white striped knee socks with white fur (no, not real fur) at the top, and and Santa hat and a red sweater over my polo instead of by normal black sweater. ^_^ Yay!!! Yep, I'm getting excited about wearing some normal clothes to school... -_- *sigh* XD XD
Today in religion class, we watched this exorcism video on YouTube. It was SOOO FREAKY. >_< *whimpers* It was about this girl named Anneliese (sp?) who was supposedly possessed by the devil or a demon. It showed pics of her as a child, as a teenager, and then when she was possessed. And even if you don't believe she was possessed (I don't really), once you see the video, you have to admit that something was definately up with her. She was basically becoming skeletal because she stopped eating, and she had these huge black bags under her eyes. Her overall appearance just changed dramatically. I guess you can look it up on YouTube if you want, just search for "Anneliese exorcism" or something. But if you get scared easily, please don't. It was scary. We were all freaking out, and then my teacher poked one kid in the back and he screamed. XD That was funny. But anyway, it only showed pics of the girl, not of her being exorcised. But anyway, you could hear her screaming and the priest trying to do something, but it was in German so I had no idea what they were saying. But her voice, it was just scary. *shiver* She ended up dying, either of starvation or because her body just gave up. We were all really scared, but we did bring it upon ourselves... my teacher said that he didn't want to show it to us, because he'd gotten calls about kids having nightmares and didn't want to get in trouble. But we persisted, stubborn little freshman that we are. *sigh*
Also in religion, we were talking about miracles. We were asked for examples, and one girl was talking about a 6-year-old boy who had a brain tumor, and the doctors kept saying that he was going to die, but they performed the surgery and he lived. The girl's mom works for GameStop, so when she heard about it she sent him video games and stuff. And this one kid, ya know what his reaction to this whole story was? "Your mom works at GameStop?!?" XD XD Seriously. Priorities. XD XD Jk, jk.
I also gave an example of a miracle of sorts. It wasn't during my lifetime, but when my dad was my age. When my dad was in 9th grade, he was in a car crash that left him in a coma. They brought him to a hospital and set his arm (it was broken) without giving him antesthetics. My Mommom (his mom) rushed there as soon as she heard, and she thought he was sleeping from the anesthetics she thought they gave him to set his arm. She went to brush his hair out of his face, and found that there was blood on his ears. She then found out that the doctors knew nothing about that, and they hadn't given him anesthetics, and she got really mad, especially when they said they thought he was in a car accident from him and his friends drinking. Which they weren't. They then moved him to another hospital, to a doctor named Dr. Slaughter. Yep, that's his name. -_-" He was a good doctor, though. But the doctors said that my dad was going to die, but one day he just woke up. My mommom (his mom) and mommom (my great-grandmother) were there, and ya know what his very first words were? "Mommom, I want some ice cream." XD XD XD XD XD So then Mommom and my Great-Mommom went down to the cafeteria, but they were closed. So my Great-Mommom (does that sound funny to anyone else? XD I just think it sounds funny. XD) walked past the rope closing the cafeteria off and started taking ice cream. But I'm pretty sure she left the money on the counter. I dunno. Wasn't there. XD Obviously. Anyway, a security guard came and asked what they were doing. And my Great-Mommom went right up to him and said something like, "My Jeff just woke up from a coma and he wants ice cream. If he wants ice cream, he's going to get ice cream!" XD XD So the guard let them take ice cream. I didn't go into the whole story in my class, though, since the ice cream bit doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with ice cream. XD
Yes, some interesting things happen in my religion class. XD
I posted two new pics!!!! ^_^ Both entries to contests. The first one is an entry for FUNimation's contest, to draw her character Rei Uruhara.
 Merry Christmas!!! (contest Entry) Hosted By
And the second one is for Snow Pheonix's contest, to draw either an Avatar character or OC. I chose OC.
 Rayne Hosted By
Both of these were done in MS Paint, my first time submitting something from there. >_< So I'm kinda nervous about them.
My next goal is to finish those requests piled up... but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about any of them!!! ^_^ I keep a page on MS Word with any contests, trades, or requests I should be working on. So here are the ones I need to do:
1. Raindrop23—draw her OC Olivia
2. Rakka-chan—draw her OC Quinn from Name; draw Anuyx, Takara, Axel, Roxas, and Sora
3. J-chan (M-chan’s sister ^_^)—draw Hannah Montana
4. TheDarknessWolf—draw her FMA OC Nina and Roy Mustang; draw Riku from KHII
5. AngelZakuro—draw Misuzu from Air in a Christmas outfit
If I promised you a request, and it isn't listed here, please please PLEASE remind me. I don't wanna forget about you!!!!!! ^_^ I'll try to have these all done by this weekend, 'kay?
I should probably go to sleep now... -.- It's now 11:13... So, questions. ^_^
1. Are you all ready for Christmas/the Holidays? (Somewhat... much baking still to be done. XD Plus some presents to be bought.)
2. How late do you usually stay up each night? On school nights? On weekend nights? (Pretty late, actually. XD On school nights, I usually go to bed around 9 or 9:30, but I don't usually fall asleep until around 10:30 or 11. XD And on weekends... it varies. Depending on how sleepy I am. Sometimes at the same time, sometimes much [much much much... XD] later.)
3. Do you have decorations outside your house? Like those inflatable things or lights? (Yep, we have red and green lights on our little mini pine trees. And there are these little pine things with bows on the windows, and those electric candles in the windows. I wish we had more lights outside though...)
It's now 11:19... and I shall close with one final statement: ONLY ONE MORE DAY OF SCHOOL!!! THEN 16 WONDERFUL DAYS OF BREAK!!!!!!!! X3 Bye-bye!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for visiting!!!! *hugs* *hands you Christmas cookies* *munches on cookies* ^_^
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
Bejou for M-chan!!!!
"Deciding whether or not to trust a person in like deciding whether or not to climb a tree, because you might get a wonderful view from the highest branch, or you might simply get covered in sap, and for this reason many people choose to spend their time alone and indoors, where it is harder to get a splinter."
I gots a Bejou piccy for M-chan's birthday!!!! ^_^ Sorry it's so late. T.T
 Happy Birthday M-chan!!!! ^_^ Hosted By
I hope you like it!!!! ^_^
I have a party to go to tonight with my GS troop. It's gonna be fun!!!! ^_^ We're gonna do a gift exchange. For the gift I'm bringing I got this pretty green sparkly bracelet and a pink and green headband. I wonder what I'm gonna get...? There was no theme this year, so it could be anything. Last year's theme was purses. And I forget what it was the years before. XD But it should be lotsa fun!!!!!!! ^_^
I won my basketball game today!!!! ^_^ We were down 21 to 9 at halftime, and we won 26 to 28. :D Needless to say, we were VERY happy at the end. XD
I... don't really have much to say... so... questions now...? ^_^
1. Have you done any Christmas/holiday shopping? (Yes, I've got about half of my presents bought. ^_^)
2. Do you like gingerbread cookies? (Yes... yum. X3 'Cept for the dough. That's the only cookie dough that I don't like...)
3. What's your favorite thing about the holiday season? (Uh... cookies!!!! X3 Seriously, though, I love how everyone is happy and cheerful. ^_^ And I get to see some of my family that I don't get to see on a regular basis. And then there's always... COOKIES!!!!!!! XD XD XD )
Bye-bye!!!!! *hugs* ^_^
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Friday, December 14, 2007
Hello!!!! ^_^
"A passport, as I'm sure you know, is a document that one shows to government officials whenever one reaches a border between countries, so the officials can learn who you are, where you were born, and how you look when photographed unflatteringly."
Hello peoples!!!! ^_^ I'm gonna go see August Rush today. With M-chan and various other people who I'm neglecting to mention. Yay, I can't wait!!!! X3
Today in human geo, at the end of class, my teacher tried to get two kids to have a sort of conversation without talking. They could only use sounds. One of them had to say that they liked the other person and wanted to go out with them. One girl tried to do charades (sorta XD) by pointing to her eyes (I), making a heart with her hands (love), and pointing at the other kid (you). XD And then my teacher told other kids (let's call them L and A) to do it, and it was the L's birthday. So she the dialogue went like this:
L: "Yep, that's a great birthday present right there." XD
Teacher: "Yes, it's a very small birthday present."
Class: *starts laughing like crazed, hysterical maniacs*
Teacher: "What? He's short. You people are perverted!!!!!"
XD XD XD Yep. A typical day of human geo. XD
Oh yeah!!!!! Guess what??? There was this contest in my school, to design the front of the card for the Christmas card they send out every year. (Catholic school) And mine won!!!!!!! :D :D :D The theme that we had to design our cards around was something along the lines of "Jesus is the light of the world" and there's this quote that says something like that inside. The picture I drew is of a candle, with hands holding it. The candle is lit and it's black all around it. It was really hard to get it to look like a light, cuz I had to use a marker. But it won!!!! X3 I was really excited. And they printed 100 copies that are blank on the inside for me to use for whatever. I'll scan the card next chance I get. ^_^
Hm... what else...? There's only a week left until Christmas break!!! X3 Yay!!! I love Christmas. And not just the presents, either. I love how everyone gets together and is cheerful and we eat yummy food and cookies. X3 It's always lotsa fun. ^_^
M-chan, I'm done with your birthday giftie!!!! ^_^ It's Bejou. But that's all shall tell you. X3 I hope you'll like it!!! When I post it in a little while I'll put one of those thumbnail thingies on here. ^_^
Do any of you watch Smallville? I LOVE that show. And the latest episode was on last night. Let's just say that the minute or so at the very end was the very LAST thing I expected. And very ominous. But just in case you watch the show and haven't seen it or just plan on watching it I won't say what happened. ^_^
Does it bother anyone else that it's pretty much forbidden to say Merry Christmas or Happy Hannukah (sp?) or whatever holiday you celebrate? Everyone wants you to say Happy Holidays instead. It's kinda like people aren't allowed to talk about the holiday they specifically celebrate. My religion teacher talks about that a lot. He says that it's pretty much like people aren't allowed to talk about religion. And this kinda reminds me of what my friend heard on the radio. She said that on some radio station, the host guy said something like, "To all our Christian friends, Merry Christmas. To all our African friends, Happy Kwanzaa. To all our Jewish friends, Happy Hannukah. And to all our atheist friends, have a nice day." XD In all seriousness, though, does anyone else think that people take political correctness too seriously? I mean, I'm all for being pc, and I say Happy Holidays, but really. -_- Sometimes it just gets too much. And my mom said that, since what used to be pc is now not pc, what is now pc will probably not be pc in future. *sigh*
*looks up* Wow, I kinda got off on a rant there, didn't I? ^_^" Didn't mean to, really.
Anywho, nothing else to say. ^_^ Question time!!!
1. What winter holiday do you celebrate? (Christmas!!! ^_^)
2. Are there any movies that you've seen recently? They don't have to be out in theaters, could be just a movie you rented or bought. (I recently saw Shrek 3 and The Nightmare Before Christmas. We just subscribed to Netflix. It's awesome. X3)
3. What is the most fascinating thing about you? (I... I don't know. T.T They always ask this question on this one radio station when someone calls in the morning to do this little quiz thingy, and one day I was wondering what I would say if asked. And I couldn't think of anything!!!! T.T *sigh*)
Bye-bye peoples!!!!! ^_^ And Happy Holidays!!!!!!!
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I'M SOOOO HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T
"What happens in a certain place can stain your feelings for that location, just as ink can stain a white sheet. You can wash it, and wash it, and still never forget what has transpired, a word which here means "happened and made everybody sad."
We interrupt this regularly scheduled post to bring you a super-special announcement. X3 It's M-chan's birthday today!!!!!!! ^_^ (aka Imaginary Princess) So go wish her a happy birthday!!! ^_^
You may now return to the post. X3
Anyways, I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HUNGRY RIGHT NOW. T.T I want foooood........ ;_; My mom's bringing a frozen pizza home for dinner. X3 Yum. I <3 pizza.
...not much to saaaaaayyyy....
I just read Black Cat 9. It's awesome. X3 I luv Train. He's awesome. Creed is sscccaaaaaaaaarrrryyy......... and creepy. DX But I felt bad for him at this one part where he's all saaaaaddd... T.T But then he goes psycho. 0_o He seems to enjoy going psycho. DX
I can't think of anything to saaaaayyyy... My life must be more boring and eventless than I thought... XD
1. What's your favorite Christmas (or holiday) song? Movie? Other misc. thing? (Hmmm... I love the song The Little Drummer Boy and Silent Night... and I love the movies The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and It's A Wonderful Life and The Santa Claus. Other misc. thing... I dunno. XD )
2. I want one of those computer coloring programs. What is a good one...?
Goodbye... ^_^
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
La-di-da-di-da.... :3
"There are times to stay put, and what you want will come to you, and there are times to go out into the world and find such a thing for yourself."
Now go, set off on your adventures, see the world, and find what you have always wanted!!!!! XD Or you could just take a drive to your local bookstore and read about those fantastic adventures, since they aren't likely to happen to most of us. XD
Right now I'm working on my stupid paper for AP human geo... blah. T.T I just counted my assignments for that subject, and there have been 12 essays so far. 5 of them have been big 6-page projects that we work with partners for, but the strange thing is that they're worth the same amount of points as the shorter 3-page essays. *shrugs* Ah well.
Hmmm... what to saaaay.... Oh yeah!!! In case you didn't see them, I posted two new pics a few days ago. Here's the first one:
 Wishing Stars Hosted By
It's my entry for Frosty's contest. ^_^ I like it, but coloring took FOREVER. DX
Here's the other one:
 Red Collage Hosted By
It's Red from No Rest For the Wicked. *coughwhichisawesomesoyoushouldreaditcough* Hm? Nooo, I didn't say anything!!! Why would you think that??? *shifty eyes* Anyways, yes, that's Red, as in Little Red Riding Hood. 'Cept she's not the sweet little overly-trusting girl from the story. As you can probably see from the ax in that one pic, and the scary grins in some other ones. Yes, she is scary. ;_; Very scary. But she's still awesome. X3
Oh, and you know that Perrault(also from NRftW) pic I posted a while ago? The people who commented thought he was a girl. XD XD I find that very funny. XD XD XD I betcha is was the ponytail with the bow... that does seem rather girly... XD XD
Oh yeah, gotta post the answer to those riddles!!! ^_^ Congrats to AngelZakuro for getting the first one right. ^_^
1. A man built his house with all four sides facing south. A bear walked by the house. What color was the bear?
ANSWER: The bear was white. Polar bear. He built his house on the north pole.
2. What is sometimes empty and sometimes full, sometimes new but always old, and sometimes blue and sometimes orange?
ANSWER: The moon-- It's sometimes empty as a new moon, and sometimes full as a full moon. It can be a new moon, but always old cuz it's... the moon. XD And it is sometimes called a blue moon and sometimes it's orange.
3. You are in a two-seater car when you drive by a bus stop. On the bench are the girl/boy of your dreams, your best friend who once saved your life, and an old women who looks as if she is dying. What do you do?
ANSWER: Okay, okay, so it's not really a riddle. -_- More like a critical thinking thingy. -_-" But the answer is you give the car to your best friend, who drives the lady to the hospital, and sit on the bench with the guy/gal of your dreams.
4. Two robbers have just robbed a bank. They escaped, and the police followed their footprints. The footprints led off the edge of a cliff, but they had not been stepped in twice. The police assumed that the robbers had jumped off. (Ha! Foolish police! >:D) But they had not. What happened?
ANSWER: The one guy got on the other guy's back, walked to the edge of the cliff, then they switched and walked backwards to their escape.
I love riddles. ^_^ Do you?
I got out of school early today. X3 Cuz it snowed. The snow is so preeeetttttyyyy..... But cold. Very very cold. Mandi does not like the cold. T.T
Soooo... gotta go work on my paper I guess. Fun. -_- So, see you all later!!!!! ^_^
1. Has it snowed where you live yet? (Yup!!!)
2. Are you gonna draw/make any holiday-ish things? (Definately!!!)
3. Have you looked at my pictures? Will you?
Bye-bye!!! ^_^ *hug* Have some hot cocoa!!!! *sits by fire with hot cocoa* *remembers paper to write* *burns paper I have to read in order to write paper* Mwahahaha!!! >:D *sigh* *goes to write paper anyway...* Bye!!!
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Sunday, December 2, 2007
Stupid evil refs...
"Sometimes words are not enough."
Yep. ^_^
AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:< D:< GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M ANGRY!!!!!!!! The stupid refs at my basketball game today were INFURIATING!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:< AARRGGGHH!!!! I fouled out. (For those of you not familiar with basketball terms, that means I fouled 5 times and had to leave the game.) But 4 of them weren't even fouls!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those refs were pissing me off so MUCH!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We still won, but they still were pissing me off. >:( And he yelled at me for touching someone on the other team!!!!!!! I was on offense, and moved to get in front of my defender, in the process bumping into her. And the ref yelled at me!!!! His words were: "You! Number 22! You can't touch her like that!" He didn't call anything, but it still pissed me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think they have a prejudice against tall people. >:( They were calling all these fouls on this one tall girl who was playing after we did. And every time I was fouled, they didn't call it. They only called someone fouling me once. And that was only when it was so blatantly obvious, since I kinda had my hand on my eye and said "Ow!" >:( Someone smacked me in the face when I was trying to shoot!!!!!!! It should've been a technical. But the other times I shot and the foul wasn't called, the girl guarding me yanked my arm down when I was trying to shoot!!!!!!!!! >:( AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! D:< I'm SOOOOOOO MAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*deep breath* *sigh*
Okay. *sigh* Ranting has made me feel lots better. That and the fact that I gots a Hershey bar. X3 Yummy.
Anyways, not much else to say, so I will get on with the questions. Today, they shall be riddles. Bwahahaha!!!!! >:D If you can figure them out, you get... I dunno, request maybe? OH, and don't post your answer. Peoples might cheat. That's not good.
1. A man built his house with all four sides facing south. A bear walked by the house. What color was the bear?
2. What is sometimes empty and sometimes full, sometimes new but always old, and sometimes blue and sometimes orange?
3. You are in a two-seater car when you drive by a bus stop. On the bench are the girl/boy of your dreams, your best friend who once saved your life, and an old women who looks as if she is dying. What do you do?
4. Two robbers have just robbed a bank. They escaped, and the police followed their footprints. The footprints led off the edge of a cliff, but they had not been stepped in twice. The police assumed that the robbers had jumped off. (Ha! Foolish police! >:D) But they had not. What happened?
M'kay? ^_^ If you can get just one, you've earned yourself a free request!!! ^_^ But only one per customer, 'kay? ^_^ And remember, don't post answers in your comment. ^_^
Bye!!! *hugs* ^_^
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Friday, November 30, 2007
*drumroll* IT'S... FRIDAY!!!!!!
"If writers wrote as carelessly as some people talk, then adhasdh asdglaseuyt[bn[pasdlgkhasdfasdf."
Yes, those are the exact gibberish words that were in the book. XD
Hiya peoples!!!!!!!!! X3 How are you guys doing? Guess what!!!! I'm going camping next weekend. Yep. In December. On an island. In the cold. It's with my AP HG class. It should be lotsa fun. ^_^ We'll leave around 7:30am, get there about 3 hours later, set up camp, have lunch, do other amusing things, and then go to dinner in town around 5. The next day we will get up, eat breakfast and assorted hot beverages, play various games, go to the boardwalk, see the Christmas lights, eat lunch, and get home around 3:30 or 4. It'll be lotsa fun!!!! ^_^ Freezing cold, but fun. And we'll be doing a gift exchange around the campfire!!! X3 It's supposed to be a gag gift, but I have NO idea what to get my person. T.T If my teacher made fun of him(which he does to various students) it would be alot easier. For example, there are two girls who are from a sort of rural-ish area in my county. He calls them duck farmers. Therefore, I would get them a little toy duck. Or, there's a kid who is annoying but funny and you can't help but laugh. My teacher makes fun of him lots. And there's two kids who my teacher is constantly pitting against each other (they never go with it, tho) cuz they're both like SUPER GENIUSES that get all the good grades. I'd get them something nerd-related. But my person NEVER EVER talks!!!! I've never once heard him speak!!!! So I don't know what to get him... T.T
Anyways, in English class, we're doing our Shakespeare unit. We've divided into groups of four, and we each have a line from Midsummer Night's Dream to say. I'm Helena. My line is "Demetrius loves your fair. O happy fair! Teach me how you look and with what art you sway the motion of Demetrius' heart." Oh yeah. I got it down. XD And we had to draw a pic of what mood is expressed through the lines, and I was designated the artist. (Plus I drew a horse for another group. XD) It's four heads labeled Helena, Demetrius, Hermia, and Lysander. There are arrows with hearts on them pointing in differnt directions to show who they love. Here's what I'm gonna say: "Okay, Demetrius loves Hermia, but she doesn't love him. Hermia loves Lysander, and Lysander loves Hermia. Helena loves Demetrius, but nobody loves Helena." Poor Helena. XD It's a prettyful piccy. X3 This one kid in my group has a 10 word line, and he CAN'T REMEMBER IT!!! GRR!!! It's "You have her father's love, Demetrius, let me have Hermia's." And this other kid can't remember parts of his either. It's "Relent, sweet Hermia. And Lysander, yield thy title to my certain right to marry Hermia." When we were practicing, we kept forgetting the word "title" and he'd pause and I'd whisper "Title!" and then he'd continue in his dramatic voice. At least he's good at being dramatic. XD Plus, I know everyone's line, except Hermia's. I memorized mine in about ten seconds. XD
We also have to explain what we're saying in modern English. Here they are, pretty much:
Lysander: Her dad likes you, let me have her!!!
Demetrius: Chill, Hermia. And Lysander, she's mine, hands off!!!! >:(
Hermia: What's going to happen to me if I don't marry Demetrius?
Helena: Hermia, guys like you!!! How do you do it?
XD XD Yep. XD Weird, I know. XD
Bored now... -_- And I'm supposed to dust the house, clean the windows, clean the TV today, and clean the bathrooms. -_- I don't wanna. T.T
6 basketball games this weekend. Yep. SIX. Four tomorrw and two on Sunday. Oh boy. XD
Oh yeah!!! I'm done with my collage of Red pics. But my brother probably won't let me on the computer. =_= He's addicted to it or something. As soon as he gets home, he hops right on it and starts playing his dumb games. But he tells everyone that he's "checking his homework online." And then an hour later my mom tells him to get off. And he says he's still checking his homework. -_- Yeah. Right. And then he says he has none. Again, yeah right. -_- My parents tell him to write his homework down at school, but noooo. -_- And then when I need to get on to print or scan something, for just FIVE MINUTES, he screams and throws a temper tantrum and carries on like, "You're so stupid, you're so addicted to the computer that you wanna kick me off so you can get on!!!!!!!!!!" Yeah. Right. -_- One, I have a laptop, so I can get online if I want to. Two, I need to get on for school. Or to scan something. It'll take 5 minutes. -_- I'm sure he can survive that long without playing his precious (completely idiotic) games. And then my dad has to yell at him to get him off for just 5 minutes, and then he he goes and sulks right next to the chair and glares at me while I type. 0.o And then when I get off less than 5 minutes later, he says "FINALLY!!!!" And glares at me more. -_- Seriously, he has computer issues. No. Not just issues. He has the whole subscription. -_-
Anyways, I gotta go start my cleaning. *sigh* My brother never does chores... all he has to do is vacuum. And he never empties the dishwasher either. Or feeds the dog. Or helps clean up after dinner. Or does ANYTHING ELSE REMOTELY HELPFUL at all. -_-
1. Do you think I'm crazy for camping in winter? (Yes, I do. -_-)
2. Do you have any ANNOYING siblings? Or just siblings... (Yes. Yes I do. >:( grrr....)
3. Any new art I should check out?
Goodbye... *sigh* gotta go clean... *sings Cinderella song*
No, no I should end this with a happy smiley and exclamation points. *ahem*
Goodbye my dear friends!!!! ^_^
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
...Can't think of a title...
"A library is like an island in the middle of a vast sea of ignorance, particularly if the library is very tall and the surrounding area has been flooded."
I luv libraries. ^_^
Hello people. ^_^ I'm bored... T.T But I heard about this site called that has tons of pointless little games, facts, quizzes, and other random things when I was at school. I went on it. It was fun. XD Pointless and random, but fun.
Anyways... I'm almost done with my collage of pics of Red from No Rest for the Wicked. I can probably scan it tomorrow. ^_^ Huzzah!!! X3 (Red is scaaarrryyyyyy..... T.T)
I have a bio test tomorrow... I don't like bio tests. T.T But at least this time I mostly understand the material. And then on Monday I have an AP human geo test... AP tests are HAAAAARRRRDDDDD. T.T Ten definitions, and then about 5 or 6 essays. All in about 48 minutes. T.T And I haven't been doing well on the tests. At all. T.T (As in, I failed the first 2 and got a 70[which is just passing] on the third. You get the picture.) In my school, failing grades start at 69. D's start at 74, and the rest of the grades are the same. *sigh*
Oh yeah, some of you may remember me mentioning a religion powerpoint I had to do. The presentation wasn't so bad. ^_^ I stood in the back of the room, cuz that's where I had to hook my computer up to wires to project it onto the big screen at the front of the room, where everyone was looking. Therefore, no one was looking at me. XD I got a 17/20, or 85%. Not bad. ^_^ I got a point off for talking too quietly, though. ^_^" I'm not a very talkative person by nature. Another point I got off for not having enough details about the context of the painting. (ie, "anything special or unique about the time and manner in which this was painted that allows for a better understanding of the painting.") The last point I got off because I didn't demonstrate knowledge of the material. (ie, I read a lot of info directly from the powerpoint.) Ah well, it's over. *sigh* ^_^
A note to Frosty-chan: I'm almost done with my entry for your contest!!!! ^_^ I know it's due tomorrow and I should've gotten it in WAY before now, but... ^_^" Heh. I'll have it in by tomorrow afternoon. ^_^
Hmm.... not much else to say. Question time!!!
1. Do you have any upcoming tests/assignments/presentations/anything-else-school-related? (Yes... and good luck to anyone else who does as well!!!! ^_^)
2. Do you have any requests/art-trades/contest-entries you're working on right now? (Yes. Many many. ^_^" What do I get myself into...? XD)
3. Since I can't think of any other questions.... COOKIES!!!!! X3 *hands you cookies of your choice*
Goodbye everyone!!!! ^_^
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
Piccy of Perrault. X3
"A good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always be in it, taking books of the shelves and staying up late reading them."
Very very true. ^_^
Anyways, I just posted a pic of Perrault!!!!!!! X3 Remember, the cat from the web comic I was ranting about yesterday? He's awesome. X3 Here's the pic:
 Perrault Collage Hosted By
Those are all pics from the actual comic. I just looked at them and then drew them, didn't come up with them myself. I still like it though. ^_^ My favorite ones are the one in the lower right-hand corner (scary Puss T.T) And the little one right above it, where he looks terrified and somewhat creeped out. XD That is from Red smiling, and he says "...God's teeth and tail..." and is scared. XD XD XD Red is scary. T.T You would not want to get on her bad side. Trust me. ^_^" I think I'm gonna do one of Red next, and then November. And then maybe I'll do one of Clare. And then Pierre and maybe Colette. And The Boy!!!! I luv The Boy. ^_^ And then perhaps some other minor characters such as Anna and Klaus or Beauty and the Beast or the creepy old witch or November's family. And then I'll start drawing them in my style. ^_^ Sooo... please go look at it. ^_^
Anyway. What else to say...? Oh! I'm almost done with my project for human geography!!! :D But I still need to finish my project for Religion, which I've barely started. T.T I don't know what to do for it!!! T.T I have to find a painting and say how it communicates the mystery of God or something like that... and we have to make a power point and present it to the class!!! T.T And we can't read straight from the power point either. And it has to be around 5 minutes long. T.T And it's due Wednesday. T.T I DON'T WANNA DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DX I CAN'T present stuff. T.T I'm terrible on public speaking. T.T And half our grade is on our presentation of our stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T
Tonight we had a sort of pretend Thanksgiving... we made all Thanksgiving food so that my mom could have Thanksgiving with us. I love Thanksgiving food, so I was all YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! X3 My mom is an amazing cook. I prefer to bake, so I made the pies. X3 'Cept the pies were leftover from actual Thanksgiving. But I still made 'em. But anyway, my mom is a wonderful cook. Her turkey and gravy and stuffing and mashed potatos were yummy. ^_^
I don't really know what else to say... 'cept... I DON'T WANNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! T.T I'm tired and I have a headache and I'm just exhausted. T.T I never get much sleep. I just wanna sleep in one more day... T.T
1. Did/will you look at my Perrault pic? ^_^
2. Have you looked at No Rest at all? Will you? (I know I'm being very persistent... ^_^")
3. Don't you wish school was out for one more day...? (Yeeeeeeeeeesssss!!!!!!!!!! T.T)
Goodbye. ^_^
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Saturday, November 24, 2007
No Rest For The Wicked
"There are those who say that life is like a book, with chapters for each event in your life and a limited number of pages on which you can spend your time. But I prefer to think that a book is like a life, particularly a good one, which is well worth staying up all night to finish."
I wuv books. X3
Anyway, notice my subject. *points above* That would be the title of this super awesome online comic that can be found by clicking HERE. It's awesome!!! X3 I love it. It's about a princess named November who has not slept for a year, ever since the moon disappeared. She sets off on a journey to find the moon. (The moon is actually represented by a women, and she is said to light up the night sky with her lantern, except on the night of the new moon, when she rests.) Anyway, November sets off on her journey. While travelling through the woods to find the most cleverest man within twenty kingdoms, she meets Red. As in, Little Red Riding Hood. And then she reaches the castle where Perrault (the cleverest man within twenty kingdoms) lives. Perrault is a kitty. X3 And I shall not spoil it for you any more. X3
May I just say that I ADORE Perrault!!!! X3 He's awesome. As I mentioned, he's a cat. But he's only depicted as a cat sometimes. Most of the time he looks like a human with cat ears and a cat tail. But he's supposed to be a normal cat, I think... But he's still awesome!!! X3 He's the brains of the group, but sadly, poor guy is often ignored. ^_^"
I only came on to tell you guys about No Rest For The Wicked... So since it's 12:40am I think I'll go to bed now... ^_^
Questions? ^_^
1. Are you gonna check out No Rest For The Wicked? (Already have, it's awesome!!! X3)
2. If you do, tell me how you like it!!! ^_^
3. Have a cookie!!! ^_^ *hands you cookie*
Goodbye!!! ^_^ *hugs*
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