Birthday • 1993-01-13 Gender •
Female Location • The World That Never Was Member Since • 2006-09-26 Occupation • Nobody Real Name • Mandi
Achievements • Um... straight A's? Anime Fan Since • FOREVER!!!!!! Favorite Anime • Uh... Fruits Basket & Kingdom Hearts Goals • to become a pediatrician, to draw really really really good Hobbies • basketball, drawing, reading, writing(occasionally), eating candy, TV, playing on the computer, baking Talents • basketball, math, reading, drawing midnightqueen
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Anyone who asks your to describe your summer vacation in writing probably has a secret, infernal plan, and under no circumstances should you include in your report even a hint of the truth.
Um... oops. (lol!!! ^_^;)
Before I say anything else, I just wanted to show you guys this video that my English teacher showed us today. It's about 9/11. I almost made me cry, and I had to bite my tongue and fight to keep from crying in the middle of class.
Ya know, it actually took me until the narrator said something about being on all four planes, in every seat, before I realized it was God. -_-; Yeah, I'm kinda slow today.
Anyway, on a brighter note, I have a volleyball game tomorrow!!! ^_^ I hope we do good. Last game we didn't do too great. The other team was worse than we were, but since we messed up so many times they got a lot of points. So... I hope we do a lot better tomorrow!!!!
I'm sooooooo sleepy right now. *yawn* And it's only 8:07!!!!! I didn't get much sleep last night, so that's probably why. Note to self: go to bed early tonight...
I still gotta do my English homework and read my book for AP human geography. The human geography project is due Friday. He gave us a week to read a 400+ page book and do a report thing on it. And I gotta take a shower. And then sleep.
Oh yeah!!! I think I can keep my school laptop after I graduate. I think someone said that. We just gotta pay a dollar for it. ^_^ Cool, huh? (though, the $1 part is sorta hard to believe... -_- Way to rain on my parade, inner pessimest. T.T)
Questions!!!! ^_^
1. Did you like the video? (Sorta... it's really sad tho...)
2. Did it make you cry? (Yes...)
3. What do you wanna do when you grow up? Or, if you already have a career(tho I doubt most people I know on here do...), what is it? (I wanna be a pediatrician!!!!!! ^_^ [kid's doctor])
*falls asleep* Zzzzz... *wakes up* Huh? Ah! You're still here!!!! Uh- uh- here! Take cookie!!! *shoves tray of many different cookies at you and goes back to sleep* ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzz...