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to become a pediatrician, to draw really really really good
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basketball, math, reading, drawing
| midnightqueen
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Piccy of Perrault. X3
"A good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always be in it, taking books of the shelves and staying up late reading them."
Very very true. ^_^
Anyways, I just posted a pic of Perrault!!!!!!! X3 Remember, the cat from the web comic I was ranting about yesterday? He's awesome. X3 Here's the pic:
 Perrault Collage Hosted By
Those are all pics from the actual comic. I just looked at them and then drew them, didn't come up with them myself. I still like it though. ^_^ My favorite ones are the one in the lower right-hand corner (scary Puss T.T) And the little one right above it, where he looks terrified and somewhat creeped out. XD That is from Red smiling, and he says "...God's teeth and tail..." and is scared. XD XD XD Red is scary. T.T You would not want to get on her bad side. Trust me. ^_^" I think I'm gonna do one of Red next, and then November. And then maybe I'll do one of Clare. And then Pierre and maybe Colette. And The Boy!!!! I luv The Boy. ^_^ And then perhaps some other minor characters such as Anna and Klaus or Beauty and the Beast or the creepy old witch or November's family. And then I'll start drawing them in my style. ^_^ Sooo... please go look at it. ^_^
Anyway. What else to say...? Oh! I'm almost done with my project for human geography!!! :D But I still need to finish my project for Religion, which I've barely started. T.T I don't know what to do for it!!! T.T I have to find a painting and say how it communicates the mystery of God or something like that... and we have to make a power point and present it to the class!!! T.T And we can't read straight from the power point either. And it has to be around 5 minutes long. T.T And it's due Wednesday. T.T I DON'T WANNA DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DX I CAN'T present stuff. T.T I'm terrible on public speaking. T.T And half our grade is on our presentation of our stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T
Tonight we had a sort of pretend Thanksgiving... we made all Thanksgiving food so that my mom could have Thanksgiving with us. I love Thanksgiving food, so I was all YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! X3 My mom is an amazing cook. I prefer to bake, so I made the pies. X3 'Cept the pies were leftover from actual Thanksgiving. But I still made 'em. But anyway, my mom is a wonderful cook. Her turkey and gravy and stuffing and mashed potatos were yummy. ^_^
I don't really know what else to say... 'cept... I DON'T WANNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! T.T I'm tired and I have a headache and I'm just exhausted. T.T I never get much sleep. I just wanna sleep in one more day... T.T
1. Did/will you look at my Perrault pic? ^_^
2. Have you looked at No Rest at all? Will you? (I know I'm being very persistent... ^_^")
3. Don't you wish school was out for one more day...? (Yeeeeeeeeeesssss!!!!!!!!!! T.T)
Goodbye. ^_^
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