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The World That Never Was
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Um... straight A's?
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to become a pediatrician, to draw really really really good
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basketball, math, reading, drawing
| midnightqueen
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
La-di-da-di-da.... :3
"There are times to stay put, and what you want will come to you, and there are times to go out into the world and find such a thing for yourself."
Now go, set off on your adventures, see the world, and find what you have always wanted!!!!! XD Or you could just take a drive to your local bookstore and read about those fantastic adventures, since they aren't likely to happen to most of us. XD
Right now I'm working on my stupid paper for AP human geo... blah. T.T I just counted my assignments for that subject, and there have been 12 essays so far. 5 of them have been big 6-page projects that we work with partners for, but the strange thing is that they're worth the same amount of points as the shorter 3-page essays. *shrugs* Ah well.
Hmmm... what to saaaay.... Oh yeah!!! In case you didn't see them, I posted two new pics a few days ago. Here's the first one:
 Wishing Stars Hosted By
It's my entry for Frosty's contest. ^_^ I like it, but coloring took FOREVER. DX
Here's the other one:
 Red Collage Hosted By
It's Red from No Rest For the Wicked. *coughwhichisawesomesoyoushouldreaditcough* Hm? Nooo, I didn't say anything!!! Why would you think that??? *shifty eyes* Anyways, yes, that's Red, as in Little Red Riding Hood. 'Cept she's not the sweet little overly-trusting girl from the story. As you can probably see from the ax in that one pic, and the scary grins in some other ones. Yes, she is scary. ;_; Very scary. But she's still awesome. X3
Oh, and you know that Perrault(also from NRftW) pic I posted a while ago? The people who commented thought he was a girl. XD XD I find that very funny. XD XD XD I betcha is was the ponytail with the bow... that does seem rather girly... XD XD
Oh yeah, gotta post the answer to those riddles!!! ^_^ Congrats to AngelZakuro for getting the first one right. ^_^
1. A man built his house with all four sides facing south. A bear walked by the house. What color was the bear?
ANSWER: The bear was white. Polar bear. He built his house on the north pole.
2. What is sometimes empty and sometimes full, sometimes new but always old, and sometimes blue and sometimes orange?
ANSWER: The moon-- It's sometimes empty as a new moon, and sometimes full as a full moon. It can be a new moon, but always old cuz it's... the moon. XD And it is sometimes called a blue moon and sometimes it's orange.
3. You are in a two-seater car when you drive by a bus stop. On the bench are the girl/boy of your dreams, your best friend who once saved your life, and an old women who looks as if she is dying. What do you do?
ANSWER: Okay, okay, so it's not really a riddle. -_- More like a critical thinking thingy. -_-" But the answer is you give the car to your best friend, who drives the lady to the hospital, and sit on the bench with the guy/gal of your dreams.
4. Two robbers have just robbed a bank. They escaped, and the police followed their footprints. The footprints led off the edge of a cliff, but they had not been stepped in twice. The police assumed that the robbers had jumped off. (Ha! Foolish police! >:D) But they had not. What happened?
ANSWER: The one guy got on the other guy's back, walked to the edge of the cliff, then they switched and walked backwards to their escape.
I love riddles. ^_^ Do you?
I got out of school early today. X3 Cuz it snowed. The snow is so preeeetttttyyyy..... But cold. Very very cold. Mandi does not like the cold. T.T
Soooo... gotta go work on my paper I guess. Fun. -_- So, see you all later!!!!! ^_^
1. Has it snowed where you live yet? (Yup!!!)
2. Are you gonna draw/make any holiday-ish things? (Definately!!!)
3. Have you looked at my pictures? Will you?
Bye-bye!!! ^_^ *hug* Have some hot cocoa!!!! *sits by fire with hot cocoa* *remembers paper to write* *burns paper I have to read in order to write paper* Mwahahaha!!! >:D *sigh* *goes to write paper anyway...* Bye!!!
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