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to become a pediatrician, to draw really really really good
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basketball, math, reading, drawing
| midnightqueen
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I should be sleeping right now... XD
"There are some who say that sitting at home reading is the equivalent of travel, because the experiences described in the book are more or less the same as the experiences one might have on a voyage, and there are those who say that there is no substitute for venturing out into the world. My own opinion is that it is best to travel extensively but to read the entire time, hardly glancing up to look out of the window of the airplane, trian, or hired camel."
Yay for books!!!! 8D
We're about halfway through that Horseradish book. (The book I'm getting these quotes from, for those of you who don't know.) ^_^
Hello peoples. ^_^ I should be sleeping right now... It's 10:38 and I gots school in the morning... And tomorrow we get to dress up for Christmas!!! X3 I'm wearing red and white striped knee socks with white fur (no, not real fur) at the top, and and Santa hat and a red sweater over my polo instead of by normal black sweater. ^_^ Yay!!! Yep, I'm getting excited about wearing some normal clothes to school... -_- *sigh* XD XD
Today in religion class, we watched this exorcism video on YouTube. It was SOOO FREAKY. >_< *whimpers* It was about this girl named Anneliese (sp?) who was supposedly possessed by the devil or a demon. It showed pics of her as a child, as a teenager, and then when she was possessed. And even if you don't believe she was possessed (I don't really), once you see the video, you have to admit that something was definately up with her. She was basically becoming skeletal because she stopped eating, and she had these huge black bags under her eyes. Her overall appearance just changed dramatically. I guess you can look it up on YouTube if you want, just search for "Anneliese exorcism" or something. But if you get scared easily, please don't. It was scary. We were all freaking out, and then my teacher poked one kid in the back and he screamed. XD That was funny. But anyway, it only showed pics of the girl, not of her being exorcised. But anyway, you could hear her screaming and the priest trying to do something, but it was in German so I had no idea what they were saying. But her voice, it was just scary. *shiver* She ended up dying, either of starvation or because her body just gave up. We were all really scared, but we did bring it upon ourselves... my teacher said that he didn't want to show it to us, because he'd gotten calls about kids having nightmares and didn't want to get in trouble. But we persisted, stubborn little freshman that we are. *sigh*
Also in religion, we were talking about miracles. We were asked for examples, and one girl was talking about a 6-year-old boy who had a brain tumor, and the doctors kept saying that he was going to die, but they performed the surgery and he lived. The girl's mom works for GameStop, so when she heard about it she sent him video games and stuff. And this one kid, ya know what his reaction to this whole story was? "Your mom works at GameStop?!?" XD XD Seriously. Priorities. XD XD Jk, jk.
I also gave an example of a miracle of sorts. It wasn't during my lifetime, but when my dad was my age. When my dad was in 9th grade, he was in a car crash that left him in a coma. They brought him to a hospital and set his arm (it was broken) without giving him antesthetics. My Mommom (his mom) rushed there as soon as she heard, and she thought he was sleeping from the anesthetics she thought they gave him to set his arm. She went to brush his hair out of his face, and found that there was blood on his ears. She then found out that the doctors knew nothing about that, and they hadn't given him anesthetics, and she got really mad, especially when they said they thought he was in a car accident from him and his friends drinking. Which they weren't. They then moved him to another hospital, to a doctor named Dr. Slaughter. Yep, that's his name. -_-" He was a good doctor, though. But the doctors said that my dad was going to die, but one day he just woke up. My mommom (his mom) and mommom (my great-grandmother) were there, and ya know what his very first words were? "Mommom, I want some ice cream." XD XD XD XD XD So then Mommom and my Great-Mommom went down to the cafeteria, but they were closed. So my Great-Mommom (does that sound funny to anyone else? XD I just think it sounds funny. XD) walked past the rope closing the cafeteria off and started taking ice cream. But I'm pretty sure she left the money on the counter. I dunno. Wasn't there. XD Obviously. Anyway, a security guard came and asked what they were doing. And my Great-Mommom went right up to him and said something like, "My Jeff just woke up from a coma and he wants ice cream. If he wants ice cream, he's going to get ice cream!" XD XD So the guard let them take ice cream. I didn't go into the whole story in my class, though, since the ice cream bit doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with ice cream. XD
Yes, some interesting things happen in my religion class. XD
I posted two new pics!!!! ^_^ Both entries to contests. The first one is an entry for FUNimation's contest, to draw her character Rei Uruhara.
 Merry Christmas!!! (contest Entry) Hosted By
And the second one is for Snow Pheonix's contest, to draw either an Avatar character or OC. I chose OC.
 Rayne Hosted By
Both of these were done in MS Paint, my first time submitting something from there. >_< So I'm kinda nervous about them.
My next goal is to finish those requests piled up... but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about any of them!!! ^_^ I keep a page on MS Word with any contests, trades, or requests I should be working on. So here are the ones I need to do:
1. Raindrop23—draw her OC Olivia
2. Rakka-chan—draw her OC Quinn from Name; draw Anuyx, Takara, Axel, Roxas, and Sora
3. J-chan (M-chan’s sister ^_^)—draw Hannah Montana
4. TheDarknessWolf—draw her FMA OC Nina and Roy Mustang; draw Riku from KHII
5. AngelZakuro—draw Misuzu from Air in a Christmas outfit
If I promised you a request, and it isn't listed here, please please PLEASE remind me. I don't wanna forget about you!!!!!! ^_^ I'll try to have these all done by this weekend, 'kay?
I should probably go to sleep now... -.- It's now 11:13... So, questions. ^_^
1. Are you all ready for Christmas/the Holidays? (Somewhat... much baking still to be done. XD Plus some presents to be bought.)
2. How late do you usually stay up each night? On school nights? On weekend nights? (Pretty late, actually. XD On school nights, I usually go to bed around 9 or 9:30, but I don't usually fall asleep until around 10:30 or 11. XD And on weekends... it varies. Depending on how sleepy I am. Sometimes at the same time, sometimes much [much much much... XD] later.)
3. Do you have decorations outside your house? Like those inflatable things or lights? (Yep, we have red and green lights on our little mini pine trees. And there are these little pine things with bows on the windows, and those electric candles in the windows. I wish we had more lights outside though...)
It's now 11:19... and I shall close with one final statement: ONLY ONE MORE DAY OF SCHOOL!!! THEN 16 WONDERFUL DAYS OF BREAK!!!!!!!! X3 Bye-bye!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for visiting!!!! *hugs* *hands you Christmas cookies* *munches on cookies* ^_^
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