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The World That Never Was
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Um... straight A's?
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Uh... Fruits Basket & Kingdom Hearts
to become a pediatrician, to draw really really really good
basketball, drawing, reading, writing(occasionally), eating candy, TV, playing on the computer, baking
basketball, math, reading, drawing
| midnightqueen
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I'm sure you have heard it said that appearance does not matter so much, and that it is what's on the inside that counts. This is, of course, utter nonsense, because if it were true then people who were good on the inside would never have to comb their hair or take a bath, and the whole worl would smell even worse than it already does."
Oooookay. ^_^"
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X3 X3 X3 Did you all have a nice Christmas? ^_^ I did. I hope you all got everything your little hearts desired!!!! X3
Oh yeah, before I forget, I posted 5 new arts and a new fan manga (my first!!! ^_^) yesterday, in case you missed them. ^_^
Click here to see my manga, cuz it doesn't have one of those thumbnail thingies. ;_;
 Elvenpath Hosted By
This was a request for Raindrop23. ^_^
 Under The Mistletoe Hosted By
This is Takara and Riku... under the mistletoe... *blush*
 Hannah Montana Hosted By
This is Hannah Montana for M-chan's sister. ^_^
 Christmas Misuzu Hosted By
This is a request for AngelZakuro. ^_^ Misuzu from Air in a Christmas outfit. ^_^
 Roy And Nina Under The Mistletoe Hosted By
This is a request for TheDarknessWolf, of her FMA OC Nina and Roy Mustang. ^_^
Sooo? Do you like my new stuffs? ^_^
Did you all have a wonderful Christmas?? I did!!! ^_^ I GOT A WII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8D Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! X3 It's soooo much fun. ^_^ I've only played the bowling game, though, cuz my brother was hogging it. -_- We got Guitar Hero III, Spider Man III, some Tiger Woods golf game, some football game, a High School Musical singing game, Mario Galaxy, and two other games I can't think of. -_- I know we got 8 of 'em... *shrugs*
I also got a digita camera!!!!!!!!!!! X3 I was promised one back in June after graduating from 8th grade (if you can call that graduating. XD), but haven't gotten it til now. -_- And it's PINK!!!!!!!!!!! 8D I love it. Over half the pics on it now are of my baby cousin Siena. XD I can't help it, she's just so darn cute. X3 X3 She was wearing an adorable little Santa dress. It was so cuuuute!!!!! ^_^
Hmmm... What else did I get...? I got clothes. XD Really soft sweats and corduroys. Also four books... The Alchemyst, which is about Nicholas Flamel. Specials, the third in a series, the first two being Uglies and Pretties (very good books, I HIGHLY recommend them. ^_^). Also The Autobiography of Santa Claus. And lastly My Sister's Keeper. They all look like good books. ^_^ I also got a new iPod stereo, which is also a radio and alarm clock. XD I REALLY needed a new clock. XD XD I also got a straightener,and got a watch, and $45 to spend on iTunes, and $45 to spend at Barnes & Noble. X3 Huzzah!!! ^_^ Oh, and my camera, iPod thingy, and hair straightener all match. X3 I find that highly amusing. XD XD XD They all happen to be pink and silver. Same shade of pink, too. XD XD XD XD XD
I opened my camera and iPod thingy first, and my mom said, "That's what happens when I send your father shopping for you." So I said, "Send him shopping more often!!!" XD XD XD
I had LOTS of fun today. ^_^ Let's see how many people came over...
1. Mommom
2. Poppop
3. Grandma
4. O (cousin)
5. Uncle B
6. Aunt L
7. H (cousin)
8. A (cousin)
9. Uncle C
10. Aunt D
11. S (cousin... SO CUUUTE!!!!!!! X3)
Yup... Plus me, my brother, my dog, and my parents, that makes 15 people and a dog. X3 It was soooo much fun. ^_^ And I had lotsa sweets... X3 My mom's SUPER AWESOME fudge... chocolate peanut butter. X3 These little pretzel things my aunt made... they're square pretzels with a Hershey hug on it, then they're stuck in the oven for a while, then an M&M is stuck on them. Yum yum. X3 Also... peanut blossoms, which are peanut butter cookies with a Hersey kiss stuck on top. X3 And also these really yummy shortbread cookies with candy cane dust on them... X3 Yes, candy cane dust. XD My mom was supposed to crush the candy canes, but she put them in the food processor... and they turned into something similar in texture to sugar. XD XD XD They're REALLY good cookies. X3
Yes, so I had much fun today. And tomorrow, I'm going to this church with my grandparents so we can see the painting painted by my great-great-great-great-grandfather. According to my Poppop, he came over from Germany and painted it sometime in the 1800s or something... I think. *shrugs* I don't really know. XD
Questions!!!!!!!!! ^_^
1. Did you have a wonderful Christmas? (Yes I did. ^_^)
2. What are some things that you got? (See above. XD)
3. What did you do? (Again, see above. XD)
4. Do you have a Wii? If not, do you want one? (Yup, got one. ^_^)
I hope everyone had a magnificent Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ *huggles* *hands out cocoa and cookies* Have a WONDERFUL day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs*
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