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The World That Never Was
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Um... straight A's?
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Uh... Fruits Basket & Kingdom Hearts
to become a pediatrician, to draw really really really good
basketball, drawing, reading, writing(occasionally), eating candy, TV, playing on the computer, baking
basketball, math, reading, drawing
| midnightqueen
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Hiya. ^_^
"If an optimist had his left arm chewed off by an alligator, he might say, in a pleasant and hopeful voice, 'Well, this isn't to bad. I don't have my left arm anymore, but at least nobody will ever ask me whether am right-handed or left-handed," but most of us would say something more along the lines of "Aaaaah! My arm! My arm!"
Yup, that's the spirit!!! XD
Hello my peoples!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ I'm going to the beach tomorrow, and I'll be there until Tuesday evening, so I wanted to type up a quick post beforehand. ^_^ It's currently 11:52, and I have basketball at 8:30 tomorrow, but I won't have time to post tomorrow cuz we're leaving right after I take a shower after basketball.
I wish could do something on New Year's Eve... *sigh* But at least my parents aren't going to their little party thing until 10, so we can spend the whole day doing something. ^_^ We'll probably go see the Christmas lights on the boardwalk... those are SOOOO pretty. X3 I'm gonna take pics with my digital camera (I looove my new camera. X3), and maybe I can post them up here. ^_^
I had an anime movie night with M-chan today!!!! ^_^ We watched Tokyo Godfathers. It was such a sweet movie!!!! X3 I loved it. And then afterwards we played on the Wii. We played bowling. X3 It was lotsa fun. ^_^ We created a Mii for M-chan, and she named it m. Oh oh, and M-chan gave me a sketchbook!!!! It's soooo prettyful. X3 I loooove it. It's black, with little purple star thingies all over it, and a pretty purple fairy on the front. X3 I love it. ^_^ Thank you M-chaaaaaan. ^_^ And I gave her a pretty mug, it's green or pink (I'm not remembering which. -_-") with a pretty pretty lid that is whipped cream with sprinkles and a cherry on top... not real, but it looks yummy. X3
I also worked on homework today. -_- Catholic school, Christmas vacation, and homework. -_- Does that make any sense to you? *sigh* But yeah, so, I have to read Of Mice and Men and do 5 journals on it. -_- I already did one, but that was just a mini bio of the author. Plus I have to build a model of a virus for bio... *sigh* Homework = not fun. -_-
I've been watching Air... It's soooo cute. X3 The last one I've seen is episode 9. I love it, it's sooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ And Yukito's hair looks just like Zexion's.

M'kay, Yukito's is a bit spikier and standy-uppy-er, but they still look alike...
Not much else to say... question tiiime!!!!!!!!! X3
1. Have you seen Tokyo Godfathers? (Yup!!! ^_^)
2. Did you like it, if you have seen it? (Yes.)
3. Have you seen Air? Like it? (Yes, yes!!! ^_^)
4. Do you think that Yukito's hair looks like Zexion's...? (Yes...)
Bye-bye!!!!!!! ^_^ *huggles*
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