...Rainny again today -_-' ...this sucks, but well, at least i'm working today from 9:30 to 6:, so maybe when i'll get out tonight it'll stop raining... ne? lol ..shouldn't get my hopes to high on that though ^^'
yesterday night I really was in my 'don't-bother-me-I-don't-wanna-talk' state lol, and I made 6 new icons, all related to the anime LOVELESS again .lol :p I also spent the night on youtube watching some AMV, and I find one of Loveless(yeah I know again with my loveless addiction...)
Well here's the video lol ^^
Oh and btw, I also hapened to have made some AMVs myself, not of loveless though :( But hey, they're all on youtube, just follow the lil' button at the bottom the page to get to my chanel if ya wanna watch them ll ^.~
And since we can't upload icons in our profil on MyO, though I mmight as well put tehm here, just to show off a little loool :p
Well, that's it for now :p gotta go or i'll be late for work lol
.. :|| MyO’s friends ||:..
If you don’t have a button, i can make you one, just PM me ^.~