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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Haruka Tenoh (02/23/06)

nihao tis i Yuki dude i can not believe i have not signed your guest book yet wow ^^ so hope your new school is all well ttyl

oh shit p.s. I LOVE what you have done with the place ( your site) brilliant ^^

Mao-mikami (02/02/06)

Hey i relly like your site. Drop bye can check out mine it think it is prity good. It is my first time doing one of theses so be Nice HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa

shadowtiger69 (01/10/06)

ooohhhh...I Love your site!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^___^ it rocks! I am going to add you as a friend, and if you want, drop by my site, or pm, okay? Hmm...well, that is all for now!
^__^ See ya around!

Magnus Lensherr (01/09/06)

You have a great site i just love the background it is so serene and peaceful! I could stare at it for ages! What i love best though is the spider that you ahve ~ Stroeks it ~ Does that mean you are a spider fan? ~ Crosses fingers and hopes you say yes ~
Well i wish you luck with this place and i hope we can be friends!
Cya around!

morbo86 (12/08/05)

Hello there!! It's me!! That guy you talk to sometimes ^^ Yeah you can probably guess from my user name ^_^

Well I finaly found your site from pan's.

So Hi, added as friend

See's ya later

metal-inuyasha (12/08/05)

5 things that are so random
“they might get you killed”

1#go play with a zombie,,,after all,,they are people to o_O

2#comment on my post, so i don't need to hunt you down^_^

3# if you see Big Foot,,,give him a hug ^_^

4# the #1 thing, you must never do with a cat is, t***, h*** y*********j**d8***, if you do that it will try and kill you oO

5#being random is fun for all,,,,ok,,maybe thats just me^^

i will now be going
you can pm this one any time you want
see ya

~may Peace be with you in a world of Zombies

BNCF Shadow star (11/26/05)

Hello! Just a friendly member!

Divinity Pixie (11/19/05)

i really miss you! it is not the same without! lol you changed your sight, i like it :) very blue

ZatchBellSk8er (11/15/05)

It would be a big help if you come to my site and sign my guest book!!!!!
Thanks, see ya around (n_n)

Mayura Ashita (11/12/05)


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