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Saturday, January 28, 2006

   Sister in-law may be having her kid soon!!!
My sister in-law is having her kid today, just dont know when! But yeah I'm going to be an auntie! I wonder if it is gonna be a girl or a boy. But anyways, today is also my family dinner, and my mom is making me take Alex. But I dont even know if my mom will even be there now, for my sis in-law and dont know when she is having her kid and all. but anyways, I will update later to tell you if she had the kid, and what is it. But I should go now, so talk to you people later. cya have a good day. What do you think it would be? A girl or a boy? I will post it all later. cya
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

   Hey people!!!
How are you people? I'm alright, tho my ear hurts like hell, cause i was on the phone before with Alex, Gleen, Asheligh, another Ashelight...and other people, and they were yeling and stuff. But anyways, I have an exam tomorrow in the afternoon, but in the morning, me and my friends are all going to school and then hanging out somewhere. But anyways, Just to tell you people. Me and Alex are dating now. I am happy that I am dating him. ^_^ it took my friend Asheligh to make him ask me out, well she asked me out for him. Lol But yeah, I have to go now, I'll post again later. Cya
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Sunday, January 22, 2006

   Happpy happppy
heyh i'm happy! well i gotta go.. post again later babe's. Lol cya! HAPPY!
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Friday, January 20, 2006

hey just wanted to say that I probably wont be online later tonight cause it's Greg's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!) And i gotta go to his party!...and I havent heard from Evil yet! she wanted me to tell greg happy birthday too! Well I gotta go. Love ya all. WOnt be online till very late. probably. Cya. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREG!
Evil phone me or msg me later! I need to know if you are ok or not. Well cya!

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

This is a poem I just did...You either like it or not. I really dont care...


You are what I fear
What you have done to me
I fear what you may do
Trying to move away from
The fear
Trying to get away.
Trying to leave
Starting to cry,
You are what I fear
You are what I try to get away from
Why can’t you understand that I don’t want
To be near you at all.
Why can’t you understand that you are what I fear?
Why don’t you understand that I want to cry every time?
I am near you.
What would I have to do to get you to go away?
Why must you be my fear??
I’m crying so much right now
People only think this is a poem
Yet is it or isn’t it?
The Fear for you is taking over my life.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sorry about not posting in a long time, well i cant really stay cause i gotta go and finish some hw. Anyways, I'm bored,, Lol. Well my sis in law is in pre labour. meaning as in, it will take a long time for her to have the baby. And yeah, I was thrown into the snow yesterday by William, Ash, and Allan(?) lol it was funny, but they made me lost my bus money. lol. anyways Vicki here is scared of William Lol WEll I gotta go work now. cya
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

hey everyone!
Hey people. whats up? how are you? I'm alright, at school right now. just posting cause i have lunch and its long and shit. I'm happy cause Cody(myfriend) may be coming here in june to see me. I hope he can cause yeah, he is cool! Lol. Tho he is 6f4"!!! FUCK that is way taller then me!!!! and yeah anyways, I dont know what else to say other then I shoul be online around 4pm my time. and then around 8:30pm. So yeah. I went to bed early last night and woke up at 1am! and it took me a long time to fall back asleep! fuck yeah. I'm tired but I shall try to be online tonight. for I need to talk to many people. anyways, I better go now for no reason. well talk to you all later. cya. oh, will post on my xanga site's. my lost, neko, fangs one. lol cya
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

   :) :(
hey everyone?! how are you? I'm alright, I have 3 minutes till class is over, so yeah. I am just writing for no reason and yeah. I dont know what else to say so I am just going to go. cause my class is over in 1 mintues and yeah I shold online around 3:30pm my time or 4pm. I am not sure. but I love Demons and Wizards now. Lol Anyways, I gotta go. Talk to you all later and to someone who knows my xanga site. read my neko one. cause yeah...whomever knows it just keep it to yourself. Anyways, I gotta go...shit bell...bye
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Monday, January 9, 2006

   at sssschoool
hey everyone? how are you? whats up? I am alright, bored since I am back at school, sorry that I havent been posting for a while. Just been thinking about life alot today. Anyways, My mom is back from where she went. I dont know if I am going to get a job or not. I have to ask. Anyways, teacher is talking and stuff. I better get off then. Have a good day. Talk to you later. ByeBye. Will be online around 4pm my time....hope I can talk to someone on here. well cya. Bye!
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006

   Thats what they think is me, but are they right or wrong? Will post later also


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