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Monday, November 28, 2005
I'm fucking sick of it!!!
i'm fucking sick of it...stop fucking being that way!...stop telling me to change...stop doing what you are doing to yourserlf...stop everything and leave me alone!...leave me the fuck alone!
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
There is nothing to fear but fear its self...
stop telling me to be someone I'm not!
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
I wish....
To be hurt...I wish to cry my heart out...I wish to scream my lungs off...I wish to be hurt by something...Everything was a lie from the start! I write about how I felt. And all they did was lie to me!...I just want to say fuck you too all of them! I just want to say fuck you to the person! I just want to die! I dont want to talk to anyone! I want to scream, I want to cry, I want to be hurt...yet I wont scream...I wont cry...I wont be hurt...I cant cry, I have lost the ability to cry...I have forgotten what it feels like to cry...people say I am strong...yet I'm no where near strong...I act different to keep myself safe...I have had to many hurtful times in my life to be myself when people first see me...I wish I could just go and die...I dont care what anyone thinks right at this moment...people say that I shouldn't be like my brother's...yet it is hard at times, becuase I have to live with them all...To not act like them, then people think something is wrong...I dont understand people...thats why I now say...GO FUCK YOURSELF if you want me to change who I reall am...I am me, I am Raechel Maire Isabel Witt/Vermette, I am me. I am not one of those stupid dolls that you can dress up and change...I am a person who likes to write dark poems...I am a person who likes to listen to depressing music...I am a person who gets her heart broken very easly...thats why I never show how I really feel...I am afraid that I will just get hurt if I show who I really am...Only a few people know the real me...I am tired of people trying to make me make me forget those who have died and those who have loved me...I will never forget them...stop trying to make me forget them...they are apart of me...I cant change who I am...I cant change how I act towards people. I cant change how I dress, stop trying to make me be something or someone that I AM NOT!!! stop trying to make me like everyone else. I like being who I am other then the part that I get hurt alot....
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Friday, November 25, 2005
dont feel happpy for some reason...feeel sad...
 color="black"> PainPain hides within you and I know. It truley does hurt. You feel traped away from the world as they hurt more and more. You dont like to cry in public but when you are alone tears fall down your face and it is uncontrolible. I like to keep a sketch pad or poetry book to sketch or write all my feelings down and sometimes it helps so much I feel so much more happy. You love the moon and sometimes you just wish you could be on the moon away from all these people who hurt you.
"They have hurt me so much. I only wish they could know the pain they have conflicted upon me"
.:Your Power:.
Chrono. you control time and all its beauty. You freeze time, fast forward it, and rewind time. I wish I had this power.....
Message Me. Laters
What do you hide from the world? ((many results+Beautiful dark pictures)) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
MAN!...yes i am weid...i shall post! wont be online till to go msbn. byebyeDUDE!
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Hi ppl....well this is what happened today...I went to greg's in the morning, but he wasnt awake so i went back home and then went to CJS to work on my resume. then went home, went to travis's thingy and then came home, relaxed for a while. then got ready for my interview, which went pretty good. then went back home, then went back to CJS, saw people. Left there to go to my school. watched some weird ass movie in home Ec. And yeah now I am back home. All alone...and yeah. my day was interestng. I dont got school tomorrow. but i gotta go at 9:45 to get my report card...wonder whats it gonna say...anyways. I am listen to music now. being bored. waiting for John or someone to get online..I wonder if John is alright cause I havent talked to him in a long time and yeah...I need dont ask me to give any to you...I really wanna go to toronto this summer...well i gotta to ya later. cya..oh yeah...poem tomorrow or the day after...i think 2 poems but i aint sure yet...cya
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
its gonna cost me fucking alot to go to toronto this summer!!! Fuck! I need to save up all my more buying lunch, no more anything! its all gonna be saved up...ask me for money...your not going to get anything fall or holy shit...i need like fucking 800 bucks for more! i dont know yet...all i know is that i really wanna go this summer...but fuck alot of money!...well anyways...i gotta go plan it out more now...byebye
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Monday, November 21, 2005
hey people....
hey people. got back from greg's. it was highly interesting...he was going crazy and yeah...i had coffee there^^ same with supper...and i am home..writing some poems to some people...I probably wont be on msn or yahoo for a while...if i am it probably means i am doing work on the computer and yeah...well i am going to greg's tomorrow morning for breakfast and yeah...I dont got school on wed. and thurseday or whatever^^. then i start my work thing on the 28.^^ that would be awsome if they payed me!^^ anyways...people have been asking me what i want for x-mas...well here is a list
-A Bus or Plane ticket to toronto for the summer.
-More Money
-a new computer
-Even more money..
well thats all I want...I want something else...but its something no one can give know what I dont get is that some people tell me that I should lose some weight...yet when I try to they tell me that I should eat more. I really dont get that....well anyways I better get to bed before i get in trouble and to ya later. byebye.
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
I hate like!...I hate Love!...I hate feelings!...
Feelings are pointless, that's what I say. I was all happy and everything, till him came on!! Fuck! I will not say who. Don't even ask me who he is Greg. I hate feelings. You start to love or like someone, and all of a sudden...they fucking break your heart! Then you start to like or love someone else, then they just don't do anything to be with you. They just act as if you are not alive! Fuck, then someone else starts to fucking like you, but the thing is that they live to fucking far from you! And you start to like them back, but it's kinda hard to fucking be with them when they fucking live very fucking far away from you! I hate feelings cause they just fucking mess up your life! If I couldn't have feelings, that would be good. Cause I wouldn't feel love, I wouldn't feel sad. I would just be calm...I wouldn't have my heart fucking be broken ever time! You know what...I just hate everything right now! I try to be happy. I was happy till this all happened. And Of course, the guy that I like that lives pretty damn close to me. Won't even talk to me anymore, I probaby will never have anyone cause everyone that I fucking like, lives to fucking far, or just doesn't talk to me anymore or something like that.
I will probably be in a fucking dark mood for a fucking please don't fucking try to make me fucking happy...or say that you love me...cause I will go to your place and kill you...Now I am going to go...Don't like what I am saying...well I don't care, you can go fuck yourself for all I care...
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Friday, November 18, 2005
It's finally fixed! so happy right now!^^ lalalala...I can finally talk to people!^^ yay! Well I am going to go to CJS cause one teacher still thinks that I go there! Anyways, I am just happy that my computer is fixed and that I can now talk to John again!^^ well I gotta go get ready..I have no idea when I will be home, but I know that I will be online alll night cause I got nothing better to do...well ya all...miss ya john...
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