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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

   i wonty be online for a few....
i wont be online for a few days because my computer is messed up and it wont work and all...so yeah....just thought i would tell ya all that and yeah...its snowing and its deep and i am cold...and yeah...i shall post whenever i am at school or whatever. i hope i can get a new computer soon cause i hate mine. and yeah...i miss....John...and umm...i shall talk to you all later when my computer works on msn or whatever...dont understand that then blah on you...i miss john much and i hope he aint mad at me for not talking to him...byebye...love ya all...
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Thursday, November 10, 2005

   If i could...
If I could kill...I would...I would kill someone who i do not like...that is trying to take the most important person in my life away from me...if I could kill...I would kill them using a shotgun a few times...a knife....a bow...a car...and fire...yes i know you all think that what the fuck is wrong with her. but i just thought that...if i could kill someone i would use those things and maybe more...well...i need to get home now...i shall talk to you all later...i will probably be online all night knowning me...and yeah...bye...
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hi...how are all of you? I'm fine, just had a a thingy for rememberence thingy day...and yeah...I'm bored...lol.. I gotta go back to CJS after my school is over to give back some book to my old english teacher and all..lol. well I just wanted to say hi. I'll probably post again in a few days cause I got a long weekend and i dont got school next firday.^^ well, love ya all. byebye.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005

   hey ppl
hey ppl, how are all of you? I am at my new school now and yeah. its very interseting. and yeah...i gottta go now. i shall talk to all of you later and all. well byebye. this school is very interesting. the teachers are nice and all. lol. i didnt say bye to many people at cjs oh well. i shall later...well bye. love ya all. oh yeah....read the weird poem thingy from the other post and tell me what you think...well bye. love ya all!^^ and I mean all....
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Monday, November 7, 2005

   Thing that I wrote....
I try and I try.
I try to think with my heart and not with my head
You have no idea how hard that is..
I hate making you feel pain...I hate making you feel sad...And that is all what I seem to do when I am with you...
As hard as I try, I cant seem to be able to not make you sad or make you feel pain...
I try to think with my heart and not with my head...I try to forget about all the stuff that is going on in my head and listen to my heart....
My mind says that I will only bring you pain and sadness, But my heart says that I will also bring you more love then either of those....
Why does it always seem like I am the one who is making us be this way??
Why am I so worried about what I say to you?? Why cant I just talk to you and not be worried??
I try and I try...
No matter how hard I try...
I am sorry for how I am...
I am sorry for how I acted...
I tried so very hard not to be that way....
I love you for you...
I am sorry for everything that I had done...
I made you feel pain...I made you feel sadness...
When I didnt want you to.
But I cant help it I just do....

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Sunday, November 6, 2005

   My room...is mine again!
HI! how are all of you? I am happy, I have no idea why though. I've been happy for like...9 days now.^^ No one can make me not happy....lalalalalala....yes I am weird. I was just at Greg's place today, help him rack, had coffee...watched some movie kinda...then watched him play a interesting game...then he made dinner...and then came home after a while...and he went to Ginter's place to pratice. Anyway's, my room is now mine again! They took all of my brother's Greg stuff outta there, so now it is all mine^^. Anyways...I got a dention tomorrow, and the day after. Tomorrow for only 30 mintues...then the day after for a long time. Well, I am going to post on my other site...the one only greg's knows about and all...so bye! be happy!^^
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Friday, November 4, 2005

   hey ppl.
hey people whats up? how are all of you? I am at BJ's place for a while now. and all, Greg, Ben, David and of course me are here. well i am having sooo much fun right now, i just told rachael off!^^ so happy right now. well I was happy all week for some reason, dont know why. lol...i gave the note to greg to give to him...(p.s greg is awsome!) anyways, i wonder what he says about the note...if he says nothing, then ok, if he says something. then alright.

Well I dont realyl got anything to write anymore, other then that I told Rachael off! which felt really damn goood. I love DRAGONFORCE!!...anyways, I am watching them play pool and all. well I dont know what to say other then that I probably wont be home at all this weekend cause I am probably doing stuff with Greg and all, Ginter is grounded so they cant really practice. Ginter cant go anywhere, but Greg can go there to practice cause they got the War Child thing coming up soon.

And no to the people who keep asking me if I know yet if I am going to the other school, I do not know. they haven't told me a thing, they haven't told anyone anything, which is annoying me very much and all.

Yeah I guess this is going to be a long post but still, I shall add a poem later maybe soon, its for someone but I dont want to give it to them and all. people keep asking me who I like and all...lol. Greg just made a sucking noise and all. cause I always suck down my coffee or whatever when I am at his place and that I have a straw and everything. lol.

Well I better go back to watching them play and all, I shall post to ya later and all, I shall post on my other site tonight when I am at home so greg can just get to read that one later. or something. lol.

OH! I am going to rack with greg tomorrow at his place tomorrow. anyways, BJ says HI!...and BJ is a girl...lol...bye! love ya all!...and yes I am weird!...

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Wednesday, November 2, 2005

hi people, whats up? in comp class now. yeah...i am writing him something which i dont know if i will give him yet...i may, i may not..well i better go. i shall talk to you later...byebye...and shut up greg with the hehe ------ then his name...well i gotta...bye may not come home after school, so yeah...bye
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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Sup?! my cousin had a baby girl today!!!
HI! how are all of you? I'm alright^^ happy^^ bored^^, I got nothing to do but I am still happy. Dont really know why. lalalala, Yes I am crazy lol. My cousin had a baby girl today^^ she now got 2 girls^^, I dont know what to write lalala. I'm doing nothing for halloween, going out no where like always, well I better go...and damn greg for finding out who he is...i shall kill you all...lol. yes I am weird!...bye!
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Friday, October 28, 2005

   DANCE!!! GRINDING!!!! Front and back!!!
I just got back from my school's dance! It was soo much fun! I danced with Kairo alittle,Kayla twice,Kendrea(sp?)...ALOT...I mean a LOTTTT! I love dancing with her! Shes good at dacing...wait not good, GREAT! Grinding is the best! Then of course...I saw a guy that I like...and he was looking at me dance with Kendrea...though...not as much as I would have like him to watch. It would have been better if I was dancing with him or whatever...Though,I dont think he would ever want to go out with me cause I'm like younger and shit...

anyways,MY LITRE(sp?)is now fucking ass big flame! OMFG!!! Its so awsome!

I dont know why I even have a "crush" or whatever on him,I dont really talk to him and all...No one knows who he is...

Well anyways,more about him later maybe...back to the dance now,I have purple/pink/black hair! With GLITER!(sp?)!!!! Greg was awsome! pink! gliter!!!! I got gliter all over me now...lol...my head is covered in it!^^ Well anyways,I had soo much fun! I was not hitting on her! I was trying to hit on him but it didnt work out...he wasnt listen...oh well...I better go. Bye, have a nice night, or day!

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