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Thursday, October 27, 2005

   Hooker me!
I'm a hooker today, my hair ispurple, and yeah..i gotta go now, well write tomorrow after da dance. bye. hooker go me!
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

hi ppl. sup? i really got nothing to say..other then i dont feel well and yeah. we just had a fire drill how fun. yeah...i still need a skirt for halloween and then i am done my custom...well i`m going now...bye...oh i am going to the dance tomorrow cause kairo, kayla and kendrea or whatever making me...well bye...oh also so is greg...well bye
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

hi again ppl, whats up? I`m in comp class right now and yeah.i dont knwo what to say other then that my friends want me to go to the dance but i dont think i will go cause i dotnt got money. well i gotta go. bye.talk later.
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Monday, October 24, 2005

hi ppl. i really got nothignt to say other then i got a futon and i`m going to meet my talky person today...well gotta go. bye,
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

hi ppl...
hi ppl...i shouldnt be writing right now but my teacher isnt looking so yeah...just thought i would say hi and yeah, i got a meeting with some chick named kelly on monday...and then soon i shall know if i can go to the other school or not...well...i need to go...byebye...not happy or whatever...bye
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Monday, October 17, 2005

Helo, I went to have pancakes yesterday at greg's place...YUM! PANCAKES!...anyways, then i went to the mall with him to get many taco's with jesse...then ginter(sp?) came and got greg and me to go to the football game yesterday^^ it was interesting.^^ first football game ever for me.^^ ginter and greg kept looking at me!...oh never ever ever and im mean it! never have a coke can with powdered sugar!...it turns thick and yeah! i had 2 full cans of it yesterday. hmm...i got nothing else to say right now. other then that i shall hopefully go to another school and yeah, i hate my teachers. i'm getting better in math. getting worse in french and yeah english is meh...well i better go now. i shall be online till late like 10pm or so my time that is...well i must go. byebye.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

   I feel really sick...
I feel really sick right now, i feel like i am about to pass out. and no its not cause i didnt eat yet, i already eat a breakfast today, I`m in comp class right now. first class of the day. yay. lol. nah, its so boring right now. wait...that means...ahh shit! i got french last class. shit i hate that...i wish i could just kill the teacher. whatever, anyways... I feel really sick and all. my shoulders hurt...thanks to rachael...well i got to go. i just got in trouble. cya later people...
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

helo ppl. i really got nothing to say other then that people keep looking at me cause of the cut on my cheek. its just a big ass cut that is all my right cheek pretty much. lol. oh well its starting to burn right now. lol. dont really care. i got early dis today, so i should be home by 3:15 or so. depends if i go to the mall with yuki or if i stay after school with rachael. or something. lol. well i better get going. oh! i didnt do my french hw or english. well i need to go. my cut is burning and i keep coughing and shit....i got huged by many people today cause of the cut...oh well i better go. oh disturbed is awsome! their the best ever!....bye!
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Monday, October 10, 2005

   I am...
I am not going to write about the day thing anymore on this site. i shall write them on my other site, not my rae-san one...and no i shall not tell you what one or wahtever. only 2 people or 3 people know about it...well thats all i have to say...bye
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Friday, October 7, 2005

Day 3 + day 4
Well hello there people. i got most of my stuff that i need to get to the place...11 days till i go. I shall tell you all where i go later on. I'll probably write ya'll a letter or something. dont really care.

Well anyways in other news. i'm only getting 16% in french and i gotta stay after school today for math. i'm getting 41% in that class. not sure about the others.

Well anyways, I still need some clothes that are warm, and need some more food...then I'll probably write about some other stuff that i need. oh. i also need to write down the place for some people to know where i am going to go. just in cause they need to call me or something. tho i doubt that i will have time for anyone to call me or whatever.

Well people i must get to my comp class right now. i have a spare right now and yeah...i dont wanna go to math and shit. I'm probably gonna get in trouble in french and shit. dont give a fuck at all. well anyways i better go, i should be home by 8pm...i need to go see someone after i stay for math. if not i should be online earlier then that. well i better go. oh! if i am not online by 8:30pmn then that probably means that i had to stay longer with the person...well i really gotta go. bye.

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