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Sunday, June 26, 2005

   WHOLE LOTTA QUIZ!!! I love eveyone!

What Icons are for you? by ladyallie
Favourite Colour
Your Love icon is...
Your Sad Icon is...
Your Happy Icon is...
Your Angry Icon is...
Your Food Icon is...
Your Animal Icon is...
Your Random Icon is...
Your Cartoon Icon is...
Your Sexy Icon is...
Quiz created with MemeGen!

^That one is Fangs

What Icons are for you? by ladyallie
Favourite Colour
Your Love icon is...
Your Sad Icon is...
Your Happy Icon is...
Your Angry Icon is...
Your Food Icon is...
Your Animal Icon is...
Your Random Icon is...
Your Cartoon Icon is...
Your Sexy Icon is...
Quiz created with MemeGen!

^that one is Litle neko

What Icons are for you? by ladyallie
Favourite Colour
Your Love icon is...
Your Sad Icon is...
Your Happy Icon is...
Your Angry Icon is...
Your Food Icon is...
Your Animal Icon is...
Your Random Icon is...
Your Cartoon Icon is...
Your Sexy Icon is...
Quiz created with MemeGen!

^That one is Mika Seguchi

You scored as Spirit. This shows that Spirit is the predominating force in your life. You are probably one of the most balanced individuals, fairly close to enlightenment. Go be a yogi or something!











Which of the Five Elements are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

You scored as Goth. Your A Goth!



Rocker, Mosher




Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev








What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy E.c.t
created with QuizFarm.com

You scored as Goth.







Athletic Tomboy




Nerdy Girl


Popular Bitch


Preppy Girl


What type of girl are you?!!
created with QuizFarm.com

You scored as Bisexual.









Are you Bisexual, Straight, gay/lesbian?
created with QuizFarm.com

You scored as Cute. You're cute. Like a girly girl. And if you're a guy and you got this result, you must be gay. But anyway. Email me at in_the_depths_4ever@yahoo.com







Are you ugly, cute, or sexy?!
created with QuizFarm.com

You scored as Romantic Kisser. Good for you! You know how to kiss and hopefully you have a certain someone to experience a serge of happiness with. If not, it doesnt hurt to flirt kiss a little hehe. Just dont get carried away. Romantic kissing is always a plus! Kissing is an art keep it up and youll be really good! Here some tips: 1. Be ready 2. no smoking 3. start slow 4. up the intensity 5. develop rhythm 6. change it up 7. pay attention to hands 8. experiment 9. respond 10. repeat

Romantic Kisser


Yippy Ki Yay!


Your more of a class act than youre giving yourself Credit">Credit">Credit">Credit">Credit">Credit">Credit">credit for


How good do you kiss?
created with QuizFarm.com

just some quizes^^ oh the last one! the kiss one! oh oh ! I am so gonna do it like that with adam^^ hehe^^ oh oh^^ last night or the night before or whatever! I kissed Pan for a long time! lol^^ hehe^^ yum^^ I was all hyper talking to adam on the phone. I even droped the phone^^ need to save all my money now^^ for when adam comes here^^ hehe^^ well I go now^^ byebye^^ lvoe you Pan, love you Kaile, Love you Otako. Love you...ummm...oh Adam! sorry I almost forgot about you^^ hehe^^ nah I never would^^ oh and Love you Ria^^ byebye^^

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Friday, June 24, 2005

   MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME! hehe^^ I am now 15!!! yayaya! I lvoe myself! I love my girlfrend and my boyfriend! shut up I am writing fast! lol I am so hyper! yay! I am getting some stuff from my brother travis and my girlfriend is buying me whole lotty of stuff! more later^^ byebye^^ love tyou all^^ beye
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Thursday, June 23, 2005

   I fell off my bike! and almost done dress!
I fell off my bike when I was going to Pan's late last night! I was riding my bike, her sweater got stuck in the tire and I fell! I have a bruise on my thight or whatever. I have like a few cuts on my elbow, I got like a cut on my ankle and one on my knee!^^ lol^^ But than I had to go home cause her mom wouldnt let her sleep in the camper thingy anymore. Her mom is a bitch and its true. So Adam you should be happy, that I dont have a mom like Pan's.^^ Well umm...yes...OH OH OH! I am going to the EX! yay! As a birthday present from my brother^^ Hehe^^ Its going to be so much fun! Yay^^ Well...umm...what to say now?..OH OH OH! ONE MORE DAY TILL MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I am going to be....15! Yay! Only 5 years younger than Adam! Hehe! So yeah! I was born on June 24th, 1990 at 7:15am! Hehe! I remember what time^^ Hehe^^ OH OH OH! I am like almost done my DRESS!!! I like need to do like 3 things or so and than I am done! Yay! So umm..yeah! I love everyone today! Please dont get me mad, sad, depressed or anything but Happy and Hyper today and tomorrow. Yeah^^Ummm...I think I should go now...OH OH OH! my brother Greg called me a piggy^^ cause I ate 2 small like very small pizza's in the morning and then the other 2 in the afternoon^^ hehe^^ Oh Oh OH! my ring that my mommy gave me broke! the is no more stone on it!*crys* :( I liked it! Um....oh well! I'll get a new one!^^ hehe^^ well umm..I better go for real now^^ talk to you people later.^^ Love you Otako, Love you Kaile, Love you Pan, love you ...umm...*thinking to think of who else?*....umm...Oh I love you all and you know it. so Good-bye!
Sorry if I forgot you!lol^^ hehe^^

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

   I still want to die.. Adam's pic!

You scored as Disappear. Your death will be by disappearing, probably a camping trip gone wrong or an evening hike you never returned from.























Natural Causes


Cut Throat


How Will You Die??
created with QuizFarm.com

yeah I have 2 henna's now. one that means dreams on my leg and one on my arm that has a heart around A+R. yeah. I got my hair dyed again. which is like dark purple!^^ yay! also I got a pic of Adam! I am so happy now! but to tell ya the truth he needs a hair cut and some color^^ lol^^ well I am gonna go now^^ one more exam and then done! 3 days will my bday^^ hehe^^ byebye^^ love you adam^^ love you otako, love you kalie^^ bybye^^ oh yeah love you Pan...ever need anything, like a hug tell me.^^ byebye^^ oh otako...if I dont cut than you dont..and dont lie to me. promise me that you wont...okay? well byebye oh hehe^^ the picture of Adam^^ I hope you dont mind hun...I love you...sorry I yelled at you...:(
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

hehe^^ Adam is so cute^^ dont you think so? if not than dont tell me. but I do think he needs to change his hair...sorry I always change my hair...and Add colors and stuff so yeah^^ lol^^ I love you Adam...hope you dont mind^^

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Sunday, June 19, 2005

   Fuck this! so fucking pissed right now! gone to cut more!
-I give up-(feb 8,2005)

I give up on
Loving you, I've
Tried to love you
Even if you didn't
Love me. I've loved
You so much that
Everyone knew but you.
I've tried to make you love me.

Whenever I try to do something
Right, something for you. You just
get mad say that I can't do anything
Right or that I shouldn't be here.
Well you were right there,I'm not
Going to be here anymore.

The only thing I ever wanted in my life
Was for you to love me as much as I loved
You. But I can see now that it will never
Happen. I am going now. The Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">knife is
So close. I feel it against my skin.
I finally gave up on you. I give up on
Loving you, even though I still do.

The Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">knife is the only thing that
On me. not like you. when you gave
Up on trying to be nice to me, you started
To yell at me, hurt me, everything that you weren't
You made me give up on loving you. You made me do this.
I have finally decied to just give up on you.
I finally give up on loving you.
I give up...

-Waiting-(Feb 5.2005)
I am here, waiting
For you to call
Waiting for anyone
To call. I've been waiting for
All my life. I am tired of waiting.
All I ever do is wait for people.

Now I am sitting here
By the phone, waiting
I can fell the Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">knife on
My hand, its touching
My skin, my wrist
Its so close. I want
Someone to phone. but
No one will ever...Never.

The Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">knife is so close.
It is waiting like I am
I cant wait anymore
I take the Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">Knife">knife.
I feel my blood.
I close my eyes...now I hear
The phone, I'm to tired to get it.
Tired of waiting but this time
The phone is ringing for real
But I dont want to wait.
I close my eyes forever.
Tired of waiting...

-Love/Hate-(July 8, 2004)
Why do I hate him?
Why do I love him?
Why does he bug me
But I still love him?
I cant. Why I just say
That I love him?
Why do I hate him?
Why do I love him?
Why does he bug me
So much but I still
Love him as much?
Why cant he just
See that I love him?
Do I have to tell to
The world that I
Love him?!
Why do I hate him?
Why do I love him?

You love me-(March 15, 2005)
You love me but you
Dont really know who I am.
You think you do but have
You ever looked inside me?
No, you never have. You never
Took the time to get to really
Know me. You think you do...
You think you love me but
Really you just loving it that
You have someone to finally love.

You love me but you dont
Really know who I really
Am inside. All you see is my
Outside. my shell. not my inside.
I always wonder if you love me for
Just having someone or if you
Really love me. Whenever I ask that
You kiss me and say " I love you for
You." So whenever you do that.
I want to think that you really do.

You love me but I think
That you only love the thought
About you having someone to
Care about you. I think you never
Really loved me or anything. Please
Tell me that you really love me for
Who I am. And dont lie to me
Please tell me that you do
Really know who I am. because
I know I love you and I truely know
Who you are. You are my love.
My true love. My only love. I love you
Do you love me as you say you do?...

Those may be old poems but thats how I feel right now! I'm pissd off at someone and they know who they are! I dont really even want to talk to them anymore! Know what...Damn them! I dont give a fuck anymore! I waited all night! fuck that! I feel like crying now but I wont! I cant cry over that person! I wont! I wont! I...wont...damn! fucking hell! I am! I dont feel like talking to anyone! I dont want to be loved by anyone either! I...I...dont love anyone anymore! I dont love anyone! no one for me! I shall die alone...I want to die right now! hell I already started to cut myself again. but hell! no one cares! they just say they do but they really just want to get me alone! fuck all that shit! I dont give a fuck! I need a smoke! fuck all this shit! fuck them! fuck everyone! I should be happy cause I got my hair dyed again and it looks awsome! but I'm to fucking pissed! And they damn fucking know who they are! who cares! I am going! fuck all this! bye! gone to cut some more!

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Saturday, June 18, 2005

   meaning of the bracelets^^ and I get to see Adam on the webcam^^ hehe^^
You all know the bracelets or whatever that means stuff. Well this post is just that. Lol. So yeah lets being^^ lol
Our first up is... BLACK!!!
Black means...Sexual intercourse
Blue means...Blow Job...or Lap Dance
Green means...Outdoor Sex...or Hug
Clear means....whatever you want...or Hug
Orange means...Kiss
Yellow means...Hug
Red means....Lapdance...or French Kiss...or oral sex
Purple means...anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">anal">Anal Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">sex...or holding hands...or doggy style
Sliver means...Fisting
White means...Flashing...or gay kiss...or French kiss
Pink means...Flashing
Gold Glittler means....Make out.
Brown means...Toss my salade
Glow in the dark means...using Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">Sex">sex toys, eg. vibrators, dildos, ect...

yeah...thats all what I know^^ lol. yeah...Adam like the orange one...lol^^ so do I^^ these are the ones that I have.

The number's mean how many I have^^ lol^^ so yeah^^

what to talk about now^^ I went to the fair thats near Kayla's house and got a fake tattoo. I dont remember what its called...anyways...I got a heart on my arm. And it has A+R in it^^ I think you guys know what A means^^ and R too^^. If not A means Adam and R means Raechel^^ me^^ and Adam^^ hehe^^ well I am going to go now^^ byebye^^ love you adam^^ oh yeah^^ I get to see Adam on the webcam later today^^ yay^^ hehe^^ byebye^^ love you all^^

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Thursday, June 16, 2005

   My song the first one. dont have a name yet. than Adam's
Every day and night I think of you,
You are the only thing that keeps me
From doing something really stupid!...
Your love is the only thing I need to keep
Alive. Every day and night.
You make me happy when I am sad.I love you with all my heart.
This love that you give me is making
me think that I should be with you forever.
This love that you gave makes me
think of you no matter what I am doing.
The snow that is around me,
makes me think of all the times we had together.
The rain makes me think of all the times when we were playing outside.
Everything makes me think of you
. You are the only thing that keeps me from ever doing something
Stupid and making you mad at me.
You are my love. you are my heart, you will always be my heart.
Every day it is the same.
Every day and night I cant and
I wont stop thinking about you!.I love you.
You are my only thing I need to live...
Will you be there for me?
Will you let me love you?
Every day and night I will be there
For you. Every day and night
I will try love you. I hope you let me
Will you be there for me when I need you?
Will you let me love you when you need to be loved?

Adam's Song

It's a new day rising under the sunlight into the moonlight.
It's a new day for I get to see you from sunlight to the moonlight.
Your love for me is just like the sunshine for others.
Your eyes are as clear as the moonlight at night.
It's a new day rising under the sunlight into the moonlight.
Everytime I see you. Everytime I kiss you. I cant get wait to get more.
To me you are like the sunlight. To me you are the only light that I ever,
And will need. To me, your the only thing I need to live. If I ever have,
To say good-bye to you for good. I dont know what I will do. I'll cry from,
Sunlight to the moonlight and than once again. You are my Sunlight,
You are my Moonlight. Your eyes are as clear as the moon.
Your Love is just like the sunlight for others.
It's a new day rising under the sunlight into the moonlight.

I hope Adam doesnt mind me putting this up. and also I hope you like it. God my back hurts, my arms, and also my jaw! damn them all! why did they have to take me like that when I woulda just walked with them?! damn! well byebye...
I hope you like the songs. if you have a name please tell me...bye...

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

back hurts. so does my arm and also my jaw! oh well. tomorrow I am posting the song I wrote and kinda Adam's song. I hope he doesnt mind. Damn! I hate them! Stupid assholes! stupid for hurting me! I woulda went even before they did that! jerks! ...bye...love you everyone...bye...
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

   Where is Adam? Oh yeah! I am gonna be a Anuty! or whatever!
Where is Adam? I am worried about him, where is he? I havent talked to him in a while...I miss him...

In other news, I am going to be an Anuty! my brother's girlfriend well shes going to marry him this august so yeah^^ I am going to be an Anuty! Yay! hehe^^ But the thing is that Adam is coming here when they are going to have the wedding^^ I am going to have to spend a whole day without him! I dont want my family to know about him right away...or something. lol oh well I miss him...I wish I could talk to him now...

I need someone to tell me everything will be alright...I am so scared right now...my arm is killing me! but I told Pan that it wasnt! I am so freaking scared to walk home! They want to see me again! I dont want to see them! ahhh! I am going...bye...love you Adam. love you Kalie, Love you Otako^^ Love you Pan^^ Love you more Otako lol^^ Love Adam too^^ Otako hope your bf doesnt mind me saying that^^ byebye^^ love you^^

Adam! where are you?!

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Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Awsome stuff! Kawaii! where are you?!

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Monday, June 13, 2005

   This post is just to say how much I love Adam^^
Helo^^ this post is going to be a interesting post^^ well its mostly just for Adam^^ why you may ask. Well to tell you the truth I dont know why^^ I just wanted to write a WHOLE post just for Adam^^ hehe^^ to say how much I love him. how much I miss him. how much I wish he was here right now. Okay..well I love him so very much. I miss him every mintue of the day even when I am talking to him. Yeah I really wish he was here right now...cause I need him to protect me. I wish he was here cause I miss him so much. I wish he was here cause I love him so much. Well I dont know what to say right now^^ All I know is I am way in love with Adam and I wish he was here.^^

Anyways I missed the morning cause I was and still am sick a little. Well I am about to go home now^^ see you all later^^ byebye^^ love you Adam^^ I am kinda scared and I hurt a lot! but...well byebye...love you Adam...love you Kalie^^ and Love you Otako(if its alright I say that)^^ byebye

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