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Saturday, April 30, 2005

   so I have been thinking...
that I should change some things around here...but I cant seem to find a good background...and I cant find a good Avi...the one I have now I just put it up for fun...it wont let me put this neko one...that is sooo kawaii^^ well I am gonna be online all night so if you have my yahoo or msn...talk to me^^ well byebye^^ love you all^^ oh yeah...Taxi and without a paddle are good movies^^ I watched them with my brother and my mom^^.

Oh yeah also in other things...when I was on the phone with Adame today...it was weird cause my mom and brother came home and Travis(brother) took the phone from me so I could go upstairs and it got funny and weird^^ and when I came downstairs. my mom said "why didnt you bring the phone down with you? and you left that poor boy on the phone hanging." he heard it cause my brother picked up the phone...lol^^ thats it^^ if you are on and wanna talk to me. I is online all night^^ if not night night^^

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Friday, April 22, 2005

Toona's Music Codes

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Monday, April 18, 2005

   Oh yeah...
Adame is coming here this June^^ For my Birthday!^^ YAY! I cant believe that I didnt post it, anyways...I am gonna wear a dress that I am making...and I never wear a dress...but if I am not done it by then..I will were something else...maybe a shirt and a skirt... well I have rugby today...but I dont know if I am gonna go...because I was riding my bike yesterday or something and a car almost hit me but I turned and I hit a pole with my side. :( oh well I must be off...byebye...love you all. love you adame^^
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

   Am I cute???
Do I look cute??? or anything like that??? I am asking everyone cause adame says I look cute and beautiful, so does Pan, Yuki, colin and andy, Cody, David. and others. please tell me that I dont look cute. please...well thats all byebye.
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Thursday, April 7, 2005

   I may be getting...
I may be getting a new computer^^ isnt that good^^ it will be faster and stuff^^ Also Kawaii Adame may come to see me in july, august or september^^ yay^^ well I have to go, still at school and I have to do work^^ talk to you later people, if I dont post its because my computer is being a bitch. it doesnt really work right, the net I mean. well bye. love you all^^ love you kawaii adame^^
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Monday, April 4, 2005

Welcome back Adame! I've missed you alot! I even wrote a poem or 2...or...3 or something like that. Anyway, I missed you a lot. I love you so much^^ Oh yeah, btw you kinda scared me when you phoned twice in 2 days! ^^ hehe^^ anyway, I missed you and welcome back^^ talk to you on MSN later. after you sleep and I get some rest^^ Love you.^^ I woke up at 2am! and didnt get back to bed! Arg! anyway, see you later people. I love adame^^ I missed you soooooooo much^^
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

hey go to this site^^ http://www.mechc.com/vampirefreaks/index.php?p=page&x=21880
its a cool site^^ thats like my profile but like sign up and stuff^^ its cool, if you like vampires^^ umm...I am gonna probably post like umm 4 poems tomorrow^^ well umm bye^^ go to the site please^^ and have fun^^

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Sunday, March 27, 2005

   Getta meet Rin today^^
I getts meet Rin today or tomorrow or whatever^^ mer and Yuki have a plan when we go meet her^^ I am gonna be all hyper and stuff^^ well I go to bed now^^ I found adame^^ hehe^^ well bye^^ love oyu all^^ love you adame^^
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Saturday, March 26, 2005

   quiz...wheres adame???

Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice:Chicken McNuggets
Your Favorite Target:Mall employees
Your Kill Count:239,868,394
Your Battle Cry:"My kidneys tingle with pleasure!"
Years You Spend in Jail:12
How Much Money In Damages You Cause:$632,709,911,934
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 65%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

wheres adame? can anyone tell me? I really wanna know! please I is worried...

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Friday, March 25, 2005

   wheres adame???
Adame??? where are you??? why havent you answered any of my pms? or been on msn? or anything??? wheres adame??? I miss you a lot. But where are you? I is worried something happened to you...where are you? if you read this please come on msn and talk to me or anser my pms...pweez...I should be on the computer all night...pweez talk to me...wheres adame???...
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