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Thursday, March 24, 2005

   sorry I didnt post the poems^^'
Sorry I didnt post anything yesterday!^^' I couldnt get near the computer really yesterday, I had to walk home, and I got home at 5pm(took longer then I thought normaly takes 25-35 mintues)and I got to talk to Adame for like 15 mintues after my brother finally let me go on, then I went to a Rugby meeting with my mom, and then we went and got subway(had to walk all this time)then finally came home, and I got to go on the computer, I talked with adame again, then he was tired so was I, so we say byebye, and he go sleep. I stay up for a other half an hour, then I go sleep. but I wasnt on the computer then, and I couldnt find those poems that I wanted to post.^^' Well anyway, thats all me have to say^^ I will try to find the poems, they should be in my blinder or something. Well I have to get to Rugby practice, its not even time but I need to get ready and stuff.^^ its only 5:25am and I need to take a bus at 6:36 to the mall and then walk the rest of the way and than go to school, and by then it should be like 7:05am. Practice starts at 7:30am but we have to be there at 7:15am. Well bye bye^^ love you all^^ love you adame^^
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

   gonna put up 2 poems that I did tomorroe.
Like it says there. I am gonna put up 2 poems that I did before. right now I am tired and about to go^^ bye^^
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Monday, March 21, 2005

Have you ever had a time where...
Have you ever had a time where the person you loved the most was in danger or something like that? And you felt all numb inside? like you were empty? Or felt something that you never knew you had? Well I did...I felt it late last night. I never knew I could ever feel so empty, cold, numb, and every other feeling I thought I could never feel...well thats all...
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Sunday, March 20, 2005

   Watch out...or I will tackle you...Rugby style! lol
I learned how to tackle someone Rugby style! its cool! I also learned how to fall the right way. its knees, hips, then shoulder. The way you tackle is like you go for the other persons thighs and like hug them there and you put your head to the side of their hips and you push with your shoulder and you hold onto them and you guys fall over. its soo cool! I cant wait til we really start to play! I just know that I will break my nose again^^ lol or maybe I will be lucky and I will break something else^^ lol. well I need to go rest my knee. it hurts! well I shall talk to you later^^ I is glad you dont hate me.^^ well bye^^
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Saturday, March 19, 2005

   ...everyone is gonna hate me after this post...
like it says there...everyone is gonna hate me after this post...even adam...eveyone...I even hate myself...God do I hate myself for what I just did...Okay, well...I guess I should just start for the starting...Okay, well some of you know how down I have been for the past 3 days or so...well ummm...I went into my brothers room...and...umm...took...hes...umm...knife...and then came down staries and umm...started...umm...to cut..myself...there I said it. I wont say how many times...even though adam will ask me...Adam you hate me now? if you dont wanna be with me anymore...I will understand...I think I need to go somewhere get away from here. like go to like somewhere. anywhere but here...I take it you all hate me dont you? I guess you all do...well..umm...see you later maybe...thats all I have to say...cause now I know you guys will all hate me...even Adam...everyone will hate me...I even hate myself...bye...
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Friday, March 18, 2005

   Loner... I think this is really me. a loner...

What Kind of Girl are you? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

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   I is so happy for Yuki^^
I is so happy for Yuki, Yuki and Rin have been together for a month now^^ aint that great? I think so^^

Well anyways to things about me^^ lol. Well today I slept in, and didnt go to school because I am sick. So my mom let me sleep in and stay home^^ isnt she just a good mommy? lol Anyways...hmm...nothing really happened, I have a friend coming over today cause I have to watch her for the whole week-end, but I'm sick so its probably going to be really boring. I hate the meds that I have to take now. I cant swallow though I normal can, its just that for some reason I cant now. so I have to take the thing and like pour it out and then drink it. it taste grosse! Anyways. I hope I get to talk to Adame, we havent talked since 2 days ago...I really miss him. I hope nothing bad happened to him, or anything...well I better go cause I am feeling a bite sleepy cause the meds are...I dont remember, well see you guys later^^ love you all^^ love you adame^^ love you with all my heart. bye

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

   first half of post to Adame, other to everyone^^
Its alright hun^^ I know you didnt mean to do that. I know that you love me and will always love me^^ I is so happy that I have you^^ You seem to make my days go better ever day^^I love you and I forgive you^^ dont be sad or anything. I know you didnt want me to feel that way^^ I love you Adame^^

Ok, Well I should be in bed now cause I have to wake up at like 5:30am cause I have to take a bus at 6:36am to be at school at 7am for a Rugby thing. I am going to join Rugby. I didnt want to this year but Pan is making me go in it. I just know that my back is going to hurt even more once I start to play it always does, I cant even plat basketball without my back hurting! ahh whats wrong with me?! Anywho thank you for liking my poems^^ I have more but am to lazy to put on now lol^^ well I better go and get some sleep dont want to be to tired^^ Well love you all^^ love you adame^^ I is not mad at you^^ I love you^^

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

   poems...hope you like them^^
-People all their life-
People all their life
Try to find that other one
Their true love. Somepeople
Find them, some think they have
But they really didnt and some
Just dont even try. So they die alone
Or just find someone who is
"Important" to them to their lives.

People all their life
May love soemthing that
Seems important, something that
They cant live without it.
But they can even find what is
Important. True Happiness.
They think that they do but
They really Dont. They live their
Live thinking that they do.

People all their life try
To make everything their's
But in the end, everything
That they ever had will be gone.
Some people may buy it, or sell
Or something.People all their life
Try to find happiness but in the ens.
They only find it when they die.

I have already found happiness
I already have everything I want.
I have already found that other one.
People all their life look for it. I already
Have it. I have found my true love,Who
Loves me truly. I love my true love with
All my heart. I love everything about him.
I love you.Never leave me please...
Dont make me one of the people that try to
Find true happiness again...never leave...

-You love me-
You love me but you
Dont really know who I am.
You think you do but have
You ever looked inside me?
No, you never have. You never
Took the time to get to really
Know me. You think you do...
You think you love me but
Really you just loving it that
You have someone to finally love.

You love me but you dont
Really know who I really
Am inside. All you see is my
Outside. my shell. not my inside.
I always wonder if you love me for
Just having someone or if you
Really love me. Whenever I ask that
You kiss me and say " I love you for
You." So whenever you do that.
I want to think that you really do.

You love me but I think
That you only love the thought
About you having someone to
Care about you. I think you never
Really loved me or anything. Please
Tell me that you really love me for
Who I am. And dont lie to me
Please tell me that you do
Really know who I am. because
I know I love you and I truely know
Who you are. You are my love.
My true love. My only love. I love you
Do you love me as you say you do?...

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

   ^^happy ^^ happy^^
I got to talk to Adame on the phone^^ it was interesting^^ he keeped trying not to laugh^^ and I was being weird^^ even though I am sick^^ well thats all^^ bye for now^^ oh yeah I am going to put some poems up that I just did^^ I lost the other poems that I said I would put up long ago^^ they got wet when I lost my poem book.^^ oh well these are new ones that are better^^ cause I seem to write better ones since I've been with Adame^^ well I shall put them up tomorrow if I feel better^^ well see you later people^^ bye^^ love you Adame^^
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