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Friday, March 4, 2005

I dont remember what I was going to post. I forgot a lot todat, oh yeah I had to do this project or whatever for schum, god it took all lunch soo I only got to drink my pop and it had to be fast! I hate that teacher! her voice is soo squeeky! god! kill me now please! I dont like that teacher she can go to hell for all I care. everyone hates that teacher. anyways...I had an interesting day...but like me I cant remember a thing...oh yeah! I got 100% on a test! go me go me go me! it was in french and yeah it was on verbs and stuff...well I need to go, cause...I dont remember why...lol oh yeah cause...umm...I...umm..*thinks*...Istill dont remember! ahh *hits my head* all I am thinking about is how much I hate that teacher and that I wanna kill myself cause shes such a BITCH!!! anyways...I may go into singing next year^^ I'm soo happy cause...ummm...I dont know why cause I cant even sing but my friend is making go into it casue I dont wanna be in band anymore so I have to go in that as she says, well I really need to go and do whatever I was supposed to do^^ bye everyone^^ Ja ne! love you all^^
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Thursday, March 3, 2005

OMG!!! today was such a funny day! GOD! I still cant stop laughing! lol. I was scaring everyone at lunch! lol. I was all like jumping up and down, I scared Pan, Yuki, Tohma, Colin, Andy and others! lol ok first off...I was sitting on a lege thing where we normaly are, but it was only me there anyways...yuki and everyone came after and I was drinking my pop can. I put it down so I could get something from my backpack. and I took out a book things, were I write everything like poems, and I gave it to Pan so she could read it, she pushed my bag, and she made it hit my can drink and it went everywhere! I was sitting where it all went! I pushed Yuki out of the way cause he was in the way and jumped down before I could get anything on me and yeah...after that...I just went crazy! lol I jsut went crazy. I cant tell yuo how I was it was just soo funny. I scared everyone! lol anyways...god I cant stop a laughing! lol I got called fangs today by my friends new bf cause that was the first things he noticted...lol so for him I am called Fangs cause his gf has same name as me but in french so yeah. anyways...I better go^^ see you later^^ if you wanna see a pic of me go to my site Rae-san and you shall see my school pic...well byes. love you all^^
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005

   My day.
God was my day funny. Pan was soo funny. she wouldnt let me stop laughing even tho we would get in trouble. We did get in trouble in one class...stupid teacher doesnt know how to have fun, and that teacher wasnt even teaching us cause we were in computers. I mean we were in the computer room to do some work. Which as you can guess...I didnt do! lol anyways...back to why Pan was making me laugh. she said something which I dont remember...wait now I do. she said "Mika, I know some nasty words." LOL! I couldnt stop laughing, it was funny cause the way she said it. nasty words! lol. she said "no no no no!" I burst out laughing again! lol, I tried to say without laughing but didnt succed that but I kinda said "Pan, you know how...wrong that sounded?!" she said "NO! I meant Bad words in like spanish and other things!" I burst out laughing again cause it was funny! she looked soo funny!...Anyways...in Band, GOD! that was soo funny! I was going to get a pencils or whatever from her thing. anyways...I just keeped opening and closeing it cause I was bored in band and she whispered to me "stop playing with my zipper." God you should have seen me! I just burst out laughing! GOD I was like red from laughing! I couldnt stop laughing. Pan was like "eww stop thinking that way you know I only meant my pencils thing!" I keeped on laughing. But no! Pan found my weak spots, Well she found out my mini-weak spot. then I told her my mega weak spot! how stupid could I be?! Anyways...How I play a Saxophone, she was like pushing the bottom things and she said "you know that you better get that thing away from me before I go after it in a wrong way." LOL! that was funny. And she said soo many fun things that I dont remember them all well I do but its to much to put...lol! she said I looked like a cat in band cause I like hissed at her and I looked like a cat cause of my fangs or whatever. Well I better go before I die of laughing! lol. byes. ja ne! lol! dont play with my zipper! lol
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   Its..its its its its....CHOBITS!!! or CHIII!!!
ITS CHIII!!! my background! dont you like it? its good? I like it, it goes with color and stuff. I like chobits! its a cool background. but its not better then Rob Zombie...anyways..please read that poem that I did, it took me 2 days just to get it right. thanks...see you later. I love my background dont you? well Ja ne! read poem please...ja ne!
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I'm going to change my background maybe tomorrow...thats if I can find a good background. Anyone have any ideas to what I can change it to? Thanks.^^ byes.
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   poem I said I would post before
the *'s are the persons name...but not really the right long or whatever. it can be, it cant be? I wont say cause I dont want to do something wrong to make the person mad or anything. ^^ I hope you guys like it^^ if you think you know the person pm me dont comment cause again I dont want the person to be mad or whatever. well love you all^^ see you later today.

-How Lonely?-

How lonely can I get when there are
So much people around me? I can
Get so lonely that I start to forget who I am.
I've tried to hide what I felt about everything
And everyone, mostly you.

You don't know how lonely I can get when
I try to hide my feelings for you. How lonely can
I get around people? I can get so lonely that I start
To scare myself, afraid I will never know who I am anymore.

How lonely can I get just knowning that my
Feelings for you and everyone will never
Be told because I could never trust myself
To tell anyone, not even you the one I love the most.

Do you know how I feel when
I'm talking to you? Do you know
How much I just want to hold
Your hand?To just hold you?
Do you know how much I
Want to comfort you when you
Are sad?Or to have you comfort me?
Do you?Of course you dont.No one
Knows how lonely I feel or how I even feel.

Do I ever try to runaway from this
Lonelyness?Yes I have tired all my life.
I've gave up. I'm to lonely to keep trying.
You, my love, can't even help me
Because you dont even know who I am
Anymore,You dont know if you like me
Anymore, not like before.

I would give it all away just to have you
With me. I'll give it all away just to have
You with me. This is me lying to myself
Cause you will never be with me, your
Love maybe the thing to take me out of this
Lonelyness place, the shadow's so near.

I'm lying to myself for thinking that you
Will every love me the way I love you.
I'm so lonely because I can never get out
Of it. How lonely?So lonely I scare myself.
All I wanted was you to love me but I know
That will never happen. My life be to lonely
To stay here and try to fight it.

I'll give my life because I know you will
Never love me, no one will love me, I know
You were the one, but now I gave up
Everything for you, the only thing I have
Left is my life, Which I will give up also
How lonely can you get with so many
People around you? You will never know
How lonely I would get, you will never get
That lonely like I did, I hope that you will never.
I love you, *******, with all my heart.
Good bye , til we meet again.
How lonely?...

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Tuesday, March 1, 2005

   hey people.
hey people wassup? nothing here I have to go...wait I mean I am at school now...lol. Well I dont know what to write...umm...I'm feeling better then yesterday. ^^ thats good no? lol sorry I'm hyper cause I barly had any sleep...its weird I know. lol anyways I got to walk to school, normal I get a ride but they couldnt come and get me so I just walked instead of taking the bus. now I cant really feel my legs...lol anyways...I better go...I'll post later today^^ I promise^^ I'll put that poem up too^^ and Thanks Again Toki^^ And you too Big bro Adame^^ byes everyone.
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Monday, February 28, 2005

   hey everyone again...
hey everyone...again...I should be in bed...again but anyways...just thought I should say that tomorrow I am going to post up a poem that I did for someone...I'm not going to say their name cause they may go to this site and I dont want to embarrass them, and also I dont want to hurt their feelings or anything. So yeah, thats pretty much all I want to say...oh yeah to Toki, I shall have to maybe wait again for that poem you said you would give me it today. well I am sick and I should be in bed, so I may not get it ^^' well either way, send it to me in a pm if you can^^ thanks...byes everyone. have a good night or whateve...I wish I could go outside...lol anyways...byes^^
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   sick and hating it.
hello...*cough cough* I hate beening sick! I just woke up to. Its like umm....1:25pm now. Thats late kinda. so how are you guys? Good I hope. Well anyways...wow, I just went Dizzy there. I should be in bed now, oh well. I really just wanted to say that...I dont remember...lol. Anyways...I hope yall have a good day, and that ya aint sick like me. I'm always sick now. I hate it, but then again it is good also cause you get to miss school...even tho that isbad for me but whatever...well I gots to go before my mom finds me out of bed...well have a good day yall. see you later maybe. byes.
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Sunday, February 27, 2005

Somewhere I belong. by Linkin Park and also....Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
I know it may sound weird but oh well... their good songs...lol well have a listen...byes.

Video code provided by MusicVideoCodes.com

Video code provided by MusicVideoCodes.com

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