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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

coming bak home
i am coming back home tomorrow! i can't wait i miss everyone, but i;'m moving to lethbridge but yeah...i wonder if i have a job or anything...well yeah that's all i'll talk more when i get home ,byebye
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

   Hey all!
hey all i'm in lethbirdge Alberta! I'm moving here next month to live with my brother, sister in law, and nephew. and next year i am going to be moving into their ummm...damn whats the word....garge? lol i can't spell shut up...lol anyways i got a sun burn on my shoulder and i got a 12g ring in my lip not a 16! omg it hurt to pull and yeah....omg the pool is awesome here....and yeah...but anyways i'm getting my own computer here and yeah...i'll talk to you all later. byebye
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Monday, July 24, 2006

hello everyone
hello everyone, how are you? i am fine. Thinking about my trip to Calagry now. Not to Toronto now :( But whatever. I've been working lots to try and get money. I have enough money to go there, I just need more money to come back. But yeah, people are worried about me going, but i'm still going to go. I just have to tell them. I am leaving August 1st. comeing back hopefully 19th. Anyways, I have a boyfriend now. which i don't want. so i'm probably gonna dump him. I mean like people love him and everything. But I feel nothing for him. Anyways. I don't know what to say anyways....I'll talk to you all later. Pm whenever and i'll try to answer. Cya
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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sorry that i haven't been updating alot. i've been working alot, and been stupid also. I won't say what. but yeah. I probably won't be getting my tattoo this summer, I keep fucking spending my money. Anyways. more later. byebye
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Saturday, June 24, 2006

   It's my birthday!!!! I'm 16!
I'm 16! Finally! Happy Birthday to me! So much happening today. lol. I can't wait! *dance dance* I love my necklace that my mommy and daddy gave me. It's a sliver chain, with a heart and 16 under it :) I will probably post in a few days of what I all got ^^ Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! And don't make me hit you on my bday. lol. dance the night away, lol Well I gotta go now:) need to get ready to go out! Byebye! Have a good day! and Night! LOVE YOU ALLL!
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Friday, June 23, 2006

omg tomorrow is my bday! YAY! WATER PAINT FIGHT! LOL 16! FInally! lol bye
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Saturday, June 17, 2006

   Fun fun
Fun fun, last night was fun fun. Lol. Yes I'm weird. And bored. Lol SO much fun last night...lol I'm gonna go now! byebye!
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Sunday, June 11, 2006

I am so confused about everything that is going on in my life. First, my stupid dumb ass brother, dumped his awesome girlfriend, cause he can't get over his ex! I mean sure, she was his first lover, and everything. But she moved on, and so should he. Sure she moved on, but she will never forget what they did. He should move on but he won't forget. No one forgets their first love/lover.
Second, is that I am supposed to take this pills to make me happy, and some pills that are supposed to help me sleep. But I don't want to take them. But I am depressed and what not so I should take them.
Third, I am confused so much about feelings. I hate them but whatever. That I am not going to say there.
But anyways, Today I went to see Greg and his band play at some thing, they were awesome. Then i went to the mall to return and get new pants. And then came home and now i am on the computer. but anyways I am going to go now. So talk to you all later. Have a nice day/night. Take care.

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Thursday, June 8, 2006

Thrown to the ground
Like my love for you
Never to be found again

Thrown into nothing
Like my love for you
Never to be back again
Lost till the end of time

Thrown into darkness
Never to be light again
Never go be found.
Lost till light comes back
Never again

Those are just some things that I thought of. some said it's sad, some say depressing. think what you want to think...bye

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Friday, June 2, 2006

Fuck her.
Fuck Ashley, she thinks she can call me a bitch and get away with it. That's fucking it. I don't fucking care. I'll be a bitch to her all I want. Fuck she is staying in my room, and fucking taking my shit. Like fuck why the hell would I take her money when I have a job? and she fucking bugs the hell out of me to get money. Fuck she talks way to fucking much about Rejean. FUCK! go fuck him then. Fuck, it's Rejean and I did this. Rejean says he is gonna do this..FUCK! I DON'T CARE! fuck you think I don't care about anyone. Fuck that's a lie! I care so much about everyone, that I'm fucking depressed again! But you got your head so far up your ass you can't see that. But whatever, I don't care. I don't steal shit. now bye people
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