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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

   Party. lol. Went to a concert last night
I went to my very first concert last night. It was WarChild, it was awesome! I even got a fucking hoodie! Awesome! I love Status red. Their awesome, and they go to my school. Fuck wearing hooker boots to a concert is not a good idea. But whatever! I had fucking fun! anyways, I gotta go right now. I'll talk to everyone later! I'll name all the bands when I can. lol. So look for another update soon. bye! Love yas all!
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Monday, May 29, 2006

I give up
I give up on him. I don't care anymore. This time I really mean it! I give up on him. Sure, if he wants to go out with me sure I might say yes after awhile. But whatever. I give up on him. I'm like crying. Jen is telling to not give up. To talk to him myself. I want to talk to him myself...but in person, not on the phone. I'm crying cause of everything going on...I'm really crying...but no one can tell...Whatever I think I should go before I say anything more...I'm writing on my other site...bye
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Sunday, May 28, 2006

I want to talk
I want to talk to him, but he doesn't want to. That means alot. For me to talk to him. For I never want to talk to anyone, about what's going on. Anyways. I'm going to go now. Since I just got back from work, and I'm tired. Oh well more later. bye
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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Why do you do this? Your hurting me...by not telling me anything, your hurting me by lying to me. Why can't you just tell me the truth?...Why can't you move on? You seem to hate me now. Everyone seems to hate me now...Maybe I'm just over reacting...cause I haven't been sleeping...Or Maybe it's all true. That everyone hates me. That you, Keith hate me...I don't know what to do anymore...
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Friday, May 26, 2006

mother fucker! I hate what you are doing to me...fuck off! get over her! she was fucking two-timing on you! now fuck off! either do something about it or not! mother fucker keith. jerk
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I am sad, I'm not hiding it anymore.
It hurts from hiding it. And not hiding it
I don't know what to do anymore.
I thought I was strong, but I'm not.
I'm scared, I'm worried. I hate feeling
Like this. People don't know if I am happy
Or sad. I don't know what to do.
I don't feel like writing on this site
Right now. So I'm shutting up...like I should
Have already done before...

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

I hate fucking being compaired(sp?) to her! fuck! I hate it! I'm me! not her! now fuck off! I don't care if she is hotter. I don't care if she is happier, I just don't fucking care! You just compairing me and her, makes me sad, cause i thought you truely cared about just me! not about compairing me and her! FUCK! STOP COMPARING ME AND HER! I"M ME NOT HER
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Friday, May 19, 2006

my nose is broken...once again.
yesterday I got my nose broken again. this time by a shoulder. It was Alex's shoulder, we were fighting, like fooling around, and his shoulder went into the side of my nose and broke it. So in total, that would be the 5th time. oh well. I knew it was going to happen again. lol Anyways last night was shit, my friends got drunk. and thought it was a good idea to go out for a walk. my mom wasn't home, since she went to go party with her son on his birthday. and she came home drunk. and we coudln't fucking find alex, josh, or ashley, ashley's cell was turning off. so last night me and Sarah, stayed up worring about them. then they came, they got yelled at by my big brother. then they came inside and went to bed. me and sarah stayed up till 7:30, cause then sarah then left. but she feel asleep at 6:50 and i woke her up at 7:25. but then I stayed on the computer for a while. then I went to bed around 8 and woke up at 2. but oh well. my nose hurts and i woke today at 8 till 11. anyways, I am going to go now, talk to you later. cya later people.
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

fuck guys!
Fuck guys! fuck relationships! I am not fucking going in another relationship again! so fuck off people!
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I wont be ok!
I wont be ok as much as you want it to happen!
You should have learn from now! I am not strong as
I seem to be! I wont be ok, I never will!

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