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myOtaku.com: Mika-Seguchi

Thursday, February 1, 2007

What happened January 31st. 2007
Alex, Lucas, Travis, Are my brother's. Tracy is next door neighbour.
well me and alex were in my room, he was on the phone, i was watching tv. we were talking to loud, and we woke up the baby, and lucas came in my room slaming the door, yelling that we woke him up, I said whatever. he went to get his son, then slamed the door again, saying thanks for waking him up, then i said whatever fuck get out. I went to shut my door to get him out of my room when he pushed me into my closet with his son in his arm, yelling at me to never fucking swear in front of his child. which he was doing, and he pushed me against a glass picture and it broke, cut my back alittle, then he left. i phoned my mom trying to tell her but i couldn't. so I yelled at lucas saying if he can break my things i can break this. broke his dvd player(which was already broking)and went into his room, just pushed the tv over and then Travis came in the room and pushed me down on the bed and held my wrists down for about 10 mintues, we fell to the floor and he wouldn't let do, kept yelling at me to calm down, and he finally let go when i told him if he didn't let go i'll have an asthma attack, then i went next door, and Tracy kept me there and she wanted to hit both of them, mostly lucas cause he came next door, complaing that i woke up the baby when he pushed me and everything, and then i went to the childrens hopsital, and yeah now i'm sore and everything, Back home too

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